We tell you the following. What is to come, what is present is well beyond your imagination. We have told you before and now you are still able to let him "go" in a location where it can be accepted and known.
the days to come will bring great changes. You will be messed up from time to time because you will not know what angle to capture all the newness that will befall you.
KEEP YOUR HATS. We wish you to be highly excited!
The Federation of Light
by Blossom Goodchild
Blossom: Well, Christmas is over and we move to the next year. How are you?
The Federation of Light: We never go otherwise. Will you dearest lady?
Blossom: I guess you always know by reading my energy.
The Federation of Light: Yet is it not polite to inquire?
Blossom: I think so. Thank you, I'm fine. Can I ask you a question about the rays of light mentioned by you the last time?
The Federation of Light: Yes.
Blossom: Some beautiful columns of light appeared in Norway, which I assumed to be ones that you had spoken. However, further investigation shows that these rays have appeared before and are related to weather and ice crystals or something scientist who takes my foot. I admit being a little disappointed. Can you enlighten us on this issue?
The Federation of Light: What you saw in the pictures were a recognition of art form materialized due to interstellar distinct patterns of activity.
Blossom: Sure .... I knew it!?
The Federation of Light: There are those on your Earth plane who simply refuse to accept certain conditions that allow the display of molecules collected, who are NOT trained by the weather ... to stand in the way you were informed.
Blossom: So in a word .... these rays of light were what you talking about?
The Federation of Light: No, and yet we do not reject the question if they are trained or not to create curiosity.
Blossom: So what do you mean by interstellar activity? Bearing in mind that I must follow what you mean.
The Federation of Light: We do not need to be technical to explain something that is very simple. There will always be phenomena that will be "passed on" as something that is not to keep the curious at bay. There will so many people who simply accept what they will say ... things they can "explain in great length."
Blossom: So are you saying that these rays of light were not caused by weather?
The Federation of Light: They were not caused by the weather and yet weather conditions have assisted in their training.
Blossom: Have they been "guided" by you?
The Federation of Light: No
Blossom: Did they have something to do with you?
The Federation of Light: Yes.
Blossom: What?
The Federation of Light: We ask those of you who are influenced by our friendly status to accept that the events of this nature took place and who will be have a purpose other than "beauty."
Blossom: I struggle here to get a good flow. Maybe it's me who ... concerned does not understand what you mean. Let me say this in order to maintain the "flow", that the rays of light, you showed me in my third eye, were much broader than those in Norway, but I thought it might be "a license telepathic?
The Federation of Light: When those we mentioned will occur there will be no possibility of impersonating a weather phenomenon as they appear in all sorts of different weather conditions, so this will cancel all issues of such a possibility.
Blossom: I retunes to you because I feel that the link is very low. I will continue for a while and see if it will become easier. To you ... if you can?
The Federation of Light: Given the conditions of your world right now we are very well. And yes, we speak of the conditions regarding the weather extremes that occur in many parts of your globe. There are interferences that occur that are not exactly "politically correct" as you say. These aberrant conditions are not always explained by the nature and it seems to those of us who may be intelligent forces that communicate information from the points of your planet to us ... (Maybe we could call "indicators") ... that alter these forces is recommended. These misguided policies can not be allowed to continue as they do. It is worrying that what happens behind the scenes has such a devastating effect and there are limits to our patience with regard to the protocol.
Blossom: I'm not sure where you're going with this ... Can you elaborate?
The Federation of Light: From the standpoint of the greatest good there is only limited acceptance alterations with what was designed to be natural. Too much has been "taken back" on your planet for too long.
Blossom: Interesting, I feel a sense of ... eh .... "Anger"?, Which is not part Your Being.
The Federation of Light: It's not anger, dear lady, but from the description of your knowledge of emotion, you can describe it as such. We prefer it to be known as a "failover tolerance.
Blossom: I have a joke, but I think it would be inappropriate at this time.
The Federation of Light: The extreme levels, which some are willing to hide the truth, can not and would not be tolerated, period. We are not angry. This is not our way and yet the collective advice of the world combined (?) decided that all configurations must be raised to meet the motions.
Blossom: I have absolutely no idea what you're talking!
The Federation of Light: Let us then explain, because we do not want to confuse them. Practices are in place on the planet Earth that have been designed to abhor mind. They are certainly not of a nature that could be called Loving. That is what we ask you to accept us because we do not want us to deliver that energy. There are those on Earth who believe they are the brains of many projects that they believe will succeed, and yet we note with great confirmation that this "destruction for the purpose of empowerment" will not be allowed to continue. We're going to understand this if some atrocities emerge ... and they know they will be terminated before harm is done.
Blossom: This is different from your usual exchange. What's happening?
The Federation of Light: We just inform those who need to know that the end of the road is in sight for them.
Peace must be restored in your world. Any hatred ... war ... all this is not affectionate, it must stop and it will end. The original model of your life should not be distorted to such a degree. He was given free will, yet those who were involved in its design were not aware of the degree to which it could change the course of the initial plan. But now ... Now you are recovering on the right path. Now ... dear souls, you're back there on your shores or your hearts aspire. The upheaval that you live subside soon and there will again, as expected ... a place where your soul will live in that is a "heavenly comfort" to the body and mind.
You're checking if we have your usual communication is not it?
Blossom: Yes, do not take it bad ... it's always good to do. I do not feel uncomfortable with you, just a little different.
The Federation of Light: We appreciate your vigilance. Can we convince you of the Truth?
Blossom: No need. I can not imagine at all that after all this time and with my confidence, something unfortunate would be able to "sneak", so I'm not really worried ... only, as you say ... I am vigilant. I also feel that we enter the next decade, things really go up a notch in many aspects, and we must listen to our Truth, to adapt. In addition, I just reread what has been discussed and I can "you" feel. It was more discussion was unusual.
The Federation of Light: We tell you the following. What is to come, what is present is well beyond your imagination. We have told you before and now you are still able to let him "go" in a location where it can be accepted and known. The days to come will bring great changes. You will be messed up from time to time because you will not know what angle to capture all the newness that will befall you.
KEEP YOUR HATS. We wish you to be highly excited!
Blossom: I had a huge thrill of truth when you says that.
The Federation of Light: This is what awaits us ... Our Truth ... Your Truth. There is nothing to fear.
Blossom: Well, I think it's the end of the session. A little scattered today, but it is.
The Federation of Light: Before you leave right now, we express our thoughts of the purest love each of you. We feel so connected because of this speech with much you. We are aware of how many woke up and how the energy of your planet becomes much brighter. There is nothing that can deter the New World ... New World of Love and enlightened beings ... entering its rightful position. Let your love be your strength and guidance. Let all that you are becoming the new way your world. Let go of what no longer serves and dispel all thoughts on issues outside of your Love energy.
You know us. You KNOW the Truth soon. All those who met and who stayed Pillars of Light ... beacons of hope ... will recognize their true souls in the days to come. It will be instant. Disperse all doubts because knowing the truth is known.
Blossom: Thanks guys. There is excitement. I feel it. We all can not wait to get a cup of tea with you and exchanging travel stories of our souls! In love and grace.
Channel: www.blossomgoodchild.com
Translated by: Milna
Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild
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