Thursday, March 3, 2011

Let's Take A Look At That Bergina

3 March 2011

... However, remember your uniqueness.

Remember ... this was the way it was agreed to.

So you have to recognize and alert your soul to the most important objective of your presence here.

It's happening NOW.

The Federation of Light
channeled by Blossom Goodchild

On March 3, 2011

Blossom: It feels like only yesterday that we were in touch! I would really like to contact you, because I'm not here for a short period as you know and I do not want to have a break too long ... for me, you and the rest of the troupe who receive so much encouragement from your words. Feel free to express yourself as only you know how!
The Federation of Light: With your permission, of course ... there is much that we would like to share with you tonight. Firstly can we say there is a significant change ... not only yourself, but among many of you and it is abundantly clear''on our Richter scale "(?) There was a difference in level of traction to the vibrational energies higher now that exude in your ethers. For this reason, we are extremely excited about the opportunities that may occur soon and we congratulate all of you who has the presence of its higher energies within and around you introduce themselves and then act accordingly.

Yes. I have not made a secret that I felt a''turning point "and others said the same thing. You want to elaborate on that?
The Federation of Light : Dear friend, we and others ..

Blossom: You flatter me sir!
The Federation of Light: It is not necessary to elaborate on this issue. For c It was in the rhythm of the individual that this event will happen! Currently c ach soul now echoes with its own frequency. Some feel bad hair and wonder why they have not yet reached this provision "happy" ... but we tell you ... do not worry about what happens with the other. Focus only on where you are inside. Concentrate on yourself and let others do the same. You will ALL get to this "standard" over time.

Blossom: A strange word to use.

Federation Light: But okay. It is not good or bad about it. This is not a race nor a competition. It is simply a state of being in which every one of you''slip''when his soul is ready to do so. Be patient with yourself. There's no hurry. This just when and where it happens to all of you. Blossom And as for you ... when it does ... you know.

Let us now turn our thoughts to new pastures?

Indeed. What is the next topic ?
The Federation of Light: Yes, what's next! Some time ago, in our speech, we talked about the rainbows in the sky, those who are unusual, and for a certain period, the souls on Earth who read our words, seemed to see many varied exhibitions of such a beauty. Unusual forms, unusual formations. Do you think that those who were not aware of our words also saw them?

Yes, I suppose.

The Federation of Light: What do you think they thought? They did not think the same thing as the souls who were aware of what we said. They were simply enthralled by the phenomena and they gathered thoughts on the unusual ... without taking the prospect further. However, those who "knew otherwise" were full of hope and promise, and they allowed their Higher Self to feel a connection with "WE". These arcs-en-ciel Light took on new meaning and is not now, when we see a rainbow in the sky, a link to "WE" is once more established?

Yes. I must say for my part, I do not look to the sky never without thinking of you. I enjoy the blue of the day and I am in awe when I communicate with the stars at night. I lift my eyes, well ... I just let j ... just ... my heart speak.
The Federation of Light: So can we say that it is reasonable to assume that you are not alone in this action?


Federation Light: And then, can we suggest also that considerable progress has been made in recent years and since we announced the event that many consider not to have occurred? From our point of view these beautiful ...

Blossom: I seem to have lost the link here ............ these beautiful?? (I had to reconnect and breathe deeply several times).
The Federation of Light: Turbulence .

Blossom: Within our connection you mean?
The Federation of Light: We just show you a picture of a whirlwind, a hurricane. Sometimes we are not able to balance the energies that come from nowhere.

Blossom: From your side of the link or mine?
The Federation of Light: This time ... on our side. Without going into details ... interference may occur on your frequency. We're listening on a frequency particularly when we communicate with you. We often change so it does not become too familiar with those who prefer that this friendship does not happen.

Blossom: Are you kidding?
The Federation of Light: Not at all. However, please understand that it is not at all worrying. We simply change the frequency again and all is well.

Blossom: I feel like the inside of a radio!
The Federation of Light: Somehow ... you are.

Blossom: And now ... the weather!

Sorry, let us put us on track! Seriously, I know you are telling the truth, but it's strange for me to accept that-that's me sitting in my little room for healing, doing what I do with you ... and somewhere outside, a whole movie of "James Bond Cosmic" is under way, I do not know yet I am involved. Sometimes I find it a bit unreal to be honest with you.

The Federation of Light: But your heart knows that we are as real as you and all that we are talking about is possible.

Blossom: Absolutely everything is possible. I learned this some time ago. I'm sure someone in my position would have the same feeling. In short, with all due respect this is just small talk ... talking about the hardline reality if we can?

The Federation of Light: What kind?

Blossom: You know now that it's your choice. But since you asked me (you put these words in my head) what is the question that you want me you ask?

The Federation of Light: The your concern.

Blossom: In writing it I thought: "I do not, then the immediate thought that entered my head was," These pillars of light ... "and I know that's what you want me to pose as a question because I had a "Thrill of Truth" when I thought.

The Federation of Light: Be direct young woman ... Be brave ... what do you mean?

Blossom: You know!

The Federation of Light: Indeed. Yet many who read these words will not know.

Blossom: Okay ... I guess I have to say so .... And if they do not present themselves as you said they would show up? What should I do? I mean ... You KNOW that I trust you ...

The Federation of Light: So why this?

Blossom: Because you asked me to ask it.

The Federation of Light: Because you thought. You fear that if these pillars are not in your sky, many lose faith in our words and what we have said that will happen.

Blossom: If I did not trust you ... I will not bother to invest so much time talking to you. Little interest in this. So I guess that's more .. Oh, I do not know .... a concern?

The Federation of Light: No, our dear lady ... Indeed, the word is TRUST. We smile at you right now. We appreciate your position. We feel this concern.

Blossom: Do not misunderstand me. This is not something that I think every minute of the day. It's just that after October 14, 2008, you said that you will come soon ... I said if you're not going to happen this year, I was going to stop the pipeline. That was a few years ago now ... Yet here I am, and I'm happy to be here, I could say. My understanding of the word "soon" has evolved! I have a feeling of love for you is very deep ... but the human side of me ... fail ... from time to time.

The Federation of Light: Yet there is no fault on this issue. You'll see.

Blossom: I TRUST! Yet you can see from my point of view, no ...
you see where I'm going and why?

The Federation of Light: And all this time that you talk this way ... your higher self talking to you ... because you KNOW that all of this ... all those "difficult situations" were an integral part of this job. Each and everyone of you who live on the Earth plane at this time ... and read these words ... and woke up to the part of their soul that sticks and resonates with everything that is written by this lady and we Blossom ... they KNEW ... that all this would happen. Everyone knew it was / is the way it was / would take place. Your souls knew that living on this planet Earth ... issues would present themselves differently and therefore would be understood in a different way with respect to time and the advice you were given before being reintroduced on this planet in this form. However, remember your uniqueness. Remember ... this was the way it was agreed to. Thus, you should recognize and alert your soul to the most important objective of your presence here. It happens NOW.

. For

all goes according to plan and it is this very specific''''you're going to "establish.''At this very poignant moment each of you will recall''Ah yes ... is what we agreed.'' You were also aware of the doubts and fears that were put under pressure your pressure points!

IT WOULD TAKE PLACE IF EVERYTHING goes according to plan!






Blossom: Well, keeping it that way, I'm pretty impressed myself! That's it-is, is not it? Here is the break point ... Two more minutes, but ... who is counting! I think we made the turn with a detour tonight ... Yet, I thank you anyway. I can not wait to read it again and see where we are! I am also pleased to contact you again when I get home. Know that my heart and those of other are deeply grateful for that. A good plan indeed! With Love and Thanks.

Translation: Milna

Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild

Original and translations of the Galactic Messages available on

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Accent Colors For Green Walls

And if we took the spring start?

Photographer anonymous (France), circa 1900

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pixel Protector Blu Ray

25 February 2011 17 February 2011


You can not do it if you choose to "do another day when you feel more energetic."


NOW the time to resume control of your life and do what you came for. D raise this planet. You bring in a NEW WORLD. A world that you deserve. A world that is FREE. A world where love is that you are openly expressed by everyone.

It's happening now dear friends. It is ... because of YOU.

Play your role. TAKE NOTICE that you are as important as the next person. Be proud of your actions to get rid of old wavelengths that you have pinned. And now shines like NEW LIGHT ... NEW ENERGY in which you placed on your own.

The battle is won. Light continue to light up as we walk together and we meet in one nation ... LOVE.

Message from the Federation of Light
channeled by Blossom Goodchild

The February 25, 2011

Blossom: Hello my friends. I must say that these days things are going so in my life. I feel totally blessed and my heart explodes excitement and enthusiasm. I FEEL that things are happening all around. This movement of light that we are all certainly makes the impetus. It's wonderful. Everything comes together, and I just wanted to take this opportunity of saying thank you to you for your contribution and your wise words that you give us ... through Love. For me and many others, I know it made a big difference in how we behave. So ... from all ... Thank you.

The Federation of Light: Our dear hearts. We are a part of your experience, how well you're one of ours. We KNOW what we have chosen to help communicate the soul growth. What you choose to ingest such words ... is entirely at the individual so that he can decipher for themselves what is appropriate for him at some point. For everything we give does not always marry with each of you ... and it depends on the position where the person in your travels and what he discovers to be his truth.

Blossom: I wonder if I can run directly a question about some thing that bothered me yesterday? They sent me a link for a new movie called "ET-X ', which is essentially the sequel to the hit movie ET (I'm sure you're aware of this). Unfortunately those in power here, have a once again created a monster to make timid souls ... because they are AND who will tell the family that they must save the Earth for his alien race is about to invade and destroying the planet ... There are many famous actors and I was really angry about it. So many souls that will not awake and will be influenced considerably for their ideas about who you are, when the time is here for you to appear. I was wondering if you could talk?

The Federation of Light: This is not new for us because we were aware of this case since it was a thought. Let us comfort you by saying that there is NOTHING that deter us from the grand project. Dear souls, do you think that something as trivial as what you call a film would ruin our quest? We tell you that this is not the case. With all due respect ... we do not go to kindergarten. While these questions do we fill with joy, it is certainly not a serious concern for us. As you know ... As with all things of a lesser vibration ... is for you to shine your light on such things. That's all you need to do.

Blossom: Well, yes, you're right. I know. I just wondered if that bothers you?

The Federation of Light: Not in the slightest suspicion. Because we have such delights to fight against all forms with which those in power right now trying to fill your being. So, will we move on?

Blossom: And very quickly it seems! With the greatest pleasure ... but thank you for having spoken. What will we discuss?

The Federation of Light: We would all like to congratulate you for your kindness to the cause. You can not deny what is now awakened in you. We KNOW that you MUST be able to feel the difference within the same because it's more than obvious to us in the brightness of the energy that emanates from both of you. Now looking Blossom ... a graph is increased from 0 and climbed on a regular slope to such heights. That's exactly why you feel like you said at the beginning of this speech, that "things are really happening." The energy of your planet ... same since the beginning of this year you became a beacon to show the path. Because it is important for all of you to understand the role that you play ... Your personal share in this Ascension .... is also crucial that the following persons. For each of you agrees that it is YOUR LIGHT that contributes to other AS LIGHT ... then the force of it ... the impact ... is exactly what will bring your Earth and everything that is inside and on its surface in its next phase. We would say that every breath you take is of LOVE filled the air with a lightness that allows it to be sucked up into position. There is not one of you who are not part of this plan. The seeds were planted a long long time ago and we saw they were fed in the fullness of what they became. Do not underestimate your role ... any of you. We hope this because of all those who wake up and join us with their desire to see their hand through. It is to be an example as we have said many times. Yet it's also really FEEL the difference in your heart. Have confidence in everything that takes place on your planet in the coming days ... you have already read this and you KNOW that some things are necessary to carry out this transformation in this New Age.

We suggest that you keep in line with the highest vibration of yourself at all times. Be careful of your relationship with your energy field. Stay balanced and well nourished with love. Take time to absorb your energy beings of Light from above. This is a continuous flow that is available at any time. It suffices only that you recognize and that you take measures to "full" so you have plenty of light and energy to offer to people and places that need it ... and yet it is essential that you allow yourself to do the "Full" for yourselves to do what you have to do.

We know we've talked about this constantly but we feel that at a certain respect it is now starting to make more sense than anything once.

Blossom: Yes, I know for me, and I'm sure for many others, I have this feeling inside that I understand. I understand what you are trying to move to a different level. As we move forward, we are able to KNOW what you mean, purely by how we feel. There are many souls on the planet who make the grade. They lead to such changes because they have not been deaf to the call of their hearts. It happens worldwide.

The Federation of Light: Behave in a manner appropriate to that of the Great Light. Know that each of you is here to serve the whole. Do not stay not sitting thinking "but what can I do?" If that's what comes to your mind then we can say with a light heart ... you do not understand what we offer. So ask yourself ... what can you do? How many of you feel a little lost with all this? Leaving it to those who are "there" and what you consider to be a more prestigious position? Is what you do, with all due respect ... a cup of tea you retire in a comfortable chair and fixing his eyes on an electrical box that has effects much more damaging than you realize? You feed your souls with visions and stories created by man and deadly wars and lies. You imagine that you are interested how some stories can be found and yet can we say ... whatever you focus on what is not of interest to your soul at all.

All these "programs" as you call them, are not designed to entertain. These are indeed "program" YOU "progress" in a state of lethargy. They will keep their distance. They prevent you from being who you are ... reach your full potential. Yet you insist on falling into the trap. Having a feeling of convenience is within your comfort zone when your energy is exhausted, so you sit and feed you with more of the same.

We do not come to dictate. It is not our way. Our way is to show you other ways how to redeem your true form. Help you recognize that there is another way. A way out. A path to your freedom.

Dear souls ... be more demanding in regard to your welfare. Be aware that you have chosen to fill your soul that either nutritive value of that which depletes. Learn to recognize what serves you so you can effectively harness together. Would not it be more beneficial to "turn off" your thoughts rather than "turn on" your TV? Does your BE would not win by connecting with their Higher Self, rather than sign with pictures and words that penetrate your being and are at the expense of it. That leads us astray sometimes you choose to view images of a horrific nature that are all designed to feed the negativity of your world ... while only a few not ... outside your door ... you can walk into a scene of such beauty. Just tilt your head and there, above you is an array of sparkling diamonds in your night sky .... Free! These stars ... these energies of light are not here to set your Being in a state of "I'm crazy." They are designed to fill your heart with a love that takes your breath away. We ask you now as intelligent beings ... what do you is the one who serves you and serves all? ... and when you look with amazement the beauty of nature ... suspect also to other souls who are like you ... exactly the same thing at the same time. Your hearts will communicate with each other and strengthen the Light that is being built.

These are the times when your work here has intensified. When you have to move out of the space you jailed. When you KNOW that there is nothing that can keep you in the dark. You must KNOW that YOU will make you free. By "together". By leaving the rut that has stifled you, you and your seed for eons.


You can not do it if you choose to "do another day when you feel more energetic."


NOW the time to resume control of your life and do what you came for. D raise this planet. You bring in a NEW WORLD. A world that you deserve. A world that is FREE. A world where love is that you are openly expressed by everyone.

It's happening now dear friends. It is ... because of YOU.

Play your role. TAKE NOTICE that you are as important as the next person. Be proud of your actions to get rid of old wavelengths that you have pinned. And now shines like NEW LIGHT ... NEW ENERGY in which you placed on your own.

The battle is won. Light continue to light up as we walk together and we meet as one nation ... LOVE.

Blossom: You stir my soul. You helped me to know that we are not just human beings who drag their carcass for another day. It's nice to know there's a reason for every breath we take and from my point of view, because of you, I begin to appreciate each so much more!

Thank you all for everything ... whoever you are on this planet ... you can be anywhere in this world of ours. Thank you for sharing this with me. In love and with gratitude.

PS ... Added later. Apparently, this film AND X is not a real movie that was done, but someone has assembled using other film clips and graphics. No wonder that the Federation was happy to move on quickly!

A nice man named Walter Bruneel sent me another of his paintings Divine. It represents the pillars including the Federation of Light has spoken. It is a wonderful example of a visualization has been achieved. Thank you Walter. To see more of his incredible artistic talent: . It's worth it ... I assure you!

Traduction: Milna

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Magnifier Visual Aids


We stress again ... each of you has a role to play. YOU ARE ALL EQUAL. Is that the Creator would choose one over the other? ... give more to one than the other? .... it can not be so BECAUSE YOU ARE ALL ONE.

The Federation of Light
Channeled by Blossom Goodchild

The February 17, 2011

Blossom Hello 'up there'. I feel very good about the area and ready for a chat if you okay?

The Federation of Light: It is a joy in our being to be able to give back to your planet. We thought a lot about the continued of these communications and what would be the most appropriate procedure. Could we give our gratitude to all those who took in their heart what we felt most appropriate to introduce you to your souls are of the Light and they have a better understanding. It seems to our detriment if we stop this release for a short time, so we decided that we will allow our channel to stay open for a little longer than expected during this phase.

Blossom: Oh! It was in your plan to stop for some time then?

The Federation of Light: In accordance with Divine Law we could offer what we believe to be elevation. We found that maybe some time you could possibly benefit from a break to gather thoughts and reassess your position in the grand scheme of things. For each individual has a role to play and it is essential now ... in these times ... to understand yourself and why you're here. We wondered if perhaps it was a bit like the review before exams ... without the exams ... because Indeed there is no test to pass.

Blossom: But you say you have decided otherwise.

The Federation of Light: We discussed the consequences if we do and we decided that we will continue. However, we focus on what we consider to be of value to those on your planet right now. This does not mean that we are not aware of questions to the contrary. We are aware of all things. How we choose to respond is our concern and can we say that is much that we choose to keep silent in order to join our responsibility ... our part in this great Divine plan.

Blossom: So ... what you want to talk about? I feel that a "change" is / has been held today and perhaps we mounted again one step at a higher level.

The Federation of Light: It must be that changes must occur in the main plane. This is allowed and will be.

Blossom: Changes what kind?

The Federation of Light: The kind that will allow those of you who so diligently plow the fields to sort the wheat from the chaff ... For those of you who do not allow his soul to be oppressed by trying hard to do yet ... for the continued support of people like us who have kept in touch with you and you showed so much respect to be part of our team ... to offer a service where your heart is weak ... shine your light when you feel the flame was on the verge of extinction. You, the warriors who chose to be here this time, will now enter within yourself. Very soon, our dear, the Light we talked about your shine on Earth.

Blossom: Well ... I am a bit confused ... Light?

The Federation of Light: Yes, it is the light of who we are. You've seen in many different aspects. You have thought about 'why' and 'why' we're here, who we are and the purpose of our communications.

Blossom: But even if we think, I think most of us know about now that you have spoken through me, to help us understand more deeply who we are, in the fullness of love within us and how to open this. Is not that why you're here?

The Federation of Light: This is the current point. Yet, we add with great joy that there is much more than that.

Blossom: Like what ... if I can be so bold?

The Federation of Light: What are you ... Do you start to remember your true self comes to the surface at a pace comfortable and in harmony with everything that is planned for your world. Therefore, with increasing your vibration, so it is ... you are able to accept what in the past, on a lower frequency, was not possible to discuss with you. You are aware of various "Pillars of Light" that we talked about and yet we tell you that those will be delivered directly from us because you will amaze and confuse you.

Blossom: Puzzle?

The Federation of Light: Yes Blossom ... Disconcert. Because its magnitude can not be regarded as anything other than what it is ...


We tell everyone that this is the beginning of a deeper understanding in yourself that will produce greater trust in yourself .... more ... JOY For joy is in your constitution ... but it was deleted over time, to mitigate the spirit of truth within himself. It'll be more than that these lights appear ... more souls will come out and their amazement that they will recognize what they REALLY are. A gift from us to you. For, as we have already said ... they contain energy that gives off a "power" that can help you in different ways. One could perhaps compare it to an electric current that can "stimulate" the senses.

As time goes by so fast in your world, many of you have noticed the difference within yourself. Many have perhaps a little difficult to let go of old patterns. This is not a fight that is needed between the old and new. It's simply a matter of recognition the old self and release into the nothingness from whence it came. Be thankful for the service provided and give it free. For indeed it is now time to move your upper body. Time to recognize the power within you that is ready to align with the energies that are delivered to you and all these energies can even increase the core of Mother Earth ... His plan ... yours and ours.

These pillars we will send you will contain also an intelligence. Many of you have long felt, maybe even from your childhood ... that there is "more than it seems" and you feel trapped in a human body is unable to "contain" everything you are. It is difficult to express the feeling that we know so many of you feel. When you move into lighter vibrations of yourself, that you will accept downloads ... you've literally waited. As if you expected something in your mailbox and it never arrived. You wondered if it was lost for the wait has seemed interminable, yet in these moments the most exciting ... these letters are on their way.

Blossom: woahhh! When you just said I could feel myself getting really excited ... For years, White Cloud spoke of "information" that have been downloaded to people. Sometimes, in the gutter "other beings" come and zap the foreheads of people with "my numbers". The energy was phenomenal when it happened and people asked me what was happening. White Cloud said that information was located and it was as if we had received an envelope with commands in it, and we know the exact time at which these envelopes should be open and it will be "All lights are open!" This has triggered such a connection with what you say. Is this what you mean?

The Federation of Light: And again it seems ... and much more. We show you an outlet and an outlet ... it is as if the two are "locked". The connection will be made and although the reaction will be the "new" you. The YOU that is able to accept the frequency of this knowledge is for you. Different souls are different downloads for each is individually and like we said, "his role to lead. "

Blossom: But this information comes from the same "Light"?

The Federation of Light: There will be not only the single light. They will appear at different intervals on different parts of your world ... and can we ask you to note once again that there will be no denial of what it is. They will not be hidden or misinterpreted. This is no longer a secret ... become our common existence and your world as you believe and you will be once the show it is REALLY like.

Blossom: The information that many have waited for and so much more ... when we are allowed to open the envelopes ... What we have to wait? I FEEL I must say that it will be like a huge wave ... activation when the connection will be ... but I imagine for example if it had to happen ... I will not become suddenly a genius ... or a good cook!

The Federation of Light: We will leave this information to those who are already a genius.

Blossom: And the recipes for those who are already cuisto, I suppose ... Hey Ho!

The Federation of Light: The information is downloaded by the souls will be aligned to each soul. It is not like you're joking ... because there must be an understanding of a subject. That is why some talents have been "given" and decided before birth to the soul continue these gifts ... that at this very moment it can be improved within the individual to strengthen the whole.

Blossom: I understand what you say, but ... I do not know ... there will be many people who will read this and think "well I'm such a" ... How can I get more information by downloads "particular subject" and how can this serve anyway? ... You see what I'm trying to understand?


We stress again ... each of you has a role to play. YOU ARE ALL EQUAL. Is that the Creator would choose one over the other? ... give more to one than the other? .... it can not be so BECAUSE YOU ARE ALL ONE.

Each envelope will be opened. Could we help you understand if we say that ... different envelopes containing different levels ... there are those who say we have accepted "more important tasks to perform than others.''That does not make them more or less important than another, it's just a matter of service that was distributed by the talents that go along side with a given task. Some roles may "appear" larger than another, but in the eyes of those who know it's not a thing that is an inferior service compared to another because it is the membership and be part of the overall plan because the plan works. If one felt that his hand did not matter, it would hurt because it is through the participation of everyone who will authorize the Divine plan to implement.

Be exalted. What we are talking about will.

Blossom: Oh! Because without wanting to stop this line euphoric ...

The Federation of Light: Then do not. Trust yourself and we Blossom. When you see for yourselves what we are talking, there will be such a bond of love because you have known the truth all along ... and it is finally proved. Not just those who have always known, but to those who have never even considered the possibility. What

Arcs-en-ciel Light can touch your hearts and your minds and fill your senses with a feeling of presence of the divine in you. Because that's who you are ... we just simply you back.

our beings are effervescent LOVE to you and the excitement that awaits us.

Blossom: And I be doing the same thing you and I guess I am joined by thousands to do it!

In love and with such recognition. xxx

Translation: Milna

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Make Bathtub Cardboard

Newsletter February 2011 7 February 2011

Well Hello!

Finally, my computer is back from the hospital. Awesome! It made me laugh when I had to return the many places that I had accumulated over the last three weeks on my mailing list ... only to discover many had not read until the end of the last newsletter or have forgotten because I am unable to inform them about new lines while my computer was missing ... they panicked and they were reinstated ... and here I am thinking that I suddenly became Ms. Popular!

So ... two new lines are available for those who do not know already. (see this blog)

A year ago I made a CD called "Meditations on the Bridge" ( Meditations on the Bridge). I re-listened the other day while watching the sunset at the beautiful local beach here in Noosa. I found the words much deeper than before. To "hear" rather than to''read''seemed to penetrate more deeply and I felt that it was also because my vibrationest higher than last year ... As with all ... and so I was able to understand at a deeper level. Given that the last line (as much) is on the theme of love ... I would like to offer you the following gift. A track from the CD entitled ... you guessed it ... LOVE. (It does not take a genius!) FEEL what they say ... Well actually it's me saying ... but you know what I mean. Can I say I do not''channels''that voice ... it's me who read it ... with my "ability as an actress" if you want! I hope you enjoy it. The CD is available on my website if you want to please you with five other tracks.

Well, I do not know about you, because we are all in r different stages of our trip of course ... But I feel constantly blessed these days. I seem to have turned a corner and I do not allow an iota of negativity to stay in my head for more than ... maybe ... five breaths. As soon as I admit, I focus on it and I imagine the light shine in my heart ... and hop ... the "moral zero 'has disappeared. I do not even give him time to sow. It's great! LOVE. Yes, I'm working on it ... but it's an easy job ... and I collect such awards. If you do not work over the ... I suggest to get started. I sincerely believe that is how we induirons our New World. I wrote a new blog yesterday which may also interest you "Celebrations of Life" ttp: / / /

is also interesting how many pillars of light are appearing in unexpected places! I asked the Federation of Light on this subject, in the line of 28 January.

do I give you perhaps one more link where you can click? I know I'm a slut!

So it's good to be back in touch with you all. It was very strange not being in touch. Thank you for your support and kindness.
We are changing this world into one consisting of
Love, Laughter, Light and the Rays Golden


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Brawny Step Can Trash Bags

LOVE KNOWS EVERYTHING. So the more you remember the fullness of love who you are ... Remember most of yourself ... giving you the answers that many of you are looking for.

It'll be like, not only will connect with your rose petals, but you connect with roses in the same bush.

By recognizing each other in love. By recognizing that you are all attached to the same stem. Recognizing that, although individual ... you are all part of the Divine creation.

The Federation of Light
channeled by Blossom Goodchild

February 7, 2011
Blossom: Well hello, my dear friends. It's still early, especially for a pipeline, but I feel full of energy and I am ready to start. Hoping that you are available and, as always ready to give your expertise on this story "alive."

The Federation of Light: Our expertise is fast becoming that of many of the human race. A race that has chosen and who was chosen this time to "remember" all that knowledge that we simply remind you. As you open your heart more you FEEL more that Love who you are. This is part of your memory and yet you "think" it's something new!

Also remember that LOVE KNOWS EVERYTHING. So the more you remember the fullness of love who you are ... Remember most of yourself ... giving you the answers that many of you are looking for. We say, and we have said repeatedly that the answers lie within you ALL ... and we are aware there is a struggle to know the essence. Yet, you see? Plus you alert yourself to this wonderful light within you, the more knowledge comes ... not by us ... but by YOU!

Everything you need to know ... you already know. What you do not need to know is not worth the wasted energy and yet we smile because many of you have the desire to know these things are useless.

This LOVE who you are, this love you become more and more a part in the hours you're awake, only a fraction of that you're REALLY LOVE. You can not overcharge you at once with this energy Higher Love because it will blow your mind if you were to receive a blow. Yet little by little you open to his call. You soak in your hearts and once installed, it then begins to slowly come to you in its essence Divine. In a way that will make you happy and laugh because you''understand''and finally you have no idea how it will be wonderful.

Blossom: Could you explain a bit more about it? About ... we LOVE ... nothing else ... and yet you say that we absorb a higher level of this Love ... and yet it is not already within us?

The Federation of Light: Very well observed! There is nothing new for you to know that you love, even if it takes a while to understand this for most of you. We forget in our everyday life ... LOVE this one is. For is it not that the train of thought train of spirits is so often directed at what appears to be''not''LOVE? Yet, every thought, whether negative or positive ... Is love ... because there is nothing else.

Blossom: Okay ... Then someone would say that getting angry about someone else and he hopes that something bad would happen to him? I would say that it certainly could not be love?

The Federation of Light: Yes, because there's only LOVE.

Blossom: So are you saying that it is love but at a lower frequency?

The Federation of Light: Exactly.

Blossom: Well, how low can this go often?

The Federation of Light: As low as possible. Consider this for a while and think about it deeply in the warmest place in your heart. In your world, you talk about dark forces. There is much said about everything they do, some things others do not sound justified. Yet ... If you really understand that WE ARE ALL ONE ... those who do harm to their brothers and sisters ... those souls who are in power and who have committed atrocities that are unknown to many ... are also your brothers and sisters. Not only are they part of YOUR family ... THEY ARE PART OF ANY OTHER PARTY FOR YOU! Because there is absolutely nothing that energy where ALL LOVE follows.

Blossom: Many find it difficult to accept.

The Federation of Light: So they should not accept it. Have not we always told to stay in your own truth? If what we say is not true for some, then this is simply not their truth ... right now!

May we ask ... how do you see this new world in which you move? You are told it will be created by you and the largest WILL LOVE without hatred, greed, etc.. To be of this caliber soul, you can not wish ill to any other living being. Therefore, do not you think it would be nice to start by forgiving those who are in such darkness? For these souls are part of your soul. Would you be in such a place ... even a small aspect of you? So would it not be most beneficial for everyone to start now to send your light to those who inflict so much''fear''to others. Yet this is not their own fear? BE not afraid of the truth of what they are? They lost their way long ago and the damage will reach far. Yet, we tell you ... We love them and we suggest if you want to live in a world where there is not a thing like war and unrest ... you do the same thing.

Blossom: I know that while these words go, I totally understand. I wonder how many are willing to do? Not because you say it is beneficial, but because their heart can REALLY tell. We argue a lot with this new understanding that you make and I think there will be many who will now send their LOVE with vigilance to those who are so lost. This part of ourselves that needs to be extracted from the depth of all that is most low energy and LOVE to get him whatever he may be. Thank you.

The Federation of Light: So finally meet ... LOVE that breaks through to the next level on your planet is simply a higher level of yourself that connects to the appearance of LOVE that is you on the plane of the Earth at this time. Due to the attraction of vibration of your earth over time ... a certain level that LOVE could not be accepted on your planet.

A better way to explain it is ... he could not match ... because its consistency was of a different caliber and was unable to mix. However, due to the exceptional increase of the vibration as a whole, this higher level is now able to combine with what goes himself thus enabling greater collaboration to take place.

Remember that everything you ANYTIME.

EACH PARTY FOR ANY PART is you ... ANYTIME. At this precise moment ... Blossom like you, you write these words ... and others read them ... you experience a tiny aspect of all of you. You are focused on this tiny but very important particle of you who experienced at this time as a human being on planet Earth. There will be another small but very important part of you that does the same thing on another part of your planet and of course many other planets. Yet, it's just a particle of the whole.

Blossom: Sorry to interrupt ... How it works in terms of its Higher Self? Cause I'm feeling you just talk about aspects of the Higher Self of an individual as opposed to''UNITY''all of us. How can I say ... eh ... is our Higher Self ... say the higher self of Blossom Goodchild ... Part of the higher Blossom Goodchild and it is this aspect that is on earth? ... Or is the higher self of Blossom Goodchild no individual Higher Self ... but is that the Higher Self of all handsets ... ie, that "GOD" we all belong fesons? I can not explain it well ... apparently! But you see what I mean?

The Federation of Light: You're curious to know if the upper part of yourself that we are talking about is the HIGHEST access that exists?

Blossom: Yes, I mean, are there billions of Self superiors who would then advance to a higher level in this ultimate energy of pure love ... LOVE which we derive ... LOVE the top so to speak?

The Federation of Light: Your mentor White Cloud has talked about this long ago with you. It is simply a matter of connecting the dots if you wish. Yes, there is a 'position', where the higher aspect of an individual becomes his own. Yet, in fact, there is also much higher positions, where these individuals are no longer separated. Try explain that ... two shall become one ... slightly higher on the scale ... those who were once two ... will merge and become one with another that was once two ... This has meaning to you?

Blossom: Yes, I totally understand the concept. And from what I learned of White Cloud is where our soul''''groups come in. We base our core group.

The Federation of Light: And yet you do this at several levels. A core group consists of a legion of souls. So we can say that''to a more high''... legions of merging of two souls into one and so on.

Blossom: Yes, I understand. And say so ... as always a joy to connect for the first time (again) with a member of his group ... here on Earth! With your "Rose" White Cloud looks like. Your soul knows that you just met one of your rose petal. There is such a recognition.

The Federation of Light: And indeed, this new adventure you embark on this new path all ... ... you will feel that way ... finally ... with ALL souls. It'll be like, not only will connect with your rose petals, but you connect with roses in the same bush. By recognizing each other in love. By recognizing that you are all attached to the same stem. Recognizing that, although individual ... you are all part of the Divine creation.

Blossom: Well. I suddenly think that it's time. And yes, as always is the case ... Thank you for that. It was so refreshing.

The Federation of Light: It is nothing but a pleasure for us to refresh the memory of each of you. We offer our love so that you feel more deeply than ever. We KNOW that this is possible in these exciting days. Shine Your Light that you are across the sea of darkness. For in forgiving those who REALLY have misunderstood you REALLY forgive yourself for having misunderstood those who misunderstood!

Blossom: Beautifully put. I LOVE YOU !!!!! Like all of us. With Love and Thanks.

Website: Blossom Goodchild
Translation: Milna