Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Brawny Step Can Trash Bags

LOVE KNOWS EVERYTHING. So the more you remember the fullness of love who you are ... Remember most of yourself ... giving you the answers that many of you are looking for.

It'll be like, not only will connect with your rose petals, but you connect with roses in the same bush.

By recognizing each other in love. By recognizing that you are all attached to the same stem. Recognizing that, although individual ... you are all part of the Divine creation.

The Federation of Light
channeled by Blossom Goodchild

February 7, 2011
Blossom: Well hello, my dear friends. It's still early, especially for a pipeline, but I feel full of energy and I am ready to start. Hoping that you are available and, as always ready to give your expertise on this story "alive."

The Federation of Light: Our expertise is fast becoming that of many of the human race. A race that has chosen and who was chosen this time to "remember" all that knowledge that we simply remind you. As you open your heart more you FEEL more that Love who you are. This is part of your memory and yet you "think" it's something new!

Also remember that LOVE KNOWS EVERYTHING. So the more you remember the fullness of love who you are ... Remember most of yourself ... giving you the answers that many of you are looking for. We say, and we have said repeatedly that the answers lie within you ALL ... and we are aware there is a struggle to know the essence. Yet, you see? Plus you alert yourself to this wonderful light within you, the more knowledge comes ... not by us ... but by YOU!

Everything you need to know ... you already know. What you do not need to know is not worth the wasted energy and yet we smile because many of you have the desire to know these things are useless.

This LOVE who you are, this love you become more and more a part in the hours you're awake, only a fraction of that you're REALLY LOVE. You can not overcharge you at once with this energy Higher Love because it will blow your mind if you were to receive a blow. Yet little by little you open to his call. You soak in your hearts and once installed, it then begins to slowly come to you in its essence Divine. In a way that will make you happy and laugh because you''understand''and finally you have no idea how it will be wonderful.

Blossom: Could you explain a bit more about it? About ... we LOVE ... nothing else ... and yet you say that we absorb a higher level of this Love ... and yet it is not already within us?

The Federation of Light: Very well observed! There is nothing new for you to know that you love, even if it takes a while to understand this for most of you. We forget in our everyday life ... LOVE this one is. For is it not that the train of thought train of spirits is so often directed at what appears to be''not''LOVE? Yet, every thought, whether negative or positive ... Is love ... because there is nothing else.

Blossom: Okay ... Then someone would say that getting angry about someone else and he hopes that something bad would happen to him? I would say that it certainly could not be love?

The Federation of Light: Yes, because there's only LOVE.

Blossom: So are you saying that it is love but at a lower frequency?

The Federation of Light: Exactly.

Blossom: Well, how low can this go often?

The Federation of Light: As low as possible. Consider this for a while and think about it deeply in the warmest place in your heart. In your world, you talk about dark forces. There is much said about everything they do, some things others do not sound justified. Yet ... If you really understand that WE ARE ALL ONE ... those who do harm to their brothers and sisters ... those souls who are in power and who have committed atrocities that are unknown to many ... are also your brothers and sisters. Not only are they part of YOUR family ... THEY ARE PART OF ANY OTHER PARTY FOR YOU! Because there is absolutely nothing that energy where ALL LOVE follows.

Blossom: Many find it difficult to accept.

The Federation of Light: So they should not accept it. Have not we always told to stay in your own truth? If what we say is not true for some, then this is simply not their truth ... right now!

May we ask ... how do you see this new world in which you move? You are told it will be created by you and the largest WILL LOVE without hatred, greed, etc.. To be of this caliber soul, you can not wish ill to any other living being. Therefore, do not you think it would be nice to start by forgiving those who are in such darkness? For these souls are part of your soul. Would you be in such a place ... even a small aspect of you? So would it not be most beneficial for everyone to start now to send your light to those who inflict so much''fear''to others. Yet this is not their own fear? BE not afraid of the truth of what they are? They lost their way long ago and the damage will reach far. Yet, we tell you ... We love them and we suggest if you want to live in a world where there is not a thing like war and unrest ... you do the same thing.

Blossom: I know that while these words go, I totally understand. I wonder how many are willing to do? Not because you say it is beneficial, but because their heart can REALLY tell. We argue a lot with this new understanding that you make and I think there will be many who will now send their LOVE with vigilance to those who are so lost. This part of ourselves that needs to be extracted from the depth of all that is most low energy and LOVE to get him whatever he may be. Thank you.

The Federation of Light: So finally meet ... LOVE that breaks through to the next level on your planet is simply a higher level of yourself that connects to the appearance of LOVE that is you on the plane of the Earth at this time. Due to the attraction of vibration of your earth over time ... a certain level that LOVE could not be accepted on your planet.

A better way to explain it is ... he could not match ... because its consistency was of a different caliber and was unable to mix. However, due to the exceptional increase of the vibration as a whole, this higher level is now able to combine with what goes himself thus enabling greater collaboration to take place.

Remember that everything you ANYTIME.

EACH PARTY FOR ANY PART is you ... ANYTIME. At this precise moment ... Blossom like you, you write these words ... and others read them ... you experience a tiny aspect of all of you. You are focused on this tiny but very important particle of you who experienced at this time as a human being on planet Earth. There will be another small but very important part of you that does the same thing on another part of your planet and of course many other planets. Yet, it's just a particle of the whole.

Blossom: Sorry to interrupt ... How it works in terms of its Higher Self? Cause I'm feeling you just talk about aspects of the Higher Self of an individual as opposed to''UNITY''all of us. How can I say ... eh ... is our Higher Self ... say the higher self of Blossom Goodchild ... Part of the higher Blossom Goodchild and it is this aspect that is on earth? ... Or is the higher self of Blossom Goodchild no individual Higher Self ... but is that the Higher Self of all handsets ... ie, that "GOD" we all belong fesons? I can not explain it well ... apparently! But you see what I mean?

The Federation of Light: You're curious to know if the upper part of yourself that we are talking about is the HIGHEST access that exists?

Blossom: Yes, I mean, are there billions of Self superiors who would then advance to a higher level in this ultimate energy of pure love ... LOVE which we derive ... LOVE the top so to speak?

The Federation of Light: Your mentor White Cloud has talked about this long ago with you. It is simply a matter of connecting the dots if you wish. Yes, there is a 'position', where the higher aspect of an individual becomes his own. Yet, in fact, there is also much higher positions, where these individuals are no longer separated. Try explain that ... two shall become one ... slightly higher on the scale ... those who were once two ... will merge and become one with another that was once two ... This has meaning to you?

Blossom: Yes, I totally understand the concept. And from what I learned of White Cloud is where our soul''''groups come in. We base our core group.

The Federation of Light: And yet you do this at several levels. A core group consists of a legion of souls. So we can say that''to a more high''... legions of merging of two souls into one and so on.

Blossom: Yes, I understand. And say so ... as always a joy to connect for the first time (again) with a member of his group ... here on Earth! With your "Rose" White Cloud looks like. Your soul knows that you just met one of your rose petal. There is such a recognition.

The Federation of Light: And indeed, this new adventure you embark on this new path all ... ... you will feel that way ... finally ... with ALL souls. It'll be like, not only will connect with your rose petals, but you connect with roses in the same bush. By recognizing each other in love. By recognizing that you are all attached to the same stem. Recognizing that, although individual ... you are all part of the Divine creation.

Blossom: Well. I suddenly think that it's time. And yes, as always is the case ... Thank you for that. It was so refreshing.

The Federation of Light: It is nothing but a pleasure for us to refresh the memory of each of you. We offer our love so that you feel more deeply than ever. We KNOW that this is possible in these exciting days. Shine Your Light that you are across the sea of darkness. For in forgiving those who REALLY have misunderstood you REALLY forgive yourself for having misunderstood those who misunderstood!

Blossom: Beautifully put. I LOVE YOU !!!!! Like all of us. With Love and Thanks.

Website: Blossom Goodchild
Translation: Milna


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