En ayant confiance en vous-même et c'est par rapport à ce que vous RESSENTEZ que vous sachez NOTRE VERITE. Si vous vous sentez mal à l'aise alors ce n'est pas de notre énergie.
Pourtant, nous suggérons que vous nettoyez votre esprit de tous les débris afin de ne pas permettre à la peur de l'inconnu d'intervenir et de briser la communication.
VOUS NOUS CONNAITREZ PAR NOTRE Lumière au sein de vous.
Message de la Fédération de la Lumière
channeled by Blossom Goodchild
Blossom: Hello everyone. We are now in 2011. I feel that things will start changing very rapidly now. How would you guide us through this first communication of this year?
The Federation of Light: We want to prepare yourself for the exciting days that are just around the corner. We are now able to feed yourself in a way that is more consistent compared to what we discussed with you throughout our discussions together. We of the Federation are now in place to enter a new territory and stimulate the senses that have been asleep.
Blossom: That sounds good. Is it because of the energy in which we currently reside? The timing? It would be great if you could expand it.
The Federation of Light: We have learned some information because of the knowledge we give you will love being able to be understood. Your people have woken up to a deep acceptance of who you are, and yet many say they can not necessarily feel it.
Blossom: Well, if like me ... I feel different somehow and yet I would not say that I now know who I really am. I agree that I LOVE, because you've told us several times and yet I do not feel this incredible "knowledge" of who I am sincere.
The Federation of Light: But would you say you feel more 'yourself' with respect ... at the same time last year?
Blossom: I guess I am "closer". Yes, my perceptions have changed, but it is difficult to assess exactly how we're supposed to feel at that stage of the proceedings. How do we know that we are on track?
The Federation of Light: Because you are. If you were not the things would feel very differently. Remember that at this point you are always in a material world. Therefore, most things around you are of material density and many who are still asleep hang this energy, for fear of losing everything they have. Does not realizing that all they have lies in them. You've seen too often those who, by "the whims of nature" in an instant lost everything they owned on the material plane. Yet we can never lose what we gained in our soul. There is nothing and nobody can remove yourself from you. It can not be done.
Blossom: Actually, I noticed recently that many, especially the younger generation talk about their future plans. What they would do now to be secure when they retire. I'm sitting thinking "guys ... it's a pointless conversation "and yet I say nothing ... because they do not know that in thirty years when they retire the world will look like today, as it is now. I KNOW, but I can not tell them because they'll think I'm crazy!
The Federation of Light: But when the days of the year is presented, it should recognize that their plans, they think they realized, will not seem irrelevant. You've seen changes occur in your world this last decade ago seemed to be "a dream world." We tell you that this year will present similarly, but what took a decade to manifest itself will be done during this year. That is why we have prepared your souls. Everything we've done is to remind you who you are, and you think you do not remember. Yet you did. Excitement that many of you feel is because you are recalled. You're ready to deliver you to the wonders why you came on this planet that will unfold and you are now able to KNOW that these wonders are about to occur. All preparatory lessons leading up to the level of knowledge where you are now, were for that moment when you exude joy of your Being ... because it can not do anything else. Because you're it. It is no longer a question of wanting to believe it's a matter of knowing. And many of you know, and yet you feel at times that you do not know!
Blossom: My heart tells me now "here I am, can you feel me." As if you build something?
The Federation of Light: We let you just know that we are close.
Blossom: You must be very close, because it's getting stronger and I feel the need bricks around my ankles to hold my ground. How close ... over? Do you mean literally or just at the connection?
The Federation of Light: We mean that if you had to ...
Blossom: I had to close my eyes because energy was so strong and I felt the energy of the "Federation" back in my right side like when I make a direct voice line with White Cloud and others. Beautifully peaceful. At this point I work with the left side of my brain to write and "they" are still here on the right side. This is normal, but they are much more "present" in the right side. Difficult to explain.
So what now?
The Federation of Light: Nothing has changed in terms of communication, except that we have reached a "new phase" with you.
Blossom: Out of curiosity, what difference will make it? I mean I can feel the difference, but how does this change what is communicated between us?
The Federation of Light: It will allow us to send out rays of energy through these words. Can you feel the difference in your fingers?
Blossom: Yes. I'll just follow the flow and see how it goes.
The Federation of Light: We suggest you continue as you do.
Blossom: Did you anticipate that?
The Federation of Light: Sure, and yet it has already been agreed by you to another level.
Blossom: Okay, I agree, though I guess time will tell why. What do you mean by sending rays?
The Federation of Light: We mean that, compared to a standard dimensional deeper within you, Blossom, we are able to communicate with those who read these words in a constructive way deeper. Those who know within themselves can easily understand what we are talking about. Because it does This is not just the words that we are now able to connect with everyone, but we are now ... through you ... able to communicate directly with the heart of those who read them. Many, while they breathe deeply ... as many will be doing so this connection RESSSENTIRONT FROM U.S.. Directly from us.
Blossom: How it works?
The Federation of Light: We need a conduit to connect.
Blossom: It's me, I presume?
The Federation of Light: Yes. It would be very difficult to do if there was not a common denominator. (?) Thanks to you as a wire ... lack of a better way to explain it ... we are now able to connect with the energy that comes from us ... with you over ... those who chose to associate with this connection. This makes it much easier to do by "someone" rather than sending the energy at random, hoping it will hit its target.
Blossom: It's very strange ... or not ... but obviously, this happens suddenly and the concept never crossed my mind before, but now that you bring this idea through me, I feel that much of our work whole has been put in place that aim all along the line.
The Federation of Light: Yes.
Blossom: I'm still not sure what connection these rays will ... and I know you want me to put "Ray connection D'Or ... How are people going to experience?
The Federation of Light: Each individual will know himself. As before when we were "given" ... Many felt things. Everyone is concerned about whether the other had suffered the same thing. As we are able to deepen our relationship with everyone, there will be a different presentation for each soul, and there will be NO DOUBT that is U.S.. So many people have waited so long for this meeting. And now it's going to be.
Blossom: I know there will be many who will ask a thousand questions in their heads. What form will it take? How will they know it's you and not their imagination, etc. etc.? What advice can you give us?
The Federation of the Light: Nothing that is new to you. And we know that many have already answered that question in their minds before reading our response.
Having confidence in yourself and that is relative to what you feel you know our truth. If you feel uncomfortable then it is not our energy. However, we suggest that you clean your mind of all debris so as not to allow fear of the unknown to intervene and break the communication.
YOU KNOW U.S. BY OUR Light within you.
Blossom: This is truly revolutionary, did you know. I'm happy for us, because I know that many have wanted this for so long. What worries me is that there may be those who do not feel all that and they will be slaughtered. And also, how soon can we expect these Rays Golden that will come to us individually? It came into my head, so I need to say, without straying from the topic too, it's the same thing with the spokes of light, when do while you're talking about will materialize?
The Federation of Light: With respect to the receipt of Golden Rays, it will depend on various stages of acceptance and development of the individual. It can be immediate for some and yet for others not until they can fully accept that this "event" happens in real life!
Blossom: Just need to continue asking questions about it ... So what you're saying is .... you .... through my fingers on this keyboard ... because of your connection now via depth "My head" in this different manner ... you are able to establish a connection with everyone who reads these words.
The Federation of Light: Yes. Did not our message of October reached many of you awake and souls of the blue?
Blossom: Yes. I know this is a fact, as many have written to tell.
The Federation of Light: A fact, yes. Similarly, it a fact that we ... thanks to the energy of our words through you ... sending them ... will be able to do what we say.
Blossom: And yet ... I do not understand is how will these "zaps" of Golden Rays exactly? Is there a light in a room? Is it to be raised above the bed? What exactly?
The Federation of Light: We speak in a way that your heart will say: "Hello. Hello, I know it's you!
Blossom: You realize that this is very exciting for everyone, is not it?
The Federation of Light: You realize that this was part of the plan all along, is not it?
Blosssom: Well, I think, for me, it'll be interesting to see how it goes. I smile because a year ago, I started a page of Golden Rays on my site, but with an intention other than that you're talking about today. It did not really take off. Perhaps it is now we could take off and fill it with everyone's experiences?
The Federation of Light: Maybe. We smile too, because these "zaps" bring a lot of elevation and recognition to everyone.
Blossom: And the rays of light? When can we expect?
The Federation of Light: While we're talking about.
Blossom: As you speak now or later? That cheeky I know!
The Federation of Light: Stay tuned. We would like to add that EVERYTHING we talked about will come true. We are aware that there are people who feel that you invent these words, because of "promises" were not satisfied with the way that many would like. We are not an energy that would make or could make false promises. There will be a time when your hearts sing greetings to us. There will be no concern about who we are and where we are? ... If we are the Truth or False? All these differences regarding all issues that we have "covered" and dispel that truth and knowledge exists in abundance.
Blossom: Well, there it is, I feel it's the end for today. Interesting even if there was not ... I call as ... of truth "zapping". I'll be interested to see whether or not, that you simply "put you deeply in my head" ... it will do as you said.
The Federation of Light: We say an air of "brazen" ... do you not trust that so?
Blossom: I answer with an air of "brazen" ... It has nothing to do with confidence ... Confidence in you, I have. It is the "wait to see what happens "in me that I have come to know and love! Thank you ... It's exciting! With Love and Thanks.
Translated by: Milna
Website: www.blossomgoodchild.com
Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild
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