And yet, have not you learned that visualization is your most powerful tool?
What is real and what is not? What you chose to create for yourself? You create your reality.
It is important to us if this chair is made of your material energy or spiritual energy. For everything that can be materialized if it is created first and foremost in the mind.
The Federation of Light: Please take note of your appeal fundamental.
Blossom: Good start. And what does that mean exactly? I mean ... I know what that means ... but what you mean?
The Federation of Light: Please look within you to unfold the issues that seem contradictory and confusing. Your knowledge of the universal set is enclosed in itself. Yet how many times can you say "oh, I do not know" compared to so many things? We tell you that you know. You know everything about everything. It's just that you do not know!
Blossom: Yes, many of us can accept that, but what we do not know is how to access that knowledge. With all due respect, we ask you to access these things, to return to the Truth of who we are ... to remember ... to remember ... well, for my part, I do not know how. HOW? How can we find the answers we seek? You say we know everything. Awesome! Really ... I KNOW that we know ... then what prevents us from accessing these places of knowledge. Personally, I feel I am nowhere near the entrance.
The Federation of Light: Dear soul. You agree that you are of a size, you, is not it? You can understand the vastness of everything.
Blossom: Well, before you continue ... no ... I can not. How do I? Trying to understand how our planet is large, it's amazing, not to mention the space, galaxies, the universe etc, so I'm not really sure why you would say that we are able to understand the magnitude of "totality".
The Federation of Light: But you say ... you can.
Blossom: And I tell you ... we can not.
The Federation of Light: glorious light that you are ... you move into an era where all this will change. When the veils of confusion will be removed once again you will really see all that IS.
Blossom: I'm not trying to be smart ... but what that "BE"?
The Federation of Light:. BE it.
Blossom: What?
The Federation of Light: The presence of BE.
Blossom: Oh ... it's so clear now! The thing is, the guys ... everything "BE" ... all that ... you know things ... I mean ... what you mean really? Is it me? Do I just not understand? Or is that where we are in the current vibration, we are unable to "understand" you speak of?
The Federation of Light: And yet, we'll say you understand.
Blossom: Hmmm. Rays of gold! And I would say I do not understand, or we would not seem ridiculous to call this cycle. Although it makes me smile.
Federation Light: There are times when those in your world have "left" for a short period and have "understood". In an instant they were all included. Everything seems logical. The entirety of everything in this moment has been established and has been included. Upon return, they were unable to provide them with full knowledge. And yet, nobody has removed. For it is impossible to do. Because knowledge is not something that you know ... is something that YOU ARE! ARE YOU AWARE THAT. You are EVERYTHING. You see? ... Even a little? This entire creation of absolutely everything ... IS ... that ONE THING ... LOVE. All That Is ... Everything that exists, every thought, action, that ever was, and who will be forever ... full knowledge of everything ... is one. And so you're THAT. PART OF ALL THAT IS. That's what we try to explain the "BE". EVERYTHING IS ....
Blossom: You're right here ... I am ... but still no further ahead in the "know" how we take advantage of this "absolute knowledge". I understand that we are part of Oneness ... coast is not an ocean without every last drop of water in it ... and I understand what you are saying by this because we part of this whole ... We ALL KNOW ... but it seems to me, where I reside, such as a human being on planet Earth ... I do not know how to find my ...
The Federation of Light: Fundamental action!
Blossom: Exactly! So how ... you asked at the beginning ... I can perhaps take note of this?
The Federation of Light: By logging.
Blossom: I know this may sound strange ... am I right in the picture I get?
The Federation of Light: Yes. We show you as if you sit on a chair with high backrest adorned. We ask each person reading these words to embark on the same trip.
Blossom: Sorry to interrupt ... and I trust you ... but I already have a preview of what is about to take place ... and it all seems so "Matrix! "So very" Star Trek ". So very ... Science'FICTION '.
The Federation of Light: And as you know ... through minds of those who are willing to accept, we were able to download all the "science fact. But it was necessary for filtering through the minds of not accepting it, for it is called "fiction." NOTHING is impossible. And certainly what we are about to "guide you through" as a concept is acceptable as all that you accept as "normal reality."
Blossom: Ok ... Let me tie my belt ... it's gone!
The Federation of Light: Visualize yourself firmly in this "throne". At ease. Any concerns that you may encounter is simply preparing the heart for what is to come.
Imagine that on the arms where the hands are placed are metal plates for each finger and index finger. Place your fingers above substantially.
Blossom: I am so sorry to interrupt again, but now I see a metal plate on the chair in the back of the neck area ... and I guess I have a doubt because it is so like the movie "The Matrix "I think I may use this remedy.
The Federation of Light: We are aware of your energy field in this regard. We have no concern with regard to your questioning the authenticity of what we take turns. However, we would like to express once more on filtering through your world, including a deep insight of your "science fiction". Particularly on many aspects of your print "Matrix" on the soul. Do you agree to continue?
Blossom: Yes ... and what I can say at this stage, I'll try to keep quiet and not interrupt you ... but I could ... depending on what you're about to ask us!
The Federation of Light: Take the position. It's like you feel that these plates ...
(Titanium came through my mind quite strongly)
are magnetized to energy points in the fingers and back of your neck. When you look at Blossom, you see that we add these plates through the back of the chair, as if you align your chakras too. Yet you only see four, regularly spaced. It's okay.
I then managed to stop writing and take a position in the chair I was sitting. I knew I had to put pressure on the fingertips. And I felt "change." Yes. I had an experience ... Short and sweet, because I did not completely let go because of "questions" about the whole procedure and I was wondering to be honest ... How many people reading this is either try it or unsubscribe! I also know about the "line about enabling" because I had given my experience, others expected the same thing. So if I do not say what happened to me (and it was nothing huge ... but perhaps could have been if I'd let her go) there will be no 'expectations and every individual can simply follow the flow.
Blossom: Oh! I think it takes me everywhere. Not really sure where to go from here. Although I must say that I feel very light.
The Federation of Light: We ask you again dear Blossom? Do you trust us?
Blossom: What do you think?
The Federation of Light: We will not like to assume. There have been experiences with us in the past that have left you feeling a bit frustrated and we take that it is like.
Blossom: Well, I must say that I'll feel a little concerned about the message. And yet ... I know you're with me ... So do I ... just ... once again put me on the line and do what I do.
The Federation of Light: It's your choice.
Blossom: And if I do not?
The Federation of Light: The world does not stop there. We suggest you reread what has been given this day and your heart will know instantly what to do. We also ask you to reflect on the fact that many people have had a wonderful experience through the "activation process" that has been given, yet some felt nothing or very little. Maybe deprive you of many to have a wonderful experience, because this day, your mind was in a place where he could not recognize the truth of what we asked of you.
Blossom: If ... I sat on a chair with metal plates ... Perhaps it would have been different.
The Federation of Light: And yet, have not you learned that visualization is your most powerful tool? What is real and what is not? What you chose to create for yourself? You create your reality. It is important to us if this chair is made of your material energy or spiritual energy. For everything that can be materialized if it is created first and foremost in the mind. Therefore, from where we sit ... the chair is ... whatsoever in your mind or reality itself.
Blossom: Yes. I understand. Maybe when I read this I will "accept" the notion of "connect". And maybe I will give it a more serious attempt thereafter. Know that I do not underestimate what can be done. It's just that sometimes everything seems a little "unreal". A bit far-fetched. And it is I who must display these messages. And ... I feel if a message is a little "special" when I'm the one who speaks with you ... my ego wonders what everyone might think.
The Federation of Light: We do not have those concerns.
Blossom: Me, not usually more!
The Federation of Light: We are concerned that by raising your planet and to help souls on it. That is our mission. This is our joy. We would not offer information on such questions if we knew your world was not ready. Can we say with respect Blossom, we thought to see how you'll feel in terms of our offer today because it was set in advance. Perhaps a bit premature to be accepted.
Blossom: Maybe by me ... Maybe not for others. You can not generalize by my reaction.
The Federation of Light: Wise words. We feel now that you're a little discouraged. Do not be not. It is not necessary! You have learned that often, when things do not make sense at this time ... at a later date you skip and jump for joy at the result you least expect it.
Blossom: You're right of course. And I'm fine. I know it is time to stop today. And I'll take a deep breath in order to go back and reread this. And without fail I'll find time today to try again and let me have full confidence in the procedure, which of course will take me further into the rabbit hole! I also feel that this small trip is also linked to the activation process. It is related in some way.
The Federation of Light: Correct. And we chose to leave it.
Blossom: Thank you my friends. Every day we get closer a little closer ... namely ... you and us. I love you!
The Federation of Light: Every day, we too are getting closer.
Blossom: I heard "Goodbye" ... the sign of White Cloud. One day I will know its place within the Federation, but only when it's time.
Good luck to all. Fasten your seatbelts!
Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild
http://folinjapan.blogspot.com/ - JAPANESE
http://flinfrench.blogspot.com/ -FRANÇAIS
http://flingerman.blogspot.com - DEUTSCH
http://folinchina.blogspot.com/ - CHINESE
http://flinspanish.blogspot.com - SPANISH
http://flindutch.blogspot.com – DUTCH
http://federationlight.blogspot.com - PORTUGUÊS
Original and Translation of the Galactic messages are available
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