Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Make Bathtub Cardboard

Newsletter February 2011 7 February 2011

Well Hello!

Finally, my computer is back from the hospital. Awesome! It made me laugh when I had to return the many places that I had accumulated over the last three weeks on my mailing list ... only to discover many had not read until the end of the last newsletter or have forgotten because I am unable to inform them about new lines while my computer was missing ... they panicked and they were reinstated ... and here I am thinking that I suddenly became Ms. Popular!

So ... two new lines are available for those who do not know already. (see this blog)

A year ago I made a CD called "Meditations on the Bridge" ( Meditations on the Bridge). I re-listened the other day while watching the sunset at the beautiful local beach here in Noosa. I found the words much deeper than before. To "hear" rather than to''read''seemed to penetrate more deeply and I felt that it was also because my vibrationest higher than last year ... As with all ... and so I was able to understand at a deeper level. Given that the last line (as much) is on the theme of love ... I would like to offer you the following gift. A track from the CD entitled ... you guessed it ... LOVE. (It does not take a genius!) FEEL what they say ... Well actually it's me saying ... but you know what I mean. Can I say I do not''channels''that voice ... it's me who read it ... with my "ability as an actress" if you want! I hope you enjoy it. The CD is available on my website if you want to please you with five other tracks.

Well, I do not know about you, because we are all in r different stages of our trip of course ... But I feel constantly blessed these days. I seem to have turned a corner and I do not allow an iota of negativity to stay in my head for more than ... maybe ... five breaths. As soon as I admit, I focus on it and I imagine the light shine in my heart ... and hop ... the "moral zero 'has disappeared. I do not even give him time to sow. It's great! LOVE. Yes, I'm working on it ... but it's an easy job ... and I collect such awards. If you do not work over the ... I suggest to get started. I sincerely believe that is how we induirons our New World. I wrote a new blog yesterday which may also interest you "Celebrations of Life" ttp: / / /

is also interesting how many pillars of light are appearing in unexpected places! I asked the Federation of Light on this subject, in the line of 28 January.

do I give you perhaps one more link where you can click? I know I'm a slut!

So it's good to be back in touch with you all. It was very strange not being in touch. Thank you for your support and kindness.
We are changing this world into one consisting of
Love, Laughter, Light and the Rays Golden



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