Saturday, January 29, 2011

Build Forts On Mount And Blade

28 January 2011 20 January 2011

Let every breath you inhale and exhale is Only in the knowledge that the more sincere you proceed to THE most incredible moment that your souls have never known.

Think with your heart. Think of your heart. Log into your heart every moment. Be your heart. Find yourself in it.

Because it really is where your soul while you're on this Earth. And is not it time now? ... and everything is in the timing ... for you to be there and find the higher aspect of YOURSELF?

The YOU who is about to go out to awaken others. For in being love, there's not a soul who can deny that you could be anything.

January 28, 2011

Blossom: Good evening. As usual, I really thought about things. As usual, I thought about my relationship with you. As usual, I always return the same result. To have confidence in the fact that you find appropriate to talk about is probably information The most important thing we could have every time we connect. So, again, as usual, I put myself in your hands ... despite the fact that there are those who feel that you should bring us much more information about situations that occur on Earth at that time.

The Federation of Light: We thank you for respecting our wishes and we also know that even if sometimes we can provide you with words that seem to be repetitive ... we are aware of our plan and why we do it. For those who find our communications with you a bit stiff, so of course we just hope they find their way and satisfactory answers from other sources that are available to them at that time. What we want you to keep in the forefront of your mind is that we, as we have often repeated, are here to help you. Provide your BE what you will and so will all. Not that we are indifferent to events and issues that seem to create many social problems, in fact, this is not the case. Yet, we bring you REALLY want that can raise and increase the frequencies of all persons involved in this huge change that awaits them.

we do not find it very useful to clear up words that can be easily destroyed and twisted, so that there is only confusion and doubt. We wish to offer you the knowledge about yourself. That is our mission. It is therefore necessary to stick to what we find most useful for you.
Blossom: And it suits me very well. Sometimes my mind wanders off the path and I may be influenced by things I read or heard, then I doubt my work with you. As can be easily misled. But the best thing of all is that most appropriate time, someone writes to me using the exact words I needed to hear, even if they are not aware of what I feel. It always makes me smile because I feel that you probably have some influence in this.

The Federation of Light: We do not see you lost and confused. Especially when we are concerned. Yet we know that for every one of you is your own journey. We can not take these steps for you. We can guide you, we can consider what action to take for best results be reached, but we can not make your choices for you. If you let melt in your hearts ... instead of as you so often ... allowing your spirit to take control ... you really think you had walked a mile when you thought taking a few steps.
Blossom: Okay. So what's today's topic? Oh! Just a little thing if I can? More and more of these Pillars of Light seem to appear in unusual places and now have unusual shapes ... even the weather experts say it is not normal. A few words about this ... if you could?

The Federation of Light: We are more than aware of the critical information that appears to be given as news of fact, what is "ridiculous"
Blossom: What do you mean by "critical information"? Sorry, I'm a little confused by that statement.

The Federation of Light: In this, there are those who are ostracized for what they know is the truth and that is the case. Yet unfortunately, in your world for a long time, what IS THE TRUTH has been swept under the rug and trampled heavily. One might suggest that those who you "talk" with regard to climate change and many questions about what happens or what does not happen, are no more than "ownership" if we can it mildly. So much of what you assume to be issues "important" then "actually" are far from that. You ask us why, others will ask why we just do not get talked about a more "honest and factual." We are incapable of falsehood. Yet what we know to be true is usually best kept to a time when those who should announce what is really happening, are able to do so without hearing "from other sources first."
Blossom: What, do you mean you? The Federation of Light: Yes.

Blossom: Why?

The Federation of Light: Because what will be revealed is of such magnitude that, for those who choose to know and accept it as TRUTH is ... if you want ... already 'Forced' to get some information from some souls. It has been decreed. And it's not for us to interfere with certain plans. If we have to reveal what is to come before the time when it is most appropriate to be revealed, we do not only deceiving, but also ourselves.
Blossom: So is this why there, you keep silent about many things that I ask? For it is not for you to say?

The Federation of Light: Yes.
Blossom: Good to know. It clarifies why many of our conversations went as they went.

The Federation of Light: We ask that you accept there are things we can offer and other information that we can not. Again, we reiterate our position. We're here to give hope. Although we are aware that some believe that "hope" is what "shortage".
Blossom: Hey, I'm lost, in fact I understand the sentence. That means we need hope, because we do not like the situation we find ourselves? (Lack of something)

The Federation of Light: This is how some see it now ... But for ourselves in our position, we want you to always water with rays of hope. Because in that time is upon you when we feel that there is hope there is strength to continue. We "hope" that we continue to offer "hope."
Blossom: And I hope you too! Then back to the pillars? I know ... I am a bit cheeky!

The Federation of Light: We love you like that. And indeed, we are happy to be back on track. We have been asked by you before, if these pillars have to do with our "tactics". What we choose to add is that we can not only influence power structures, we are able to justify many phenomena that your world "delisted" as anything other than what it is ..
Blossom: So .. These are the pillars of you ... ? ? ?

Federation Light: We note your frustration and we smile with your smile. We would say they are influenced by us. We would also like to say that due to impending conditions we will find that there is a difference between the pillars of light that are influenced by us and those of us directly.
Blossom: Oddly enough the ones I saw recently, though apparently different, unusual, they still lack the "typical" of what you showed me in my mind when you talked to them first time. I feel that there will no doubt appear when your pillars. I FEEL we will know.

The Federation of Light: For the sake of those of your earth, for these definitions. How many times have we said there is a reason for everything we do. It can not always be understood by you and we understand that as a result, much confusion and doubt can be created. Yet here you are, dear Blossom, still talking to us.
Blossom: And here you are dear Feddy's (the Fed.) Telling me about it! Sometimes I wonder if I could be demoted and someone with more qualifications for this position could replace me. I certainly would fight for unfair dismissal.

The Federation of Light: We smile and there are things we would like to say about your position that you're preventing us to say.
Blossom: No, it's just me that keeps me from writing it. I understand and I thank you. Then continue ...

The Federation of Light: We have repeatedly used the phrase "Hang on to your hats." During this year of 2011 you will take more why we have talked that way. Yet we still want to amplify the ...


"Do you understand" this? DID YOU KNOW ... the deepest place in your heart? We ask that you work on this issue seriously and conscientiously. Let you know the depth of who you are ... that ...


There has never been and there never will be. Fear does not exist unless you decide to give it life. Therefore choose NOT to give it life. Do not give him a moment of your precious breath. Every breath you inhale and exhale is only in the most sincere KNOWLEDGE you proceed to THE most incredible moment that your souls have never known. How can you fear this? TAKE NOTICE that everything is going and all that must take place in your time to come, are part of the blueprint DIVINE, which will cause the downfall of those who have for so long underestimated the power that is the LOVE.

Connect with your heart in a new way. Know your heart and its qualities. For when you do ... it will allow you to enter a new understanding of who you are. These things we CAN tell you this.

Think with your heart. Think of your heart. Log into your heart every moment. Be your heart. Find yourself in it. Because it really is where your soul while you're on this Earth. And is not it time now? ... and everything is in the timing ... for you to be there and find the higher aspect of YOURSELF? The YOU that is about to go out and awaken others. For in being love, there's not a soul who can deny that you could be anything.

Blossom: I FEEL that it is the end of the session. Thank you. For my part, I feel more at peace with what you have offered here. I look forward to speaking with you soon ... I am also pleased to see "YOUR" Pillars of Light, and not just those you influence.

The Federation of Light: And we look forward to the energy which is enhanced when you see them. Keep your spirits, as they say in your world. This is indeed the only way for the soul to feel at home.
Blossom: will do our best. Roger over and out! With Love and thank you as always. for info on the pillars of Light.

Website: Blossom Goodchild
Translation: Milna

Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild

Originals and translations of Galactic Messages available on

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cute Picnik Quotes For Yourself

Come see us at the Halle Freyssinet!

We will be exhibiting at
Ancient Antiques - Books & Papers former

Hall e Freyssinet - 55 Boulevard Vincent Auriol 75013 Paris
(Metro Chevaleret)

of 4 to 13 February 2011
(daily from 11am to 19h)
Stand 707

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Can Ativan Affect Pregnancy Test

If you continue in these last days of the old world of broken heart by what you see around you, then you will still get his heart broken by what you see around you.
Breathe deeply several times and change your thoughts to something more cheerful, and imagine the souls affected by a particular disaster, laughing and loving again.

Bring change in thought . It is so important. We want you to see through what happens ... which is ongoing.

BE euphoric ... to all those around you ... everywhere.

BRING THE THOUGHTS OF LOVE in moments where you find it much easier for you collapse in tears for all who suffer in many ways.

bring light to that circumstance or situation. Pour YOUR LIGHT on site and those who suffer.

Message from The Federation of Light
channeled by Blossom Goodchild

The January 20, 2011

Blossom: A happy hello to you my friends. In this world of mine who seems to fight on several levels, it would be great if you could talk about things that lift our spirits, giving us a bit of wisdom to help us in these difficult times. Thank you.

The Federation of Light: It did find a formulation for indeed it is our intention as always. It would not be appropriate for us to do otherwise, because our only desire is to serve you and allow those of you on the Earth plane who wish to remember his true self Supériuer, which in turn, of course, allows each core to serve all.

There seems to be of concern on issues related to all sorts of weirdness going on in your world. Again, we only ask that you focus on what we have offered you. Focus your thoughts, through your heart and let yourself be guided by love through every moment of your life. We are aware of our continuous support to this regard and yet we seems imperative that you understand all that's your love that changes the vibration even your planet NOW ... and therefore, we must recognize that what is happening NOW is what creates your days to come. May we repeat some advice?

Blossom: By all means.

The Federation of Light: There are so many people who choose to remain in a state of fear, even if offered alternatives. One thing we can not do is make choices for an individual. It will not work. We can only persevere and that we know will help greatly. That's why we came. To help you understand LOVE. There are so many people who have questions about what will happen or not happen in the next years of your time, and yet have we not say that the path of your world in your days ahead will depend on you ? However, still many of you are wondering what will happen to them. Does the sky fall? Is this the end of the world? Black is black? Is yellow and white?

What will be each soul is what she wants to accomplish in the creation of his mind. You see? Is YOU, YOU ALL, creating thoughts of Love .... putting into action these thoughts ... BEING in these thoughts ... confirm that the way that your world will take. That's why so many other spheres have chosen to be part of this glorious change. To show you that the Light that you are is what should be the guiding influence in your NEW WORLD. We can not and must not create it for you. Yet by the purest of love for our family that we took upon ourselves to continue to influence your people in a way that serves the whole "JUST BE" what IS.

Release anxieties shaped by man. For many of you now recognize that it is enough to see what they are. You are more than human is not it? You are so much more than what you believe. You have chosen to undertake a trip of this magnitude in order to bring about a world with a bright future. You, who have suffered much to reach this result, must recognize that NOW in your finest hour, you align with the new vibration assistants and colleagues through this New Dawn is currently stand. The promises made to the soul of his Higher Self are coming true. The achievements that occur in yourself on the level of soul stun core of your being. Because you wake up to your truth.

YOU KNOW. YOU CAN FEEL. Yet it is at this crucial time, you must also recognize that there is a devious plot to thwart all that is done by those of Light. Many are aware of this. Indeed we do not want to give energy and attention, because you learned that by doing so you just feed the energy of those selfish souls lost. Unfortunately they occur on the propagation of fear and darkness, and for each of you that allows for even one moment, falling into their trap, you undo so much good has been accomplished. That's why we continue to reiterate the importance of remaining steadfast in your light and your truth at all times. Now you know better than to think for even a second, subjects that will lower your vibration. Be alert our dear friends. Be alert. STOP ... PLEASE STOP charging energies that are not used.

We can not understand, we find it hard to know why you're doing, yet you've grown in your own understanding. WHY? Why would you continue to feed the darkness when you KNOW it's only the LIGHT that will take you to the New World. This does not resonate well with no us. However, we do not have human form. We appreciate this and, therefore, what may seem quite plausible to us, can not seem to like you because you live in energies that we do not assign. That's why we talk this way at this time. Because we want you to understand our words.

FEED ONLY LIGHT. ONLY BE LIGHT. Drop each atom which does not shine through love. You wish to enter a world that is the most beautiful dreams. You want all wars cease. You pray for those who leave your planet because of a lack of food are never forced to return under such circumstances. You ask for deeper wounds of your heart that so many things change. We tell you .... ''So, make those changes. Create the world you want.''


If you want a world full of laughter, then laugh more. If you want to be quiet as you walk along in the wild when ... Be peaceful as you walk along the wild. If you want a world without weapons, so do not give in any thoughts or energy to firearms. Do not focus on what you DO NOT WANT. Just give intense thoughts about what you want. Behave how your New World should be.

When you were kids, you're playing. You're creating a world imaginable. If you liked a particular fantasy, you return to the same "place" several times. The location and history as it is expanded giving more time. This is all that is required of you now. Return to the child you are. Be the one who plays and who becomes wrapped up in this world of playfulness. Make this world a place where you choose to stay more. Rate it if you deem it necessary, whatever you want is your new world. Write the script. Draw the landscape. And most feel the reality of this world that you create. Use your imagination. Imagine how you feel in this NEW WORLD ... and hold that feeling .... ALL THE TIME. Catch you when you focus on what does not serve you or someone else and BE SURE to turn it into a feeling of love ... ALL THE TIME. If you want a world to be nice then you should become one ... ANYTIME.

Climb over feeling sorry for yourself and your world. You find these provocative words is that cheap Blossom?

Blossom: No, not at all ... I love it. I think we are in need of a kick in the proverbial! Please continue ...

The Federation of Light: If you continue in these last days of the old world of broken heart by what you see around you, then you will continue to have the broken heart by what you see around you. When your being is struck by the sadness of a "catastrophe" especially when BECOME aware fueling this sadness those involved does not help. Find your strength in this moment of recognition. Breathe deeply several times and change your thoughts to something more cheerful, and imagine the souls affected by a particular disaster, laughing and loving again. Bring change in thought. It is so important. We want you to see through what happens ... which is ongoing.

BE euphoric ... to all those around you ... everywhere.

BRING THE THOUGHTS LOVE in moments where you find it much easier for you collapse in tears for all who suffer in many ways.

bring light to that circumstance or situation. Pour YOUR LIGHT on site and those who suffer.

SEE YOU ... SEE YOU ... DO YOU SEE? This is your Light that makes the difference for them. If you cry with them, you''feed''which is not helpful. This does not serve. We are not asking you to lose all sense of compassion. On the contrary. By being strong and giving the Light that you are compassionate.

Blossom: I feel an urgency in this wisdom.

The Federation of Light: Dear souls who have become so close to us. We love you all .... WITH PASSION. We know that in ALL circumstances, the most .... the maximum we could do is offer our love to you. All we ask is for you to do the same thing of you.

What is before you can confuse and bewilder those who choose not to see through. LISTEN to your heart beat. In his rhythm speak your Truth. If it is not about the pace, listen to his feelings .... NOT your mind ... NOT your fear ... because do not you just decided that in reading these words today ... fear will not be part of your being? Did not we just felt that many of you ... if not everyone .... simply took the decision to ALWAYS HAVE A RULE OF LOVE and focus solely on creating a world of love ahead for everyone?

Blossom: Yes, I think you're probably right!

The Federation of Light: So all is well and everything is perfectly as it should be. We're getting there ...

Blossom: Where?

The Federation of Light: The exact location is necessary for your jaw drop in awe. We send all our eternal gratitude for having taken account of what we have to offer in means of "enlightenment." Our desire is to feel the love each of you, when all energies, which must now disappear, cease and that the light can be absorbed by one to another, as is the recognition that everyone is just part of that other, expressed in a variety of event together.

Blossom: Cheers my friends. Everything the doctor ordered! In love and with gratitude.

Translated by: Milna

Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild

Originals and translations of Galactic Messages available on

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Decorating Belt Buckle


Production: Theatre of the back seat
Director: Sylvain Bélanger

In rehearsal at the Theatre Room 2 GB Space, Montreal.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

William Rogers & Son Aa

7 January 2011 4 January 2011

Hello everyone!

Many people have asked me if I wanted to ask the Federation of Light about the birds and fish are dying in all corners of the planet. They replied:

Message from the Federation of Light
by Blossom Goodchild

On January 7, 2011

Blossom: Good evening to you. I know it's a bit unexpected (to me, maybe not for you), but many people have written to ask if I could tell you about something strange is happening in our world. I'll see if it is appropriate for you to answer, otherwise I will accept it. is on birds and fish in all corners of our planet who are dying by the thousands. Are you able to explain why please?

The Federation of Light: First we want to address an issue of a different nature, if it suits you?

Blossom: Yes.

The Federation of Light: At various points of communication with you, we have insisted on specific topics that we deem appropriate to discuss. Would you say this is correct?

Blossom: Yes!

The Federation of Light: But there are also communications that we've addressed that are of a level that is not always satisfactory for many. Would you say that it is correct?

Blossom: Well, if it is for people who want you to answer questions which they think you should answer .... then yes it is also correct.

The Federation of Light: Could we then suggest that if a certain "project" is underway that may or may not be relevant to our communications with your planet, that we, with all due respect , deciding whether or not it seems worthy of a response. You misinterpret our words because we feel that you question the "it seems worthy of a response?

Blossom: Yes ... While many would know the answers to questions that concern, why not give them up?

The Federation of Light: Because we know better than to be so frivolous with our knowledge. There are a lot of information known to us which would be dangerous to bring some of your world. Therefore, we choose and know that it is better to remain silent on certain issues until where it is safe to reveal. If we were to tell you the truth that many of you want to know right now is very likely that this information would be received also by those who know that we know the truth and they will disseminate this information to win.

Not that we want to have secrets to keep you in a state of amazement and confusion. Indeed, this is simply not the case. Many misinterpret our "silence" as you say, as if we "are wrong" or "keep you in the dark" ... or for "playing psychological games." We are aware of everything that is said about our connection means and what we choose to tell you. Yet it can not be otherwise at this time for reasons that we have just said.

Blossom: Okay. I understand perfectly. Maybe that's why I knew all along not to ask questions and let you say what you mean.

The Federation of Light: 'Maybe' is not one. Because you knew the reason on a deeper level and so you've followed your knowledge without any doubt.

Blossom: Does that mean then that it would not be appropriate for you give us information on what happens with the birds and fish?

The Federation of Light: This means that if we said everything we know, it'll be tumbling down several people.

Blossom: By "plummet" do you mean a flight down or confusion?

The Federation of Light: Both. As frustrating as it applies (?) To be ... we ask you to accept what we know what we do. We can not compromise our position by satisfying Inquiring minds ... provided that we really want calm overactive brain.

Blossom: Well, you can see that our position, we would like to know what is the cause ... whether something cosmic sense, weather-related, related to poisons, or prophesied ... We would simply be given an explanation of Truth. Apparently, our scientists are baffled.

The Federation of Light: Not all! We sincerely appreciate the reason for your inquiry and we also understand that in general you do not ask such question, unless you think it was important.

Blossom: Especially the number of people who asked me to ask you. Not that I felt obliged ... I'm curious to know me, to be honest with you.

The Federation of Light: You're never nothing Blossom. For revealing what is happening about these winged creatures and energies of the aquatic world would be too risky. All we can say to help you is what you said is the issue is not one to which we give our approval.

Blossom: In my heart now I know and I respect what you say and so I will not pursue the case. I will accept that it is inappropriate to tell the truth at that time. The sad case of many people. Is there a way how we can help?

The Federation of Light: Knowing the Truth is the only way to free yourself. Yet the time for your freedom is not quite arrived, but as you know, it's not so far ... even in your terms. We are grateful to those who follow their hearts and know that is how it should be ... for now. But how can you rejoice when the whole truth is released and all we told you connect with your knowledge in an instant. In this moment of "TOTAL KNOWLEDGE. NOTICE dear souls from the Earth that happens is KNOWN.

Blossom: Sometimes, I expect others to follow words at the end of the sentence and what is not. Then I realize that's the way it's supposed to be and more powerful way.

The Federation of Light: May we trouble you for a few minutes of your time.

Blossom: No problem at all.

Federation Light: You in your world, are concerned with what will take place in the days to come. You wonder about your network to find solutions to puzzles that can not be resolved ... NOW. IT IS NOT THE TIME. We suggest you to use your time meditating and KNOW that all is well. Very good. Take this time as we always ask, and we find that we are not asking much, because your heart is to adhere to its vocation ... Yet you all know that when you start to "disconnect" your world and you "connect" to ours it is the most beneficial practice for the greater good of all. Yet with all due respect, both have fallen into the trap of seeking knowledge when it is not always knowledge to know. For it is neither wisdom nor truth. There are many who are a concoction of tales of human origin in order to get your mind to a place where the light is difficult to FEEL.

AGAIN, from a place of knowledge, we ask that you take note of what is of great value for your soul. To connect with her home! This is where all the true information can be rerun. This is where batteries can be recharged when fatigue made you lose your argument. The CHEZ-SOI is where we are. The home is not a place as we have already said. This is a know in your heart that you are LOVE. It can not be a place. Because love is everywhere and it ALL. YOU ARE EVERYWHERE and ALL. A power of LOVE ... YOU ... ALL YOU ... and EVERY PART OF YOU ALL ... is the unique energy of LOVE. For there is nothing, ever, anywhere ... LOVE ... LOVE THAT.


We extend our thoughts with you. We very aware that your energy on planet earth is shining brighter than ever before and the Divine Plan "is taking place" in every moment ... and because of you .... EACH OF YOU. Family

blessed stars .... Overall, we bring the new dawn.

Blossom: See you there! With so much love and grace.

The Federation of Light: And we would say the same thing.

Website: Blossom Goodchild
Translation: Milna

Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Wording For An Engagement Card Wishes

En ayant confiance en vous-même et c'est par rapport à ce que vous RESSENTEZ que vous sachez NOTRE VERITE. Si vous vous sentez mal à l'aise alors ce n'est pas de notre énergie.

Pourtant, nous suggérons que vous nettoyez votre esprit de tous les débris afin de ne pas permettre à la peur de l'inconnu d'intervenir et de briser la communication.

VOUS NOUS CONNAITREZ PAR NOTRE Lumière au sein de vous.

Message de la Fédération de la Lumière

channeled by Blossom Goodchild

Blossom: Hello everyone. We are now in 2011. I feel that things will start changing very rapidly now. How would you guide us through this first communication of this year?

The Federation of Light: We want to prepare yourself for the exciting days that are just around the corner. We are now able to feed yourself in a way that is more consistent compared to what we discussed with you throughout our discussions together. We of the Federation are now in place to enter a new territory and stimulate the senses that have been asleep.

Blossom: That sounds good. Is it because of the energy in which we currently reside? The timing? It would be great if you could expand it.

The Federation of Light: We have learned some information because of the knowledge we give you will love being able to be understood. Your people have woken up to a deep acceptance of who you are, and yet many say they can not necessarily feel it.

Blossom: Well, if like me ... I feel different somehow and yet I would not say that I now know who I really am. I agree that I LOVE, because you've told us several times and yet I do not feel this incredible "knowledge" of who I am sincere.

The Federation of Light: But would you say you feel more 'yourself' with respect ... at the same time last year?

Blossom: I guess I am "closer". Yes, my perceptions have changed, but it is difficult to assess exactly how we're supposed to feel at that stage of the proceedings. How do we know that we are on track?

The Federation of Light: Because you are. If you were not the things would feel very differently. Remember that at this point you are always in a material world. Therefore, most things around you are of material density and many who are still asleep hang this energy, for fear of losing everything they have. Does not realizing that all they have lies in them. You've seen too often those who, by "the whims of nature" in an instant lost everything they owned on the material plane. Yet we can never lose what we gained in our soul. There is nothing and nobody can remove yourself from you. It can not be done.

Blossom: Actually, I noticed recently that many, especially the younger generation talk about their future plans. What they would do now to be secure when they retire. I'm sitting thinking "guys ... it's a pointless conversation "and yet I say nothing ... because they do not know that in thirty years when they retire the world will look like today, as it is now. I KNOW, but I can not tell them because they'll think I'm crazy!

The Federation of Light: But when the days of the year is presented, it should recognize that their plans, they think they realized, will not seem irrelevant. You've seen changes occur in your world this last decade ago seemed to be "a dream world." We tell you that this year will present similarly, but what took a decade to manifest itself will be done during this year. That is why we have prepared your souls. Everything we've done is to remind you who you are, and you think you do not remember. Yet you did. Excitement that many of you feel is because you are recalled. You're ready to deliver you to the wonders why you came on this planet that will unfold and you are now able to KNOW that these wonders are about to occur. All preparatory lessons leading up to the level of knowledge where you are now, were for that moment when you exude joy of your Being ... because it can not do anything else. Because you're it. It is no longer a question of wanting to believe it's a matter of knowing. And many of you know, and yet you feel at times that you do not know!

Blossom: My heart tells me now "here I am, can you feel me." As if you build something?

The Federation of Light: We let you just know that we are close.

Blossom: You must be very close, because it's getting stronger and I feel the need bricks around my ankles to hold my ground. How close ... over? Do you mean literally or just at the connection?

The Federation of Light: We mean that if you had to ...

Blossom: I had to close my eyes because energy was so strong and I felt the energy of the "Federation" back in my right side like when I make a direct voice line with White Cloud and others. Beautifully peaceful. At this point I work with the left side of my brain to write and "they" are still here on the right side. This is normal, but they are much more "present" in the right side. Difficult to explain.

So what now?

The Federation of Light: Nothing has changed in terms of communication, except that we have reached a "new phase" with you.

Blossom: Out of curiosity, what difference will make it? I mean I can feel the difference, but how does this change what is communicated between us?

The Federation of Light: It will allow us to send out rays of energy through these words. Can you feel the difference in your fingers?

Blossom: Yes. I'll just follow the flow and see how it goes.

The Federation of Light: We suggest you continue as you do.

Blossom: Did you anticipate that?

The Federation of Light: Sure, and yet it has already been agreed by you to another level.

Blossom: Okay, I agree, though I guess time will tell why. What do you mean by sending rays?

The Federation of Light: We mean that, compared to a standard dimensional deeper within you, Blossom, we are able to communicate with those who read these words in a constructive way deeper. Those who know within themselves can easily understand what we are talking about. Because it does This is not just the words that we are now able to connect with everyone, but we are now ... through you ... able to communicate directly with the heart of those who read them. Many, while they breathe deeply ... as many will be doing so this connection RESSSENTIRONT FROM U.S.. Directly from us.

Blossom: How it works?

The Federation of Light: We need a conduit to connect.

Blossom: It's me, I presume?

The Federation of Light: Yes. It would be very difficult to do if there was not a common denominator. (?) Thanks to you as a wire ... lack of a better way to explain it ... we are now able to connect with the energy that comes from us ... with you over ... those who chose to associate with this connection. This makes it much easier to do by "someone" rather than sending the energy at random, hoping it will hit its target.

Blossom: It's very strange ... or not ... but obviously, this happens suddenly and the concept never crossed my mind before, but now that you bring this idea through me, I feel that much of our work whole has been put in place that aim all along the line.

The Federation of Light: Yes.

Blossom: I'm still not sure what connection these rays will ... and I know you want me to put "Ray connection D'Or ... How are people going to experience?

The Federation of Light: Each individual will know himself. As before when we were "given" ... Many felt things. Everyone is concerned about whether the other had suffered the same thing. As we are able to deepen our relationship with everyone, there will be a different presentation for each soul, and there will be NO DOUBT that is U.S.. So many people have waited so long for this meeting. And now it's going to be.

Blossom: I know there will be many who will ask a thousand questions in their heads. What form will it take? How will they know it's you and not their imagination, etc. etc.? What advice can you give us?

The Federation of the Light: Nothing that is new to you. And we know that many have already answered that question in their minds before reading our response.

Having confidence in yourself and that is relative to what you feel you know our truth. If you feel uncomfortable then it is not our energy. However, we suggest that you clean your mind of all debris so as not to allow fear of the unknown to intervene and break the communication.

YOU KNOW U.S. BY OUR Light within you.

Blossom: This is truly revolutionary, did you know. I'm happy for us, because I know that many have wanted this for so long. What worries me is that there may be those who do not feel all that and they will be slaughtered. And also, how soon can we expect these Rays Golden that will come to us individually? It came into my head, so I need to say, without straying from the topic too, it's the same thing with the spokes of light, when do while you're talking about will materialize?

The Federation of Light: With respect to the receipt of Golden Rays, it will depend on various stages of acceptance and development of the individual. It can be immediate for some and yet for others not until they can fully accept that this "event" happens in real life!

Blossom: Just need to continue asking questions about it ... So what you're saying is .... you .... through my fingers on this keyboard ... because of your connection now via depth "My head" in this different manner ... you are able to establish a connection with everyone who reads these words.

The Federation of Light: Yes. Did not our message of October reached many of you awake and souls of the blue?

Blossom: Yes. I know this is a fact, as many have written to tell.

The Federation of Light: A fact, yes. Similarly, it a fact that we ... thanks to the energy of our words through you ... sending them ... will be able to do what we say.

Blossom: And yet ... I do not understand is how will these "zaps" of Golden Rays exactly? Is there a light in a room? Is it to be raised above the bed? What exactly?

The Federation of Light: We speak in a way that your heart will say: "Hello. Hello, I know it's you!

Blossom: You realize that this is very exciting for everyone, is not it?

The Federation of Light: You realize that this was part of the plan all along, is not it?

Blosssom: Well, I think, for me, it'll be interesting to see how it goes. I smile because a year ago, I started a page of Golden Rays on my site, but with an intention other than that you're talking about today. It did not really take off. Perhaps it is now we could take off and fill it with everyone's experiences?

The Federation of Light: Maybe. We smile too, because these "zaps" bring a lot of elevation and recognition to everyone.

Blossom: And the rays of light? When can we expect?

The Federation of Light: While we're talking about.

Blossom: As you speak now or later? That cheeky I know!

The Federation of Light: Stay tuned. We would like to add that EVERYTHING we talked about will come true. We are aware that there are people who feel that you invent these words, because of "promises" were not satisfied with the way that many would like. We are not an energy that would make or could make false promises. There will be a time when your hearts sing greetings to us. There will be no concern about who we are and where we are? ... If we are the Truth or False? All these differences regarding all issues that we have "covered" and dispel that truth and knowledge exists in abundance.

Blossom: Well, there it is, I feel it's the end for today. Interesting even if there was not ... I call as ... of truth "zapping". I'll be interested to see whether or not, that you simply "put you deeply in my head" ... it will do as you said.

The Federation of Light: We say an air of "brazen" ... do you not trust that so?

Blossom: I answer with an air of "brazen" ... It has nothing to do with confidence ... Confidence in you, I have. It is the "wait to see what happens "in me that I have come to know and love! Thank you ... It's exciting! With Love and Thanks.

Translated by: Milna
