Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Whipping In Mainstream

RE: White Cloud hits YouTube! + TRANSCRIPTION IN FRENCH

Hello my dear friends,

I am very happy to announce (after 5 days of challenges!) that the pipeline White Cloud held the Last week in Noosa (Australia) is available to you in 5 parts on YouTube.


So "WE" here ... Indian my friend and me ... up close and in person!

hope you will appreciate his wisdom and unconditional love. Please help me to spread his message, if you feel inclined.

Thank you very much.

With Love, Light, Laughter & Rays Golden





1. A question I asked so often that is how it all happened? How I found myself sat in this chair tonight to do what I do? So I just want to tell people so they understand a little more how all this happened to me.

2. When I was about 19 I started to have seizures, attacks ... weird things where I fell pit and I knew everything that was happening, but I could not actually ... people said, oh you should call an ambulance ... all that. .. Blossom can you hear us?

3. And I could, but I could not not move a muscle to let them know. You know they would say, move a finger, or can you hear us? ... I could not, but I was quite well where I was that I seemed to be in my body. And that lasted about 17 ... 18. 4. Not all the time, God thank you, but intermittently ... you know, I could be a period where I had every day for about 5 or 6 weeks and my eyes were killed when it happened to me and it was as if I was not on the planet. I did probably was not, I do not know.

5. And from the moment of my very best my eyes came back alive and then I had months, you know 5 or 6 months where everything was normal and everything was fine and then suddenly I had these ... oh my god I'm feeling a little strange, and it was gone. And we had a very talented lady who stayed with us, and I had made a recovery.

6. Now when I say that I had a cure I'm saying is maybe 3 times a year. You know I was just very interested in reading spiritual books, do not know many people who were in that kind of thing, but I did a bit of healing here and there. And I became aware of a Native American Indian here, standing here. And at some point while I was doing this healing, I asked if I could know her name. And I got White Cloud.

7. I had never heard of this. I had heard of Sitting Bull and all these things. I had never heard of White Cloud. It does not matter. And this lady who was staying with us gave me a reading and she told me I have your Indian here and he asks if you want to ask him a question. And I said yes and what happens with me because I had a brain scan, I was taking tablets cons of epilepsy. They had tried everything and they could not know what was wrong with me.

8. And literally to not be too dramatic, but just to let you know how it got serious, if I had a crisis, I was falling and, sometimes, if they called an ambulance because I fainted, I could literally hear the paramedics say: "Could not get a pulse, you can not get a pulse." And I turned gray and they obviously thought I was gone. But this was not the case. I was perfectly conscious, but I could not tell them.

9. Then I had a series of such attacks and this lady, this gifted clairvoyant who lived with us and I was pretty depressed at the time because I could not grant that I and m ' said: I have your Indian here and he gets really frustrated because he wants to talk to you and asks you if you have a pen and paper because it will pass something.

10. Well because I was interested in spiritual things for 20 years and I had really studied the things I said okay I will try your luck. So I sat with this little notebook and a pen and I had to, well I did not know what I should say and then all this information has been handed a blow ... pages and pages.

11. And he told me that we agreed to do this there are many, and many moons, and if I always agreed, he would speak through me. And that's what happened. We held a meeting, and I want to say the next one because I always forget this very important detail, from the moment I started writing this book, my seizures are gone. I've never been sick since. It's 10 years ago. They just disappeared. And so here we are and from there, he asked me to record meetings and I note that they become books, and then I thought ... umm and yet they are there. The books are there.

12. I find it, and many of you in the room, some who are very familiar with White Cloud, the most loving Being of Light with the more compassion you might feel. Over the past ten years we have worked together for its first transmission, I could not move a muscle and j''avais ninety double chins, and he spoke with a very low voice and very slowly. Now, his level is much more aligned with the tone of my voice and opens his eyes and made jokes and we have learned to work together in a very different way.

13. So really, I just needed to explain how I came up here tonight and I just want to tell you what happens when it is through me because people say, you know, what ' he said? What happens when I start, you see, I take a few deep breaths and I'm unattractive faces, while it appears through me.

14. We have a joke because I am also able to show other Beings of Light, I will not tonight, when they appear to apparently through me I look like someone who has had a facelift. White Cloud when it's absolutely the opposite. So I do a lot and blowing ... I do a lot of faces. And when it's ready, he speaks.

15. Now, with some pipes, conduits direct voice, they leave their body and be back inside and took the place and go. When they completed, the person who lent his body back inside and did not have a clue what happened.

16. But not for me. I am totally aware of everything that is said because we work together. I do not know how to explain it. It's like he is in this side I'm on this side and we, somehow we meet in the middle. And when he speaks, I literally know, maybe a split second before he speaks, he will say. We sometimes have a bit of conflict ... I say somehow, 'sour? " 'Yes' 'Sour? " It's like this.

17. I do not know why he chose me because sometimes I think: that's what you mean, is this correct? That's how we work. If there is a silence when it occurs, I ask you to send your love because even if you could just see my face there's a lot happening for me. There are colors and energy that changes may be a little bit and I feel as secure in the fact that you do not think: oh damn I have to take a bus ... You know what I mean?

18. You send love and then I feel that it does not matter if I'm there for five minutes because it's just like that. Keep in mind that for White Cloud can drill, it's not as good go! There is much more involved as the energy from where it is located in the higher spheres and many other invisible beings who work to make this possible for us.

19. And White Cloud is very enthusiastic ... he is so happy that this opportunity may take place for him ... It is a very squeaky door, is not it? ... You rang sir.

20. So it is very eager to speak with you tonight and I know it is buzzing because the room is filled with beautiful energy of love. We'll just let these people get under the cap if they can settle down we'll be ready to launch.

21. Well, as Rick said, it could be that White Cloud would like to know if people will have questions to ask. I beg you not to be afraid. People are sitting ... and I ask that? If you think you have a question there are probably a dozen people in the room who would have the answer to this question.

22. It's like you feel, it could well be at Cosmic, whatever you like. Preferably not at a personal as it is a little hard to read someone with all these energies into the room and could I please ask that you speak so that everyone can hear the question you ask. And if he can not respond, it will not respond. As simple as that.

23. So are we all ready? I also asked that people try to maintain ... I know there are a lot of coughs and colds that circulate so if you please, if you cough you can not remember ... but just try to meet the energy and what it is involved to allow that to happen. So without delay we will make him return. Enjoy all the evening and enjoy this very special gentleman, who came to speak today.

Blossom (application for protection)

24. Divine Spirit, we thank you for bring us all together tonight and we ask for a protective circle around each of us so that we can be safe, warm and protected in your Light and your Love. We now ask, with your permission of White Cloud to come together and we also request that this pipeline happens with ease, clarity and truth to help us as we walk all this time on this journey of life. In Love and Light.

White Cloud

25. Welcome to all of you who took the time to listen to the soul and for coming here tonight to give him some refreshment.

26. I just said to Blossom I'm ready right away because it is only polite to open his eyes. Just a little time for adjustment is then please send your love and leave do. And as to size, I'll adjust my level a little of the eye because you know, my friends, that your eyes are the windows to your soul. And what is your soul? Your soul is who you are. And who are you friends? You are Love.

27. It's very interesting to know how many times you said you love. But what does this mean? What does this mean to you? Not to anyone else but you. When you say to yourself: I am Love. How do you feel?

26. Because my friends about the days ahead, there will be a new language and that language is called feeling. These words from his mouth so often come from the head and not the heart. And on the coming days, we ask you to speak your heart. And if you're not sure what your heart is saying, so close is because it is better to say nothing at all to say words that are of a shallow level.

27. Many of you are, is not it, you become a little reclusive. Many nod. Because there is a change that takes place not only within the vibration of this planet, but a change within each individual even if they are still asleep, or if they are awake.

28. This change is happening now. And you wonder what this change. This is a change in your soul. A change in you and you can all feel it. And some do not know. In fact, most of you can not know what to do about it, because it's a new feeling. Some want to shut themselves because they can not handle the outside world with all its quirks.

29. There is a saying: There is nothing wrong with the world, it's just the people in it. But my Friends, there is nothing, nothing's wrong with the people. For each of you is Love. That's all you are. Nothing, nothing! You can have different talents and say I'm an artist, I am a boxer. But you are an artist who interprets or executes by Love.

30. And we get more and more other places to help you, help you understand the changes taking place. Because it's very frustrating sometimes, is not it?

31. On your Internet there are many, many scenarios of what will happen in the coming days and perhaps each of you in this room has a different thought about this, compared to the person sitting next to you. How many of you, I would say with respect, you feed him, sometimes with Fear? You start to read something, and for some, if I may say, for a ridiculous reason, you continue to read even if it makes you uncomfortable.

32. Why? Why you do that, my friends? Think about it. Why? We ask you when you do stop. If you feel uncomfortable, stop. If you talk to another who speaks of things that you make uncomfortable, be polite and leave. Because you must understand the importance behind what I say.

33. The more you feed your fear, the more it will grow. And the more you eat each of his fear, the more it grows on this planet. And you did not come here to feed the fear and spread it on this planet. You came here, you're likely volunteering, my friends, and you chose to be here, move this planet Earth to his new place. And as crazy as it may seem to those who sleep and perhaps some of you, I tell you in the Love is why you're here. So, do what you came to do. Be Love. Talk through Love. Spread the love around in every moment of your being in your Being.

34. Think about it because somehow my friends, is like a dream, it's a new way of being. This is a new understanding and it is quite difficult, we understand that. it's pretty hard to let go of old patterns and what you should try to accept is that these old models were not only in you for you for 25 years, 60 years. They have become 'you' over the thousands of years.

35. It's pretty hard for a soul to understand that each of you in this room is One is a difficult concept, but it's true. It's nice and quiet. This knowledge of the unit is something I ask you to ask your souls to investigate. When you look into the eyes of another you see yourself because you look, but just in another form, another form of Love. Love. Love. Love. That's what makes the world go round.

36. I say to those like I always say that the first may put a brave soldier matter and may ask what he wants all is well, and if it is not appropriate, I'll just tell you. So is there anyone who would engage in a question? My friend, I say welcome and thanks for the loan of this room.

(Question 1)

37. I want to say I have a great truth and conviction in my heart and soul, we are definitely in the company of many worlds here. Is what many souls on the Earth plane will be able to see more evidence of this with the windows of our soul? Thank you.

White Cloud

38. Because vibration is increasing on this earthly plane, she meets with a vibration that is higher if we work like that. When the Earth rises, to explain it simply, it will be closer to high vibrations. And in time, and I can only say in time because there is no time, so I can not tell you in fifteen years, but finally, it must be that more of you on this planet will wake up and wake others because of these and more as time runs away the level of Love seep on this planet. Plus you'll begin to merge all your worlds.

39. It is therefore natural that, as it merges with the higher vibration, the person is able to connect at first, but then the next level, there will be visual, the power to see what you can not see at this time. Some may already, some not. And it is too complicated to go into details at this time. But I tell you that the time has come. It was time, long ago, but now it's time to talk with your guides, even if you do not know who they are.

40. I tell you that each of you several. Tell them hello from time to time. You do not always, as many do, need to be in extreme circumstances to call on someone else to give you a hand.

41. Wake up every morning and say hello. Say hello to love first and then to those around you. And say I hope you enjoy your day with me. I would try to make it as exciting as possible, because imagine if you wake up depressed every day, and them, friends that are invisible should be like: "Here we go again for another day!".

42. My friends, live your life to the fullest you can. You came here to do that very thing. And there will come a time where each of you will experience the enlightened beings. Beings like the colorful rainbow trout. Beings from other places, that will blow you away. In the same way your light their breath away. You are here, my friends, to shine your Light. To be an example of the Light. This is not achievable. It does not require that they put themselves in your way thinking. This is to smile and laugh and be happy and I tell you the eyes of people through their hearts awake thanks to you being Love. That's all you have to do.

43. So many people say I do not know why I'm here, I feel so helpless, I feel I am doing nothing to help the planet. You came here to do what you just did. Be Love. End of story. How will you choose to express that love? To what extent you choose to open Love is your choice and this can give us all choices, is not it? You have the choice every moment of your life you have a choice. You can choose from, my friends, to act in some way or another if they trigger your buttons or you can say: how do I advanced, and instead of reacting in anger you smile and you send the joy.

44. This is how your world will change. This is how your world will change because everyone is becoming love they are and the reason for this is because a higher level of love pierces and you wake up to him saying: " Oh yes, oh yes that feeling is correct. "You connect with the Truth of who you are.

45. These days, my friends, are the most exciting moments in which you could be on this planet. You've had a chance, you, and you. You have been chosen to come here right now for this change to take place. Why everyone should run with (he pulls a sad face) Why? Why? Put your lips that way, smile with all your soul, in all circumstances. Be Love my friends Love. Y there another question? Of all the people I want to say not one. My friend, Thank you very much.

(Question 2)

46. I just want to know why the spiritual change is happening now? Why now?

White Cloud

47. Because nobody has heard why this change is happening now? And we could see the Mayan calendar. 2012. This is to say: mmm. Big question mark. Firstly I hope I do not digress too much, but it happens now because of 2012. 2012, my friends, the big question on everyone's lips ... What will happen?

48. 2012 is a marker. This is not ... and this is my truth, it need not be yours ... is not that December 21, 2012, your world will fall apart with everyone on it. It will not happen that way. But this time there will be a huge difference that has occurred since now, tonight, until the marker in time, if you look back at all the changes that have taken place to date, world is speeding up. And so this score will be here tomorrow. He will be here before you know it, but it's just a label.

49. Understand this. What happens when you pass through the Golden Age, which was expected, depend entirely on you and you and you and you and you and everyone else, because you are the ones who are creating your new Golden Age with the way you think, by the way you choose to be your world . How do you want your world going? Pick and choose wisely, my friends, because you came here to create it.

50. But I look rather grim. I do not want to sound like that at all. Because each of you who is here on this planet ... we have not only chosen willy-nilly saying yes, you, you can go, yes you, nice haircut. We have chosen wisely so that the strongest souls could go through. Because it is not easy, is it not my friends? Sometimes the soul cries to be able to go home, but let me say, your home is Love, so you can be with you wherever you chose.

51. This is not a gateway where you enter a house, it's not your home. It can be a haven for the moment, but the house of your soul is your Truth. When you live in your truth do not you feel at home because everything falls into place? One feels a Love within themselves, even though living in this truth is sometimes difficult ... happens sometimes, to tell your truth, but when you do, you know you're home. And when you move into this Golden Age, there will be that all the old models are no longer with you. You can not go bringing your luggage with you. It's too much weight in a world Illuminated. You can drop your bags like this, like this if you wish.

52. There are so many things I could say about moving into this new age. We could talk for a century, but there is simply no time, but in relation to this question, why everyone wakes up now is because of this date. It is a marker, a chronology, but many people say this will happen and it will happen, and I would go out on a limb here and say we do not know what will happen because it is through report to you, please. It is you who will create the new world. I would ask how are you, Rick, with the remaining time? I now ask if there is another question? Yes it is.

(Question 3)

53. I would ask if we know that windows are the eyes of the soul. I wonder if you know and you can share, where is the door to the kingdom last?

White Cloud

54. Where is the gateway to the kingdom last? Get out of here, turn right. I make jokes, my friend. Oh, if it were that simple.

55. Many of you, if I can answer this the best of my ability, there are those who struggle with meditation. The mind is too preoccupied with shopping and Uncle Charlie never said he was coming in 2 hours or 4 o'clock, when we try to meditate. How can we cut? Because if I understand what you ask, is that correct my friend, you wonder how the world, from here up there, in freedom and then be able to return. Correct?

(Question 4)

56. Beyond.

White Cloud

57. Beyond.

(Question 5)

58. Beyond the ultimate.

White Cloud

59. We discuss issues very deep. I would say that when you meditate ... Wait a minute! It's just ... I am simply and Blossom is telling me if it would be better if she fled. She said it would be better to have an image to describe this, so let's see if it works better. What I gave Blossom was the image of a rosebud. When the rose is watered and nourished it allows him to push and open. From your point of view, it's really a matter of putting aside your ego and foremost it is not easy to do. Once you have mastered, you can find through meditation that you are able to access other levels, then you must adapt to these levels.

60. Only very few souls, I mean they can access where you want to go on the plane of the Earth at this time. And the reason I say this because there are many things involved. The first is that you would not come back. And laugh, but it is a fact. Although the vibration which is the first place may not be accessible with all due respect to those with their vibration is able to cope.

61. But I mean, let me say, as regards the souls on the Earth plane. This is very different depending on where you are. So what I would say Young man, if I may, it's allowing you to go elsewhere in meditation is the best thing you can do. Instead of watching a program that feeds you ... negativity ... shut it down and watch a program that fills you with love. Do not waste your time, my friends, because time is approaching more and more. I would also tell you that you will be able to access the highest level that your soul needs and no more being on the Earth plane.

62. Blossom knows I need to say something. If I may, I just show Blossom when you walk, it seems that every time you move, the board gets up and hits you face. In the sense that it sometimes seems that you are stuck in front of you when you think you know what direction you're headed. This is one of those moments where Blossom said, will go forward. Because what they saw is that you step and the board taps you in the face, I simply shows that you may consider to go around here or there. Because by this way, you will find with all these obstacles. But it simply, my friend, take a step here or there.

63. The reason is that I laughed Blossom that is not a right, not left as the song of a particular program. So, my friend, just think to take a small step in one direction or another during your trip now because I feel it will help and just to finish, I would say that it is also relative to where you want to go to the next level that you want to achieve, but also to say to be patient because patience is a virtue and you can not go anywhere until it is compatible with all parts of you, but you can not because it would not be comfortable. That would be (he claps his hands to indicate a crash) right away because you will not be the correct vibration. Are you OK my friend? How are we going? About an hour. I wish I had a question for you my friend.

(Question 6)

64. Thank you White Cloud. I have a question about aliens. I have the impression of being contacted and many of us seem to be contacted by aliens and we are surprised because we are not really occupied by UFOs, but they are very strong, very loving these beings and can you tell us about, please?

White Cloud

65. I'd say ... I could say the same. These Beings of Light that you are known as aliens come to you at this time because of the time. Because more and more you are able to access and are able to access it. What you know, with all due respect, or whatever you think you know is nothing compared that you know about these Enlightened Beings of Light in their vessels. These are enlightened beings, which means that their existence is vibrating at a level different from the plane of the Earth. Understand that the Earth plane is dense. It consists of a density as anything else. A thick soup that you have to move round and round and round. We turn to when we become consumed Illuminati.

66. These beings are here to help us. Not to save us, but to help us. And the more you're willing to open your hearts to be assisted more they will come to you. But you must understand that many souls are very afraid of what they do not understand. So, this whole thing must be done with a great ... Blossom is surprised by the word I'll say. I would say with a great compromise. Because even though there may be many who are willing to take their toothbrush and go elsewhere and take a ride back yesterday, there will be many who, in all truth, when larger events occur, leaving land level physically because the shock will be too much for them because of their understanding. The level where they are. But as more and more of you wake up and propagate the sun wherever you go, there will be fewer and fewer souls who still live in fear because you will change all that for them, being the love all day. Overnight. Throughout your life. Be Love.

67. I would say to leaving this point, what is to come, you'll love. So much love because you will not believe it. You will not believe the beauty that is coming not only to your planet, but to come in your Being. You will not believe you can not believe at this point because you can not know at this point how it will be. And I will tell you this much better now. When you close your eyes and you feel the Love in all its splendor, when you feel full, my friends know that there will be a time when you no longer need to close your eyes to feel this love, because you're just in its purity. I think it is now time for me to be silent.


68. I love you and thank you White Cloud.

White Cloud

69. My friend, I honor you as well as I honor each person in this room, as indeed I know that everyone in this room honors himself, because that way, they honor everyone as Un As the Warriors of Light spanking what you're doing here. Be Love my friends and I wish before leaving to spend a little time to send my love to you. But know that this is not just my love. There are many on this side because there are so many on this side and we're all on the wings of light, joyous feeling of love that is in this room tonight. So please just take a moment to feel my love for you all. Feel the warmth in your heart please. See the flame of Light and Love become increasingly bright. Remember who you are because you'll all go home, my friends. You come all. We thank the Divine Unity to enable the meeting to have taken place. We always ask that we be humble to serve and receive, and we can continue to march boldly into being the Light and Love.
Farewell, my friends, goodbye.

By courtesy of Milna


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