Because your view is ra viewed from a new place ... a higher place ... a place you ... each of you ... you made many sacrifices in order to achieve it.
reborn in the pastures of wealth. To feel your feet tread the soil of a different nature. To smell the grass of a different scent.
smiling at each other with a different look in your eyes, and especially loves no doubt ... without fear ... without caring one way or another ... just to feel in your heart and soul of friendship and unity of the soul you are.
Bring that day, my dearest souls ... with every breath he approaches ...
Message from the Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild
Blossom: Good afternoon to you ! Well, it seems that people liked Your activation in the''chair''(see post from 29/08). Each had its own experience, but few had the same theme in piloting a ship by the amount of pressure exerted on each hand. Interesting! ... Are you there? I feel nothing in my head come from you?
The Federation of Light: Yes, we are indeed''in earshot that you feel that our relationship is low. In fact the opposite is true as we prepare you in the silence you feel for what we want to help you today.
Blossom: Okay thank you. I could ask a million things I thought.
The Federation of Light: Then why do not you?
Blossom: Because I always felt that you know best what would be most beneficial as the subject.
The Federation of Light: There is a divergence from you ... in the fact that the questions you are encouraged to contact us do not always what we chose to speak ... Love.
Blossom: Yes. I think we could get much else on the political where the questions address a more serious discussion. Therefore, I stand aside to introduce these issues to you.
The Federation of Light: We are grateful for your kindness. Because that's how we want to mention that this will improve your vibration, not the crust. Is not that what we teach? To have only thoughts of love.
Blossom: Yes, but how will we know from you ... Truth of the other subjects discussed?
The Federation of Light: You do not know. Try to help you with your thoughts. We are known by you as the Federation of Light. We are the Light. We do not want to be something else. We only allow the light in our vibrations. Another thing we use. Why would we? Yet it seems that many of you on earth are unable to grasp this particular concept for yourself. If you really want to be just the light, then it is imperative that everything is negative in nature should not be allowed to project into your vibration. It's so easy to recognize a lower energy vibration or thought, since you now know, for your learning and your experience that when you''feel''uncomfortable, it is a lower frequency. Exclude it outside of yourself and return it IMMEDIATELY. Because the more you surround yourself with high energies, the more you increase your level of vibration that you are trying to accomplish. From where we are, the place within our being we are talking, we're not worried about ourselves on this. Yet, when we, shall we say with respect ... lower our frequencies to communicate with you Blossom we are a little colder ... Yes it is a correct way to say it. We are more aware of what those on your earth plane are going to live when we allow our frequencies falling to a colder''''
Blossom: So you do understand what we as business down here? Sometimes it feels to wake up and someone has completed his shower water by negative thoughts and it takes great discipline to rub off!
The Federation of Light: We understand your death. We send our strength which is the Light to ALL that IS your planet to get rid of this disease. We can offer only words of comfort in knowing that this ... in your new world no more.
Blossom: And yet another day, while White Cloud spoke, he said, and as you said ... it to us to create our new world through our thoughts and really nothing is fixed ... So how do you know that we will indeed succeed in making this New World?
The Federation of Light: Because of the progress taking place that is easy to see an energy standpoint. If you could see ...
Blossom: We'll believe you on your word ... what is the case ... because we can not ...
The Federation of Light: The energy difference of Light that is here today, compared to only two years ago ... there will be plenty of jubilation.
Blossom: A one level ... but on another there is still much to be sorted.
The Federation of Light: But you can not deny that there has been a huge increase in the number of souls who have awakened from their sleep and trying to understand what it is.
Blossom: Sure.
Federation Light: So in that respect we are very happy. And knowing that this will continue ... well-being ... A general feeling was articulated by The Everything needs to be done, certainly seem to be. Yet we continue and we continue to pursue ... you''rehashing''the need to stay on the good side of things''life''
Blossom: We will all continue to try to stay there!
The Federation of Light: We ask you to be more vigilant about your thoughts. The pressure is now on the fact to clear a path through what is impressed upon you to be otherwise.
Blossom: What are you exactly?
The Federation of Light: We're saying that you can not be fully able to understand from your position on Earth. We ask you to trust what we tell you the feeling of the vibration of your beating heart when we say we'll say.
As with all things that are fighting for their lives, their place of power ... there will be a final claims in this life that goes ... but as the warriors of Light, acknowledge them as attempts last sheet. What is about to quit his life hangs by a blade of grass ... because he knows in his position where he happens to be the end. SEND THE LOVE TO ALL NEGATIVE THOUGHTS. SEND THE LOVE TO ALL / ALL THAT LEAVES YOUR REALITY WHICH IS USED OVER. THERE IS NOTHING TO DO ... SETTING APART SENDING THE LOVE.
So we ask ... to make your companion every day ... to send LOVE to the darkest of places and the darkest soul. For these places and souls cry out for attention. To return to what they once were. Their service is no longer necessary. They reached their goal ... through Love ... and now ask to be heard and bought.
Blossom: Whoa! tough call for some I guess.
The Federation of Light: For those who do not understand. That's why we ask you to be only Love. For when you are able to understand what you can not now, you'll love to send these souls''who''seemed to have hurt ... nothing but Love. Send hatred would be of no benefit, and you're not in kindergarten and you are aware of these issues.
Darkness falls. But to where?
Blossom: Did not you say in the non-existence? Nothingness from where it come from?
The Federation of Light: And what nothingness dear lady?
Blossom: Included ... yes ... LOVE ... Because there is only Love.
The Federation of Light: So, sending Light and Love in the dark, you turn into nothingness. You return home.
Blossom: You know, I must say ... it must be pretty cool to be you!
The Federation of Light:''You are us "... but in a different expression of us ... that's all.
Blossom: You really think from our point of view, we must have had a few too many gin and tonic for wanting to volunteer to come here and do what needs to be done.
The Federation of Light: Maybe! Or maybe you were honored aspects of Love and there was no doubt about what you may have to endure ... you were aware of it ... from the Truth of yourself being in the highest aspect of love who you are ... you did not hesitate to be where you are now. So because you KNOW what you KNOW NOW that what you came here, was of great service.
We tell you ... the souls of the highest level ... YOU ARE VERY MUCH BIGGER THAN YOUR DREAMS ... AT THIS POINT ... PERMETRONT YOU TO KNOW.
We also tell you this ... there will be a time, and it is not so far away, when all this misunderstanding of the perspective from which you must see things, will be included. Unfortunately, your view will be displayed from a new place ... a higher place ... a place you ... each of you ... you made many sacrifices in order to achieve it. Reborn in the pastures of wealth. Of feel your feet tread the soil of a different nature. To smell the grass of a different scent. Smiling at each other with a different look in your eyes, and especially loves no doubt ... without fear ... without caring one way or another ... just feel in your heart and soul of friendship and unity of the soul you are. Take this day, my dearest souls ... with every breath he approaches ...
We would say this before they close and ask you to think ...
Do you think we could bring all this knowledge to deceive you? Ask the your heart ... How do you feel the truth in your being that you express?
It is so.
It would be pointless to waste time many of you, if this was a game without lyrics database. We tell you in love what we're talking about happen. Your heart will sing and rejoice when all you feel is on its way ... is finally here.
Blossom: Amen to that! Thank you very much my friends. We are all very grateful and also to the Divine Unity ... which is all of us anyway, is not it? Thank you for everything! Rays Gold!
Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild
http://folinjapan.blogspot.com/ - JAPANESE
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http://flingerman.blogspot.com - DEUTSCH
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http://flindutch.blogspot.com – DUTCH
http://federationlight.blogspot.com – PORTUGUÊS
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