Friday, September 24, 2010

Dishwasher Sterilization

Regarding the last message from Blossom Goodchild Blossom by


I was inundated with emails since the pipeline of yesterday and it's impossible to respond individually to all. Know that I read every message and I thank you for sharing your ideas with me ... which prompted me to write this follow-up letter today about my thoughts on the matter and explaining a few facts. So without further ado ....

First and foremost, I'm just the messenger. What I sent, I write. I do not change a single word and I do not delete either. What is given to me ... I give you in the future. When I start a line, I have absolutely no idea about.

For example when I said

I felt there was something you needed to talk rather than the usual "it's time for another session" If you understand what I mean? Is this correct?

The Federation of Light: Yes, indeed. Although we have a tentative topic for you which is also present in your mind.

The only thing I thought was the news that many have told me, regarding a possible "appearance" on October 13 .

My thoughts on this are like many I suppose. I'll wait and see! Although the date is rather strange ... and it excites me, I must say .... (Is not it!), But on contemplation ... we could all go to another disappointment and that's why I did not rush immediately to shout from the rooftops. Stan Fulham, the gentleman in question is a retired officer of NORAD and I know he was not aware of the prediction of 14 October 2008. It also states that if the ships will not arrive on that date, it will definitely before the end of 2010. Again we'll just wait and see. Please understand that I do not criticize the hard work of this gentleman. Far from it.

So ... regarding the declaration of the Federation of Light yesterday ..... "We are coming" With all due respect ... I am sure they will do ......... but they did not say when. So ... I just want to .... you guessed it ... wait and see. Many emails have been sensitive to great excitement at the point of tears. Many were rather tentative. To be honest, I just thought that "when you do that it'll be fine Thanks!". We've all been waiting for so long, but we know that it is for us to make the change. However, a 'surprise' would certainly be the fight against the "anti's" do not you? Although not mentioned in what form.

So here we are ... from my point of view, I do not expect to believe their words "very soon" means "very soon" in our understanding, but to say that? I KNOW that one day when he can ... THEY WILL COME and by then I will continue to deliver their messages of love and compassion that I was invited to deliver the best possible way. I'm just a normal girl who is in an extraordinary position. (Just saw it coming!)

I hope not to have brought disappointment to those who are ecstatic with the news of the pipeline yesterday. Je ne veux pas mettre un frein sur les choses, loin de là ... Let's be honest ... when they come, for my part, I will sing Hallelujah!

So, hopefully before the end of the year we can join in the Hallelujah ... Keeping in mind ... life on Earth will never be the same. Continue to be ... Love ... to ensure that we are as prepared as we can be!

We are here to spread things

With Love, Light, Laughter and Golden Rays. Let's do it!

Blossom xxx

Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild - JAPANESE -FRANÇAIS - DEUTSCH - CHINESE - SPANISH – DUTCH – PORTUGUÊS

Original and translations of the Galactic Messages available on


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