Close your eyes. What did you see?
rays of light ... as they appeared in the sky. I had the feeling that we'll see this in the coming year.
is the case ... and they will be unable to call them otherwise than they are. Their apparent brightness will not go unnoticed. When they arise in this way, do not be deterred by stories of what they may or may not be. TAKE NOTICE that they come from us.
Message from the Federation of Light
by Blossom Goodchild
Blossom: Hello my friends. I'm sure you're aware that many celebrate Christmas this time of year and after .... 2011 arrives. I wonder what is your message to the new year?
The Federation of Light: It is a symbolic gesture. He brings a lightness of heart that the next time you see stretched to your limits, you will also capabilities that will amaze. But it is only by opening your heart the sacred space that can address these issues. For those who have chosen to accelerate at a speed that dessert, we ask that you accept the possibility that the great astonishment of every individual soul is present, warm the heart that has drawn any kind of recognition that his real self is more than it was before. Fill your loved with the knowledge of what is to come is what you expected. Your souls are brought into line. Many of you have listened to your inner core and have made a decision that allows you to see the fruit of his efforts.
Do not doubt this. If you wish, you can feel in these words the TRUTH of what we present. Your project to raise a whole continues to defy those who would like this plan fails. Yet this is not possible. All around you, proof is shown to the contrary. However, you KNOW that this is an illusion. When you felt the truth, how can you accept that you succumb to what is not for your highest good? FEEL IT! For when you do, you can physically promote the abundance of joy that is now in you and around you. Many have too long suffered the transmutation of energy. They resisted vigorously to communication and allowed themselves to be beacons in which the
Light has literally turned into a dark who was able to disperse in an ether which has no power. It merged in itself and can not hurt. These large forces of energy that are streamed through your Being lost their reason. This is a major eclipse that was scheduled to clean anything that can not be brought into the next era.
Blossom: A major eclipse? Can you elaborate?
The Federation of Light: What has pretended to govern your planet for too long overshadowed the True Light. It has reached its final conclusion change and only dissolve the remains restless seeking only deform.
You experience some difficulty in receiving these words is not it?
Blossom: Yes a little. I had moments where it sold more easily. Is there a particular reason?
The Federation of Light: The fact that we're closer than you think ... is one of them.
Blossom: Compared to me?
The Federation of Light: Yes.
Blossom: So, what made it the hardest? I thought it would otherwise.
The Federation of Light: A distortion of the vibration as they merge on a larger scale.
Blossom: So when we talk about close .... what are we talking about here? And in what sense?
The Federation of Light: Close your eyes.
What did you see?
Blossom: The ray of light ... as they appeared in the sky. I had the feeling that we'll see this in the coming year.
The Federation of Light: The case ... and they will be unable to call them otherwise they are. Their apparent brightness will not go unnoticed. When they arise in this way, do not be deterred by stories of what they can or can not be. TAKE NOTICE that they come from us.
Blossom: What exactly is their purpose?
The Federation of Light: Several things. They are offered by us to you for "Start Day" shall we say. They will be seen in various places on your planet Earth and they will be of such magnitude that they can not be swept away or ignored by your media. They will be many names. Souls will refer to the biblical scenarios because they will not know how else to explain.
Blossom: So, these rays of light, will they come and go? How do they appear and how long each time?
The Federation of Light: They are not flashes of light that could be confused with an electrical storm. As you saw in the vision that we showed you, these are rays that contain the Light. They will clarify your planet and they create a scene, and as soon as the excitement of the observation fall ... another will take over your world around. They can not be altered. We have shields that push any substance that may try to do.
Even when they are displayed on your screens in a large number of houses, many will wake up from their sleep by the energy flow. Because they contain within them the next leg of the journey for humanity.
Blossom: It will probably pursue this last statement.
The Federation of Light: Again, words are inadequate to describe it.
Blossom: Keep trying!
The Federation of Light: The Pillars of Great Light used in different ways. They release into the atmosphere that we can only describe as an energy ... whose essence is ... Yet that is what has this energy that is the magic potion. It will lift your spirits. It will be like the aroma of your mother's kitchen.
Blossom:? Not in the eyes of my son it will not be! I mean, I know what you are saying, but ....
The Federation of Light: Then let us know. We try to find similarities with how it can nourish your soul. Your souls will recognize the "energy" emitted by them. We can at best achieve a description of feeling this way. It is as if ...
Blossom: I continue to see a side of the seat belt that hangs in the other.
The Federation of Light: Thank you. Although the description is pretty stubborn, she is the only one we can find to explain it. Since the energy that these rays emerge, bind with your ... it will feel that way. As if you've found the missing piece of the puzzle and suddenly it starts up.
Blossom: I FEEL what you are trying to express. I hope others will also feel when they read these words.
The Federation of Light: Yes, they feel, because it is in the knowledge of souls. Therefore, it is understood ... and we would say that this is only the beginning. We've talked for so long regarding the miracles to come. Imagine what we talked about, imagine this as your preparatory steps that lead you the next step. And with each new submission your soul "include". Anything that is not clear to you ... will be. This new year in your earthly terms ... one that will bring joy to many of you. What we offer, fill your creatures with renewed hope.
There will be an explanation "ridiculous" compared to what we are going to show you as a surprise, but you know better. For you, who stayed in your truth when the odds were stacked against you, who laugh last, as you say.
Many of you have chosen to live in fear of any what you heard. We tell you that it is unnecessary. For when this will take place next year, many things will make you smile from one ear to another. Your hearts are full to the brim with this inner knowing that we've talked so much.
Blossom: Again I must say ... I can feel the joy ... and it makes me so. I guess you're aware of "Joy " who has found a way through me the other night with White Cloud?
The Federation of Light: It must be heard! The voice of joy is in resonance with those who are willing to accept its truth. This is another way we could explain the energy that is in the spokes that reign / rain?
Blossom: And you did not say how long they will stay?
The Federation of Light: Long enough to be recognized as "not of this world."
Blossom: Is it five or six or even hundreds?
The Federation of Light: To start as a service introduction, it will be minimal. They will act as a tactic of surprise to a point where they can be observed without fear. Once they are mixed with the shrink, they grow in large numbers and stay longer.
Blossom: This is all very intriguing and it is a very new concept for me. Will they actually reach the ground?
The Federation of Light: No, it is not necessary. They can also travel across continents.
Blossom: That is to say ... visibly?
The Federation of Light: Yes .
Blossom: Is it necessary? Certainly they can occur where they want. Are you controlled?
The Federation of Light: Yes. Wherever they "touch", they will leave their mark. Thus, although not necessary to travel, they are designed that way.
Blossom: How can you control?
The Federation of Light: For Thought .
Blossom: Cool. No battery then!
The Federation of Light: They are pure energy. No propulsion system needed.
Blossom: In my mental picture when you show them to me earlier, they were huge.
The Federation of Light: They will.
Blossom: I remembered when you spoke of "energy" as you said they were kept in containers (it was the best way for you to describe it). Is it related?
The Federation of Light: Again it's too difficult to explain the concept of this Truth.
Blossom: Just that ... Energy can be created on the spot, I guess. Transport it in containers (?) As such seems a bit strange.
The Federation of Light: Yet there are such containers, or we will describe best as "enhancers." Perhaps one could say that every atom of energy in an "activator" is like a seed. And what are the seeds? Of course! Thus, each atom in the "space" of an "activator" can be "planted" and thus grow and develop to levels well beyond your earthly calculations.
Blossom: So, this energy, it is "Special"? Is it different from what we know?
The Federation of Light: Yes. It is different. It is a presence more difficult. Using the words in your world you could almost call it "sacred." We show it as if it is constantly monitored. Such as checking the temperature, etc.
Blossom: Yet again I think it's just a way for us to understand in terms of land contrary to what you actually check.
The Federation of Light: Exactly.
Blossom: So we retrace our steps ... These are the seeds of this sacred energy, which is contained in these rays of light that are on their way?
The Federation of Light: Exactly .
Blossom: And I'm getting these seeds are somehow related to our higher self.
The Federation of Light: You are very connected to us.
Blossom: Yes. I really like being on your wavelength!
The Federation of Light: We let you know that it is a unification with one aspect of his Higher Self.
Blossom: This, of course, plays a huge role, once connected with these seeds in our Ascension.
The Federation of Light: Again, well deciphered.
Blossom: Not really. one or the other of us will say his words. Just a matter of whether I press B to make really bold. It's how I feel today ... as if I know these things because I'm on your level of wave.
The Federation of Light: And it seems that is what this "knowledge". KNOW all the answers within themselves. Just be listening.
Blossom: But I feel now that we are nearing the end of our session, and that this "knowledge" is no longer there.
The Federation of Light: But there will come a time when everyone will be "listening" at all times and all knowledge is known.
Blossom: Well, what can I say? "Thank You" comes to mind! A wonderful session! I see the future with JOY By experiencing absolute seeding of this higher energy ... basting ... I felt it grow. The rays of light are also something that we wait to see.
The Federation of Light: You do not miss.
Blossom: I place my trust in these words my friends.
The Federation of Light: And we LOVE to add our confidence in these words.
Blossom: I hope you see our planet illuminates for this Christmas with a glimmer of higher energy we emit today ... because we are thereof.
The Federation of Light: It is ... and then we finished that day.
Blossom: In Love and with much gratitude. Xxx
Translated by: Milna
Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild
http://folinjapan.blogspot.com/ - JAPANESE
http://flinfrench.blogspot.com/ -FRANÇAIS
http://flingerman.blogspot.com - DEUTSCH
http://folinchina.blogspot.com/ - CHINESE
http://flinspanish.blogspot.com - SPANISH
http://flindutch.blogspot.com – DUTCH
http://federationlight.blogspot.com – PORTUGUÊS
Original and translations of the Galactic Messages available on
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