If you continue in these last days of the old world of broken heart by what you see around you, then you will still get his heart broken by what you see around you.
Breathe deeply several times and change your thoughts to something more cheerful, and imagine the souls affected by a particular disaster, laughing and loving again.
Bring change in thought . It is so important. We want you to see through what happens ... which is ongoing.
BE euphoric ... to all those around you ... everywhere.
BRING THE THOUGHTS OF LOVE in moments where you find it much easier for you collapse in tears for all who suffer in many ways.
bring light to that circumstance or situation. Pour YOUR LIGHT on site and those who suffer.
Message from The Federation of Light channeled by Blossom Goodchild
The January 20, 2011
Blossom: A happy hello to you my friends. In this world of mine who seems to fight on several levels, it would be great if you could talk about things that lift our spirits, giving us a bit of wisdom to help us in these difficult times. Thank you.
The Federation of Light: It did find a formulation for indeed it is our intention as always. It would not be appropriate for us to do otherwise, because our only desire is to serve you and allow those of you on the Earth plane who wish to remember his true self Supériuer, which in turn, of course, allows each core to serve all.
There seems to be of concern on issues related to all sorts of weirdness going on in your world. Again, we only ask that you focus on what we have offered you. Focus your thoughts, through your heart and let yourself be guided by love through every moment of your life. We are aware of our continuous support to this regard and yet we seems imperative that you understand all that's your love that changes the vibration even your planet NOW ... and therefore, we must recognize that what is happening NOW is what creates your days to come. May we repeat some advice?
Blossom: By all means.
The Federation of Light: There are so many people who choose to remain in a state of fear, even if offered alternatives. One thing we can not do is make choices for an individual. It will not work. We can only persevere and that we know will help greatly. That's why we came. To help you understand LOVE. There are so many people who have questions about what will happen or not happen in the next years of your time, and yet have we not say that the path of your world in your days ahead will depend on you ? However, still many of you are wondering what will happen to them. Does the sky fall? Is this the end of the world? Black is black? Is yellow and white?
What will be each soul is what she wants to accomplish in the creation of his mind. You see? Is YOU, YOU ALL, creating thoughts of Love .... putting into action these thoughts ... BEING in these thoughts ... confirm that the way that your world will take. That's why so many other spheres have chosen to be part of this glorious change. To show you that the Light that you are is what should be the guiding influence in your NEW WORLD. We can not and must not create it for you. Yet by the purest of love for our family that we took upon ourselves to continue to influence your people in a way that serves the whole "JUST BE" what IS.
Release anxieties shaped by man. For many of you now recognize that it is enough to see what they are. You are more than human is not it? You are so much more than what you believe. You have chosen to undertake a trip of this magnitude in order to bring about a world with a bright future. You, who have suffered much to reach this result, must recognize that NOW in your finest hour, you align with the new vibration assistants and colleagues through this New Dawn is currently stand. The promises made to the soul of his Higher Self are coming true. The achievements that occur in yourself on the level of soul stun core of your being. Because you wake up to your truth.
YOU KNOW. YOU CAN FEEL. Yet it is at this crucial time, you must also recognize that there is a devious plot to thwart all that is done by those of Light. Many are aware of this. Indeed we do not want to give energy and attention, because you learned that by doing so you just feed the energy of those selfish souls lost. Unfortunately they occur on the propagation of fear and darkness, and for each of you that allows for even one moment, falling into their trap, you undo so much good has been accomplished. That's why we continue to reiterate the importance of remaining steadfast in your light and your truth at all times. Now you know better than to think for even a second, subjects that will lower your vibration. Be alert our dear friends. Be alert. STOP ... PLEASE STOP charging energies that are not used.
We can not understand, we find it hard to know why you're doing, yet you've grown in your own understanding. WHY? Why would you continue to feed the darkness when you KNOW it's only the LIGHT that will take you to the New World. This does not resonate well with no us. However, we do not have human form. We appreciate this and, therefore, what may seem quite plausible to us, can not seem to like you because you live in energies that we do not assign. That's why we talk this way at this time. Because we want you to understand our words.
FEED ONLY LIGHT. ONLY BE LIGHT. Drop each atom which does not shine through love. You wish to enter a world that is the most beautiful dreams. You want all wars cease. You pray for those who leave your planet because of a lack of food are never forced to return under such circumstances. You ask for deeper wounds of your heart that so many things change. We tell you .... ''So, make those changes. Create the world you want.''
If you want a world full of laughter, then laugh more. If you want to be quiet as you walk along in the wild when ... Be peaceful as you walk along the wild. If you want a world without weapons, so do not give in any thoughts or energy to firearms. Do not focus on what you DO NOT WANT. Just give intense thoughts about what you want. Behave how your New World should be.
When you were kids, you're playing. You're creating a world imaginable. If you liked a particular fantasy, you return to the same "place" several times. The location and history as it is expanded giving more time. This is all that is required of you now. Return to the child you are. Be the one who plays and who becomes wrapped up in this world of playfulness. Make this world a place where you choose to stay more. Rate it if you deem it necessary, whatever you want is your new world. Write the script. Draw the landscape. And most feel the reality of this world that you create. Use your imagination. Imagine how you feel in this NEW WORLD ... and hold that feeling .... ALL THE TIME. Catch you when you focus on what does not serve you or someone else and BE SURE to turn it into a feeling of love ... ALL THE TIME. If you want a world to be nice then you should become one ... ANYTIME.
Climb over feeling sorry for yourself and your world. You find these provocative words is that cheap Blossom?
Blossom: No, not at all ... I love it. I think we are in need of a kick in the proverbial! Please continue ...
The Federation of Light: If you continue in these last days of the old world of broken heart by what you see around you, then you will continue to have the broken heart by what you see around you. When your being is struck by the sadness of a "catastrophe" especially when BECOME aware fueling this sadness those involved does not help. Find your strength in this moment of recognition. Breathe deeply several times and change your thoughts to something more cheerful, and imagine the souls affected by a particular disaster, laughing and loving again. Bring change in thought. It is so important. We want you to see through what happens ... which is ongoing.
BE euphoric ... to all those around you ... everywhere.
BRING THE THOUGHTS LOVE in moments where you find it much easier for you collapse in tears for all who suffer in many ways.
bring light to that circumstance or situation. Pour YOUR LIGHT on site and those who suffer.
SEE YOU ... SEE YOU ... DO YOU SEE? This is your Light that makes the difference for them. If you cry with them, you''feed''which is not helpful. This does not serve. We are not asking you to lose all sense of compassion. On the contrary. By being strong and giving the Light that you are compassionate.
Blossom: I feel an urgency in this wisdom.
The Federation of Light: Dear souls who have become so close to us. We love you all .... WITH PASSION. We know that in ALL circumstances, the most .... the maximum we could do is offer our love to you. All we ask is for you to do the same thing of you.
What is before you can confuse and bewilder those who choose not to see through. LISTEN to your heart beat. In his rhythm speak your Truth. If it is not about the pace, listen to his feelings .... NOT your mind ... NOT your fear ... because do not you just decided that in reading these words today ... fear will not be part of your being? Did not we just felt that many of you ... if not everyone .... simply took the decision to ALWAYS HAVE A RULE OF LOVE and focus solely on creating a world of love ahead for everyone?
Blossom: Yes, I think you're probably right!
The Federation of Light: So all is well and everything is perfectly as it should be. We're getting there ...
Blossom: Where?
The Federation of Light: The exact location is necessary for your jaw drop in awe. We send all our eternal gratitude for having taken account of what we have to offer in means of "enlightenment." Our desire is to feel the love each of you, when all energies, which must now disappear, cease and that the light can be absorbed by one to another, as is the recognition that everyone is just part of that other, expressed in a variety of event together.
Blossom: Cheers my friends. Everything the doctor ordered! In love and with gratitude.
Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild
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