People of Earth, Brothers and Sisters ...
our family ONE IN THE LIGHT ...
we arrive.
Message from The Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild
On September 21, 2010
Blossom: Hi,''I felt the urge to speak with you''in recent days. I just need to find a suitable time. And voila! Go ahead!
The Federation of Light: We welcome your heart with the warmth of our love and understanding of that day. We accept the difficulties that may arise on occasion that discourage contact you at our convenience ... We give you the joy for this moment when we are able to match.
Blossom: I felt there was something that you want to say rather than the usual "it's time for another tune-up" you See what I mean? Is this correct?
The Federation of Light: Yes, indeed. Although we have a tentative topic for you which is also present in your mind.
Blossom: Well, I'll try with all my heart''to listen "and not to interrupt or give a ruling or comment ... Even if you know me ... sometimes I can not ... and help you do your best ... as I know you will ... to send the message in a way that I can accept.
The Federation of Light: Good . We agree.
Throughout your life on planet Earth, it has never been diagnosed as voluntarily participating in experiments that would dwarf what is a noble cause. Which is beneficial to all. Your planet and everything living on it, and indeed the very heart of the earth itself ... had an objective to complete. A reason to exist. It allowed the temptation to succumb to his desires to the needs of itself and in doing so ... much that was originally thought and discussion has just been scrapped because it was clear after some time that the plans do would not be able to be achieved.
There were many "storyboard". There were many ideas incorporated. It took the commitment of groups like ourselves and you who would have continued in spite of everything that may try to disrupt or destroy.
If we could now prove to you a question that seems endless ... What would you do?
Blossom: Well, do not act prematurely, and do not put thoughts of what you speak into my head ... the response of any evidence that will surely be ... Be''happy''
The Federation of Light: An interesting answer. Because it depends, is not it, to''demonstrate what "over whether this evidence would make the soul happy or sad.
Blossom: Yes. Good point. But the proof of something at least can know with certainty and we can finally settle this thing once and for all.
The Federation of Light: This is correct. So what we're about to give you we would call "appropriate "at this time. That's why you feel our need to communicate because we believe the time to give this information is indeed "appropriate."
Blossom: So, please ... although my heart is pounding like the wings of a butterfly ... Please go ahead ... gives the result!
The Federation of Light: Dear lady ... dear soul of the Earth ... so long did you help your personal autonomy. You're brought to a place in your light that led us to KNOW that much has been accomplished because of it. You understood the need to raise your Being to where they had fallen and once again provide the power as an individual everything. You faced with hardship and diligence you continued when at times he seemed to have little energy remaining to do. But your soul shining through. They are now able to accept a new way. They resonate at a level where they can "see" much more than they were several years ago. That's why we made decisions you make changes that will surprise you and give new hope. We will be a breath of fresh air for those who know that''it is us. "(?)
Blossom: You already are, believe me.
Federation Light: We know! However, it is necessary to deliver a step further in understanding before we can ...
Blossom: Yeah ... I've heard ...
The Federation of Light: begin our descent.
Blossom: Let you give away!
The Federation of Light: Consider a moment the implication of the evidence ... tangible truth of our existence. Many of you have done ... and the result has been that of mixed reactions ... depending on where the soul is in its evolution, its acceptance and understanding. Many of you find that''U.S.''will find other ways to prove that we are here rather than the shock of a large outbreak in your sky.
Blossom: Yes, I must say that I have received quite a few suggestions ... I feel that you're aware of anyway, and I do not need to "forward". Some are very good ... and will certainly make people think ... Would this not a good way to prepare the souls who are still asleep?
The Federation of Light: And yet ... even with phenomena we've created so far, there will always be an apology ... those who live in fear of themselves and we always choose to believe what is not true. Those who from the depths of fear, desire to avoid visits to your vibration continues to dispel all thoughts of a nature lover and they transform what is love only a joke.
Blossom: Sorry ... What do you mean by that?
The Federation of Light: We accept what comes to us may be transferred by many in fear to "keep us away.''We do not deny that many attempts that have worked well on the table had to be postponed or canceled completely because of the opportunities we have seen arise from those who remain in the dark.
As we look forward to these lost souls find their way. To feel again the light they are. Light from whence they came. Not for the existence of an atom came from nowhere else but the Light is.
There was a recent advice that the matter was of utmost importance and highest sensitivity. There has been advice given to many corners add flavor to the opportunities presented and discussed. We ... Federation of Light point to the fact that the souls of the Earth are in need of being''spicy''is not it?
Blossom: With words like''delicate''and''''... flavor Maybe you will file a''massive''flight wind of heaven!
And in answer to your question .... OH YES! We know that the work required to get into a high vibration can only come from ourselves, but undoubtedly some ... chose''tombé sky''certainly will raise our spirits ... and especially ... keep them high for a while, I'd say.
The Federation of Light: And so, here.
Blossom: What form, if I am bold enough to ask?
The Federation of Light: You can. But has not allowed you one-it better not be aware of these issues?
Blossom: Are you talking about here mo? Namely ... October 14?
The Federation of Light: Yes Blossom.
Blossom: That's cool. Because you know that I will fight deep, if you were to give another date of arrival.
The Federation of Light: We will use your service, if we count on you this way again. Moreover, it is not necessary to do so. Once is enough. And even if you're aware of a lot about this time, not until you're in a higher position that you fully understand the impact this has on several levels.
Blossom: There's plenty to talk about 2010 and all that can happen by the end of the year. For the moment I can feel excitement myself ... this feeling Within that something will happen, but no idea what ... it's not negative things ... Perhaps the hope early ... but as I say, I do not know.
The Federation of Light: The excitement that most of you feel ... but perhaps in different ways is due to a higher level of energy that helps your mind to KNOW what is coming ... very soon. Your heart rate is also bracing for the new and remaining at a high rate it releases''and the anticipation is rising to the challenge.''
We say to all those who read these words ... your service to you and all must not and can not go unrewarded. Accelerating time when all you want and you wanted to know should be presented. You walk forward so strongly when you thought you rather take five steps back.
People of Earth, Brothers and Sisters ... our family of ONE IN THE LIGHT ... We arrive.
Blossom: I must be honest here ... After disconnecting I received these last three words ... I let out a breath important, but I trust you in this relationship of Truth and I hesitated just a split second before I wrote.
The Federation of Light: Is not it easier for those who do not know us to ridicule and maim words of Truth? Yet, their souls are struggling with their fate. They resist the truth because they are afraid of what awaits them. Teach them .... Teach them ... teach them that in light there is only Love. In Love there is only Truth. In truth there are only ... themselves. And what they are can only be Love ... What is there to fear?
Have you seen how far some have strayed from home? Have you no aspiration to find those who are cold and feel alone, and Aedes wrap them in your understanding and knowledge so that they too can find strength in themselves and then do the same thing?
Save those who call for help ... but do you laugh or blame those who do not. Because they are an aspect of your own true self that has just departed from the path of Light and we tell you ... that not one will remain in darkness forever. It is not possible. Send your love to those who know only hatred and greed. Send your love my dear souls Illuminati. For those of you who are able to do so, you will find great peace in this gift. And no doubt that Love will do its job when it arrives in the deepest pain of those lost souls, flat one seed of this magnitude. Then we suggest you sprinkle the seeds over and over again in this heart pain and maintain as you would with a newborn ... for indeed it is what it seems.
Dear friends, we now feel that this session comes to an end. There's more to come ...
Blossom: What?
The Federation of Light: Not in this session, but soon. We "you report" on time.
Blossom: And I will do my best to oblige of course. Thank you for the distributed today. I enjoyed it. I acknowledge that I am blessed to have this relationship with you ... I will certainly do everything I can to be available when you want to communicate. For now ... it's time for a cup of tea.
The Federation of Light: We are withdrawing your energy, and we look forward forward to our next communication. Be at peace ... Be peace. It is your natural state.
Blossom: With Love and Thanks to all.
Translated by Milne
Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild
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http://federationlight.blogspot.com – PORTUGUÊS
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