Friday, October 22, 2010

Good Costumes For Crutches

October 22, 2010


See yourselves as columns brightest lights. See THE LIGHT THAT YOU ARE extend upwards to infinity. See LIGHT anchored in your beloved Earth and settle in its roots.

Message from The Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild October 22, 2010

Blossom: Hello up there. Well, it was certainly good to see your presence "patrol" in New York. This has encouraged many brains to think. Do you have something to say about this?

The Federation of Light: We have many to say. We strive to help your world everything is coming in the next few days and can be said that what has been seen around these days was actually a minute for the event will take place. You feel that it was challenged as soon as we begin our introduction of a more favorable manner.

Blossom: The more favorable to what?

The Federation of Light: For the ease with which we allow the souls of your planet who are not aware of our existence, to be able to feel comfortable when they see us in your sky.

Blossom: From what I saw on the videos, it does not appear that anyone was afraid, rather excitement.

The Federation of Light: And it is also our intention. Quickly, the visions that are "taken with the camera" will increase to a degree that everyone discuss their own views on the matter. They are easily able to have that discussion openly these days due to many factors that led to this position.

Blossom: Me as I am sure many like me, I thought of all these phenomena, and this means that ISL. I tried to imagine a world in upheaval after the initial and at a time when we all bathe in the''Love''. Sometimes it really seems like a fantasy, and yet our hearts seem to know that it is a truth.

The Federation of Light: How is it that our communications with you and through you are able to reach so many people? Do so many choose to cling to a fairy tale ... in despair because the world in which they find themselves living? Or is it perhaps more likely that their souls have found the path to our words, that their hearts and their literally led to their truth? Everything we talked about, you Just remember what you already know. That's why so many of you feel A when connected with us through the pages you send. That's all we do ... you send memos. Keeping you in touch with your home.

Blossom: Like postcards .... If I had to send you this news would certainly''fair weather, if only you could be there!''

The Federation of Light: Allow to integrate this with you more deeply. Many people are in communication with those outside worlds. Many people think they are and they are not. Many are those with knowledge to "pretend" to be elsewhere than the earth. These transitions are set up expressly to bring to confusion and scare. That's why we INSIST you in this time a very important point. LISTEN TO YOUR OWN


Many things in the coming days will affect you to such a degree if you choose not to do this. Yet, we tell you that if you stand strong in the knowledge of your truth, you will not fall for these fears of the head and heart, and this will not allow your vibration to be broken. You see? This formidable banter is designed to do exactly this ... to keep the vibration down. You all work so diligently to raise your own vibration and yet you let yourself fall so easily into the pit of despair because of something you have read or heard something that you have received, even if you were in a LIGHT atmosphere. You see how it's designed? Do you understand, our Friends of the Earth, what we're trying to express? STAY IN YOUR


is the most crucial moment. It's time you knew there would be "hesitant". You've prepared your soul for these events. Yet many of you ... with all due respect to our souls, have forgotten. You know those times. You have been informed JUSQ'AUX fingertips that this fear will be taken on many. And yet ... REMEMBER ... You KNOW that you recognize and you made a pact with yourself saying that you hold firmly in your light, so you do not let yourself be mastered by an energy so low.


See yourself as columns brightest lights. See THE LIGHT THAT YOU ARE extend upward infinity. See LIGHT anchored in your beloved Earth and settle in its roots. Position yourself firmly in the LIGHT that you are and let the rays in the position where you can see. Knowing that it goes beyond the ability of human visual and touch that you do not even need to be aware, you just need to know that it is.

Practice this whenever the thought occurs to you. You say''I AM AN ANCHOR FOR THE LIGHT OF CHRIST.''

Blossom: I must interrupt you here if it flowed so beautifully ... but have you ever talked about "Christ" and it took me completely by surprise.

The Federation of Light: And yet you know that we love?

Blossom: Of course ... nothing else.

The Federation of Light: Well, do not we say it's the same thing. We smile at your energy at this point.

Blossom: Well, it's just that everything goes into a new game, right? Many wonder your thoughts on God. Now a good time, right?

The Federation of Light: Get ready to energy will happen. When a soul on Earth no longer resides on this particular planet, there are a billion different scenarios that may occur due to the different position of each soul in which it is located. However, without doubt and without exception, when a soul leaves the physical vehicle, it is made aware of the divine. This also can occur in many forms, but it can not be denied this soul of the ultimate FEELING OF LOVE EVERYTHING. LIGHT The ultimate of all. This DIVINITY ... This Compassion ... Understanding this ... LOVE this ... This is what many of you called''Christ.''

We want you to understand that it is understood by us that the name of this light is not what is important. What matters is the absolute respect and Compliance with this Supreme Deity.

Blossom: Yes, and yet for me ... and this of course is just my truth, abridge how I came to this KNOWLEDGE if we could not spend the day on it ... MY GOD ... from my perspective ... is ENERGY OF LOVE THE MOST PURE AND THE MOST DIVINE. One way or another when we speak of "Christ" I think of a person.

The Federation of Light: THE LIGHT OF CHRIST ... is not a person. It is a LIGHT. This does not mean that many souls have descended shall we say ... very High Kingdoms at specific points in your story ... coming Indeed directly from this divine light of Christ.

Blossom: Do not we all just her?

The Federation of Light: Each and every one of us.

Blossom: So with all due respect, what is the difference between those who come directly and say ... I and all of us, the average person?

The Federation of Light: The eternities! And there is much to say about it. Because, you see, there are positions chosen. It has everything to do with energy. And when we say "all". we mean by it "ALL". Because, as you rightly have come to understand ... GOD ... by means of expression ... is ENERGY PURE LOVE. And this ENERGY PURE LOVE IS DIVINE. YOU WILL COME. YOU CONTAIN. Yet, it's complicated! For when you are in different levels of vibration thereof, you're not in full force.

Blossom: That's a fact!

The Federation of Light: How we want to be able to be understood at a glance what that PURE LOVE. And yet, where you are at this moment, you are so many hidden truths. Yet, we tell you ... in all our knowledge ... this does not happen in the coming days. Therefore we "conjure" not to believe ... but knowing that you are BEAUTIFUL BEINGS DIVINE. The human shell in which you reside, as you know, is just a convenient vehicle to accompany you home and your soul during this earthly journey very necessary. When there is not acceptable, you're a free spirit. There are no thoughts that relate to the confusion, there is only your mind ... your soul ... Is that YOU LOVE and everything is accepted and understood.

There are large quantities in this context that we can share and yet you already know. YOU ... who you are so courageously volunteered to lead this experience. YOU who you are put forward for the scouts. Continue to be illuminated. Walk with courage in your Light and your Love. For it is not long before making the turn and everything changes perspective.

Blossom: I know that's enough for today. Thank you. All of us to you all. See you soon! In Love and Light. xx

Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild - JAPANESE


Original and Translation of the Galactic messages are available

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Will Tech Deck Trucks Fit A Wood Fingerboard

October 12, 2010 September 29, 2010 The

Send your light to all. Anything else on your planet. EVERYTHING that is life ... on earth ... all that is life anywhere .... Everywhere ... is you.

Love life itself because you and all creation comes from it.

Do everything the same way.

Do not book your greater love for those who you think deserve it. Give love to ALL.

BE LOVE for ALL. And when all understand this ... you raise in your new world.

Message from the Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild

October 12, 2010

Blossom: Here are the bits that I received in the few days before a correct transmission this afternoon.

October 10, 2010

Blossom: Today is 10.10.10. From what I said is an important day for our planet because the higher energies of light can pierce Portal 10.10.10. That's cool. Although if the weather did not exist, I'm a little confused as to how these dates occur etc. ... I guess it's birth ... but there are many things that confuse me and I think it is better to drop these questions and accept what is ... is. Have we really need to know all the answers? I learn to let things go their natural way and go with the flow. So I'll shut up now and let you take the floor.

The Federation of Light: At the present time on your Earth you have found that there is a large gap between what some of you know to be truth and what others know to be Truth . Through this transpires many questions unanswered, leaving the mind full of confusion, as you said. And yet, we ask you to release the spirit of these questions. In the sealing between the Truth and lies, little space is available so that the TRUTH IS THE TRUTH simply. If one were to move towards a state of mind where all things are left to settle and adjust themselves, then you will find that the wheat is separated from the chaff without needing the help of your thoughts crowded. By stabilizing the heart for him and allowing him to feel what it is ... he becomes himself alone.

Think of something you love. Feel the LOVE. Really feel it until it becomes a tingling sensation in your entire being. It is YOU. You when you're alive and not distracted by other considerations. That is what we ask you to do on an ongoing basis so that in the coming days, no effort is required. The thought of Love need not be reflected. Because it's just you is yourself ... all the time. As you trust your heart to beat in order to guarantee the breath, we ask you to have confidence in yourself to love to keep you ...

Blossom: I waited for a word to finish this sentence ... the connection has disappeared. I tried again on October 11 ... nothing!

October 12, 2010

Blossom: Well, here I am again. Third morning. If you are here ... Well ... if not ... then that's fine too. So .... Eh .... Are you there?

The Federation of Light: We're here.

Blossom: Wonderful. QYes you want to discuss today?

The Federation of Light: We would be tempted to talk about what is about to take place. What many of you have looked at the consequences. What many of you had a huge pressure on the spine at times. We assure you, most dear souls from the Earth that the proposals in this period were deeply shaken because we only want a correct result. Lately, many people who felt dissatisfied. The delays seem like an eternity, and yet they say they are simply the next moment from now. NOW in which we respect and honor those who have remained steadfast in their love for themselves and for their planet. There are many around and within your world that would have you believe this is not the Truth. There are those who condemn you for what you know in your heart to be the Truth. Congratulations to your courage. We tell you that you have succeeded in this part of your mission. You have learned to understand the nonsense proposed by others to dissuade you from what is your divine right to discover. What is within you. What IS you.

You've waited a long time what is about to occur.

Blossom: Connection lost!

Later, on October 12 in the afternoon. I felt being given a nudge, so I gave a sign and we're off!

OK I'll try for the second time today because I feel you are ready now. There seems to be a lot of fear mongering (what's new?) With respect to Earth Dark Forces for a''staging''of an alien invasion, or dark energies attacking our planet to take succession. What are your words of wisdom ... my patient friends ... you have for those who ... with all due respect ... continue to swallow these "things"?

The Federation of Light: We would not say otherwise to what we usually say. Why do you fear? It's similar to watching what you developed in your movie world ... what is written in the title ... "Horror movie.''When you look at it, you have fear before the scary part comes because the box in which he came ... you said you warned that this would be the case . From your perspective as human beings ascending to a higher vibration of light ... even if you're aware or not ... your heart will notify you immediately what you are about to read / listen to few simple words ... and yet ... your choice ... you continue to read / listen. We believe that we can not add to what we have already indicated in earlier communications with you. Focus on Light. Read and listen to things from the Light to keep your place / space of a vibration that brings love and happiness ... joy to the soul. How could he, our dear beings, with all this talk about the Ascension, with the promises we made to you, such an invasion take place? Think about it seriously. Use your wits and do not let all this ... we think you will say ... gibberish ... destroy what brought you to a place and you do well. Let go of trying to make sense of this avenue corrupt as some have chosen to follow. It is not for you to judge why or how these things can emerge. It is not for you to judge another, in any form. It is however up to you to realize that, this time on your planet ... more than ever, as we pointed out before you consider ... it's a time when it is of utmost importance to value who you are and that you are the LIGHT. Hold strong to KNOW.


Stay strong in knowing who you are and leave no dislocated as the cons-truths to lower your energy. This is the neutralization of these suggestions and if you choose to be engulfed by the disorder and remarks formidable and opportunities that others choose to communicate, then you undo all the good you've done so far. This is what the soul's darkest hope your planet. If you fall into this trap, you allow them to take their grip on you.


Blossom: Yes ... I understand that. And I think many others too. It's so easy to slip here and there, especially if these new frightening just someone you trust as a Lightbringer ...

The Federation of Light: Whether you qualify as Lightbringer is a matter of opinion. For how can one be a Lightbringer, if they provide any form of fear? The words have a poignancy in your world. Yet, with Love ... in love ... we say ... have not we asked that you dropped the word "default" and allow the heart to take the first place? Authorize the FEELING that you have and then give priority to what you're talking. It is indeed essential for you to Earth, if you carry out your mission successfully "UNDERSTAND THIS.''What is your future depends on your feelings about the outcome. If you have chosen to fear and listen to the propaganda, then you watch in the spread of it. ... But we must understand that we are asking from the deepest part of who we are, you remember in the days come, stand up, take heart in love.

Those of you who have awakened to their truth within themselves have done for a reason. Front of others. So you can be beacons of light. Show the way to others who are afraid. You ARE AWARE OF THIS. You will feel ... as you say ... in your bones. Every part of you ... in an instant ... include your presence here on Earth at that time. The progression of the Ascension say "hello" to your soul as it presents itself in a unique way. Your souls will recognize their purpose. This recognition will allow anything that seemed mysterious to be discovered. Everything that made you wonder why you're here and what you are doing here is like a blinding flash of light ... and when the eyes adjust ... the path is clear. This demonstrates the importance of following what your heart says. NOT the heart of your neighbor ... but the space of your own heart. As everyone will remember their purpose and everyone has a job to do. And it will become clear when the excitement will fade and the matter will be carried in hand with the grace of those who listen with their inner self wisdom. Do not confuse the words Untruths with words of truth. And how is it done? Sure ... asking the heart how he feels about the particular words. You know the drill ladies. It is now time to act on what you KNOW to be true.

Blossom: As I write all this for you, my heart feels a kind of pride ... sort of honor as if you make a speech to your people ... as a commander will preach his armies ... kind of thing. I felt so strong and ready to go.

The Federation of Light: And that's what we hope. We hope each of you that we are able to achieve, are ready to perform your duties as the sun rises in the new dawn.

Blossom: Well, my friends, we all here feel that you have for us ... I know everything what must take place during the many new dawns, there is an army of us ... thousands and thousands of people who are ready for a long period. We do not know exactly what our human form we have to deal ... but we know that our souls soon as it starts. And we will do everything it takes to help those who do not understand. For the sedative cœusr of those who woke up recently. We are ready ... many of us ... we really are.

The Federation of Light: All we ask is to stay in your TRUTH ... DURING ALL THE TIME. If you this fear can not take root. Hold your swords high into the sky light. You are warriors of Truth. Soldiers of Light. Leave this light that you are, what you've always been ... shine at all ... showing the way forward and make the dark energies powerless to succeed. Send your light to all. Anything else on your planet. EVERYTHING that is life ... on earth ... all that is life anywhere .... Everywhere ... is you. Love life itself because you and all creation comes from it. Do everything the same way. Do not book your greater love for those who, according you deserve it. Give love to ALL. BE LOVE for ALL. And when all understand this ... you raise in your new world.

Blossom: No words ... Hope you can feel my heart. In love and grace.

Again ... I just want to remind you ... I am only the messenger!

Translated by: Milna

Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild - JAPANESE -FRANÇAIS - DEUTSCH - CHINESE - SPANISH – DUTCH – PORTUGUÊS

Original and translations of the Galactic Messages available on