To those who know us in your hearts ... We PLEDGE to you that those days will come. We admire your strength and composure under such pressure at times.
There will be a day when the greetings of all the parties get into a frenzy of emotional ... because the answer to prayers must fill the empty spaces that feel forgotten.
The Federation of Light
Channeled by Blossom Goodchild
On December 11, 2010
* I trust you that many are now realizing that even if some lines are more personal, I feel I want to share them because someone, somewhere may experience the same feelings and thoughts as me and can therefore benefit from the discussion.
Blossom: Hello! I hope this is the right time to contact you because it was a decision of the moment. Talking with a friend of mine this week, which I do not see very often, I realized how many souls have some burning questions that need answers ... you and me! It made me think that my communications with you frustrate many souls, and if they were in the advantageous position, how they approach all topics with you. This then makes me think deeply on the responsibility and should I pursue the issues with you so ... because in my opinion ... I accept what you say and I am the current. Should I do anything differently? I suppose there are things that I doubt, but I observe in the light knowing that one day all these things become clear. Although as I mentioned earlier, I feel that things are rather stationary in our conversations and you do as I start to ask complex questions that people send me to then ask you? I guess what I'm asking is for you to clarify "our" position and perhaps where are we going? Thank you.
The Federation of Light: We are aware that this kind of question is from what you talked and talked some. We are also aware of your internal challenges on why ... why, among all the souls we could have chosen ... You ... ?
Blossom: Yes, because I do not dig the subjects ... and given my position ... would it help?
The Federation Light: If you, Blossom, had a question ... if you have a question for us ... what would it be? In fact, we ask the same question to everyone reading these words. What would be the question in your heart that represent the most important thing that needs an answer whether you will receive only one occasion?
Blossom: Well, I think if I had only one occasion, I need to think carefully rather than come up with something from the top of my head.
The Federation of Light: But that's what we ask at this time ... immediately that this time you ask your heart?
Blossom: You mean on a personal level or in general?
The Federation of Light: Any ... consider as if you had a chance.
Blossom: Really it's huge ... how do I KNOW what would be the most important question ... because obviously I do not want to waste it.
The Federation of Light: Well, we might say that you assume that we will respond.
Blossom: Oh! Well, in this case, I will not get a reply I guess it will not matter what the question?
The Federation of Light: Why not?
Blossom: Because if you do not produce the answer, the question does not seem important. Well ... where are we going?
The Federation of Light: We try to help you understand that our goal to communicate through you Blossom, or through someone else, will not respond to the trillions of unanswered questions than the Earth, in correlation all have the desire to know ... this is not why we send our messages. WE have a different agenda in mind ... and we want to express to you that the ONLY reason we do this, the main objective for which we will contact you when we do, is to help you understand the true meaning of LOVE.
What is happening in other universes and galaxies ... This is changing structurally in another galactic system at this time your time is not the reason we are talking with you. These issues are not the reason WHY we have chosen to speak. These questions are of interest to some ... they have many potential ... but not all. MORE ... what we have to share with you ... what we have to teach you ... remember ... is in the interest of all living things .... there is not one that is not it ... there is not one that can not be interested ... because each of you is.
Blossom: Yes, I understand. But at this stage in the game ... even if you have learned well, I mean I can not imagine a better mentor ... what I am fighting with right now and personally I can only speak for myself really ... why I do not feel this 'feel' of this incredible love for me and others? To be honest ... I do not think I 'INCLUSIVE' ... Yet I know I'm 'so there' ... and I can not speak for everyone. I know that others have 'inclusive' ... Should I not? Since I am the one who delivers the messages you ... Should I not understand? It makes no sense to me. Should I go around with flowers in my hair by providing the love of my heart all the day?
The Federation of Light: What prevents you?
Blossom: The way I feel! The world simply has no meaning for me and I feel really out of place! If I'm in a mall or elsewhere ... everything seems so ridiculous ... all about it ... and my soul cries out, saying 'I want to go home'. Everything is so crazy! I wonder how long it should continue on this path ... how this world is ... it is as though I long so much for this change to take place, and even the thought of a few more years, makes me feel like this is lifetime. I know I rattle ... but ... how can I help make this world a better place when my soul feels so desperately ... away?
The Federation of Light: Do you know what we are going to say?
Blossom: Yes, but I'll let you do as you have some way to say it!
The Federation of Light: You feel that way because your soul is much closer to your home than you realize, and therefore the difference between the vibrations in which you live, compared to those you know as the Truth cause such a desire for that higher place within you.
Blossom: But you see ... If we are here to create this New World ... and assuming that I am not the only one then who feels this way because of where we wait ... how can we help and do what we came to do when there is such a desire to go home? ... it's like I want to leave the planet.
Federation Light: But you just transmute energy. This feeling that you have also dilutes the power that ruled and allowed those who weaken now. There are roles that you all play. There are many vexing scenarios that look to be one thing and yet at other levels they are used in a manner to proceed to literally 'change'. Yes, you agreed to be here. Yet know that as much work taking place on another level as your superior beings carry in your name. It is necessary for the human side of yourself to be here as the anchor, as we have already said, but we ask you to accept that there is a much more sophisticated about yourself that is put forward and acting on issues that are beyond the reach of human understanding . If you accept this right now .... If you allow yourself to JUST BE and BE LOVE, then you make an important aspect of your KNOWLEDGE Superior who 'did his thing! "
Blossom: But why can not we know what this thing?
The Federation of Light: Because you have closed long ago and until the superior aspect awake that includes ... Yet there is a higher vibration which is not accepted on Earth ... then your 'SPIRITS' can not understand ... if we had words to describe ... what you have said.
That's why we're talking about LOVE and avoid anything else. When it counts ... When everything is ready to proceed, what is the essential tool that will be needed?
Blossom: LOVE!
The Federation of Light: We maintain our position.
Blossom: But many of us are confused about ASCENSION '. What will happen and where exactly?
The Federation of Light: If you were to travel, the map will show you the direction you must follow. We would say that the way forward for this special event ... the greatest adventure of all ... is following the direction of your heart. You do not have a better compass. We can not show you the path to take to get there ... because there are many roads that lead to the same destination. We can only show you the panels. These are your hearts that you lead. It is your inner feelings of your hearts that will leave you know which path to take. You walk along this path because, as a tribe you asked to be part of this great transcendence. You asked to be humans who are here now. We agreed to be at your side.
Blossom: And I know you're ... and I know that some will agree with me and some will think, 'Oh advance Blossom' ... but I guess you know my experience this week (see below ***) And how my heart yearns when it would occur in reality. Not to save us ... We all know that this is not the way it should be ... but with so many people actually present on arrival and sending love to you and to us. That is what I envisioned ... the hearts of everyone that shine like a white light to you ... How long should we wait for this ... exchange? ... It makes such a difference ... in our hearts.
The Federation of Light: Child of Light ... you lose faith as the days go by and your visions Your space family who joined you always seem like a dream.
Blossom: And that's why it hurts my heart because we know it is coming but the wait seems endless to say 'hello' to old friends.
The Federation of Light: To all those who know us in your hearts ... We PLEDGE to you that those days will come. We admire your strength and composure under such pressure at times. There will be a day when the greetings of all the parties get into a frenzy of emotional ... because the answer to prayers must fill the empty spaces that feel forgotten.
Blossom: Well, could you please hurry! For my part, I'm struggling with this. Thank you God that I learned that this journey is full of ups and downs ... it's really nice to find a balance from time to time ... because when I find it, then I am able to familiarize myself with this 'love thing'. Is what I laugh, I wonder when we will meet? I'll give you a big hug and say 'Thank you !!!!! for! Where have you been all my life? '
The Federation of Light: And we'll say 'Right here' because our hearts speak the universal language of LOVE. Dear souls of the earth given that this must be ... FEEL THE KNOWLEDGE in this ... because when this is REALLY FELT KNOWLEDGE, there can be no doubt that this is so.
WE LOVE YOU. THANK YOU FOR YOUR LOVE IN RETURN. Let our hearts beat together as one through your world.
We'll keep trying ... No worries about that! Thank you very much for lending your ear .... Bloss XXX
*** NB. I was very pleased to have received tickets for my birthday to see the U2 concert''360''. The set looks like a docking station for a massive spaceship. At one point lowers the center and sends colored rectangles (like the ship in 'Meeting of the Third Kind "). The whole scene made me feel as if at any time beings of light appear from below. What struck me is how more than 52,000 people in this stadium have all probably thought the same thing. It was a wonderful way to plant seeds. Nobody was going to run to save his life. Everyone in this space was filled with so much love. I think that's why it touched me as much, because it was so similar to the way most of us who are awake, no doubt imagine that it'll be like that. I was in awe ... knowing that it will be like this ... one day ... I felt ready ... ready to take this next step of the plan. Some of the light beams were directed into the sky. They went so far in the clouds and I felt so strongly linked to "our friends" that tears came to my eyes. Many are waking up through the media without realizing. After all, viewing, as said White Cloud, is one of our most powerful tools. I am grateful for this experience.
Translated by: Milna
Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild
http://folinjapan.blogspot.com/ - JAPANESE
http://flinfrench.blogspot.com/ -FRANÇAIS
http://flingerman.blogspot.com - DEUTSCH
http://folinchina.blogspot.com/ - CHINESE
http://flinspanish.blogspot.com - SPANISH
http://flindutch.blogspot.com – DUTCH
http://federationlight.blogspot.com - PORTUGUÊS
Original and Translation of the Galactic messages are available
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