Production: Theatre Trident, Quebec, Qc
Text: Luigi Pirandello
Director: Marie Gignac

In the rehearsal room Octave Crémazie Grand Theatre de Quebec.
Jasmuheen You know we made the joy of coming to Paris in July.
Given the many exchanges I have with a majority of you, I'm sure the new below will enchant you as it is asked for further transmission of the program Prana quickly.
Indeed, the extent and speed of current developments and the latest information received by pipeline, incite Jasmuheen to focus on its mission: to awaken and raise the collective consciousness and prepare and support our planet at its dimensional transition.
It refocus the topic so that it intended to address during his 2010 tour in Europe in this respect to introduce ourselves:
Here and Now:
Living Prana
the Language of Heart
Always of 2 to 6 July 2010
A House of India (RER Cité Universitaire and T3)
7 boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris
detailed program and price list below
Now is the time for us all to increase his personal rate of prana, and its power in transmission of prana the world, so we build together a world where hunger does not exist, where harmony and peace prevail among all beings and all life forms.
For the record, Living Prana -''This is not a diet - it is a personal and planetary ascension. We are multidimensional beings and with access to unlimited food source (prana, chi) that is within us, the same source that flows through the matrix of life. This river of prana acts as a glue that secures our creations and helps us to demonstrate in order to increase the ratio of Grace in our lives. Meditation gives us access to the delicious silence of our depth and we can feel the pulse of prana lives in us and in everything. Staying focused on the essence of all creation prana what allows us to ascend and transform us. " (Jasmuheen)
[download the document "Embassy of Peace" and other documents on the site: www . selfempowerementacademy.
After "Living Light" (Editions Lanore) and " Ambassadors of Light "(Editions ALTESS).
The third book translated into French Jasmuheen " The Food of the Gods " published in French in the current 2010 Editions Lanore.
Program - unchanged - in July 2010
These whole days in the presence of Jasmuheen allow us to provide current frequency planetary ascension
and anchor them here and now.
Always beautiful guided meditations, sound (his own music) and movement,
accompanied by stunning images of masters of archetypes and portals of the sacred.
Mini workshop
Friday, July 2 19h to 23h
Doors open at 18:30
Rates: Single € 35, € frame 55, student € 25
Stage 4 Days
Saturday 3 to Tuesday, July 6 from 11am to 19h
Rates: Single € 460, € 770 couples, student € 370
Stage Weekend
3 and July 4 from 11am to 19h
Rates: Single € 230, € 385 couples, student € 185
Language English with consecutive translation in French
If you wish to register, there are a few places,
or if you want to book a room in a hotel near the course:
Contact Sophie Testut
E-mail: sophie.testut @
Tel. + 33 (0) 9 50 91 01 22 (cost of a local call in France)
Mobile / GSM +33 (0) 6 86 95 34 23