This higher energy we're talking about now merges with your being. You breathe. YOU become one with it. YOU become part of it.
These changes are not insignificant. They are vast. There is nothing that can be done that might pass unnoticed changes.
Message from the Federation of Light
channeled by Blossom Goodchild
On November 28, 2010
Blossom: Good evening. Well, twice today, I sat down to communicate but to no avail. The only reason I 'm trying it again because my head feels so''party''with the fairies, and I FEEL that you are present. Then I come back for a test. There's something there that you meant?
The Federation of Light: We are indeed close to you Blossom. This sense of "space" in your head is due to changes in your vibration again.
Blossom: Oh, well, not as in "space" because it There's nothing there!
The Federation of Light: Many of you feel that same feeling at the moment. There are exchanges that coincide with changes, which may leave feeling rather bad mood, we believe.
Blossom: What are these exchanges?
The Federation of Light: Well, we prefer to interact with several that way yet. It is confidential when communicating with each other that are not from Earth. In this way what is necessary to be explained is kept dormant until it is reasonable to be revealed. If that were to be "understood" before its time, it can cause unnecessary upheaval due to ignorance of the situation. For what is happening today is different from what should be done when the information provided is awakened in everyone. It makes no sense for a lot right now and it can cause anxiety and confusion.
Blossom: So would it not be better then, to convey this information at the right time? Why is it necessary to do now?
The Federation of Light: Because the soul understands and prepares man subtly. It is the preparation that will enable all to go smoothly at this time ... that this information "affected" part of self that is able to interpret it correctly when you are under the "order of commencement."
Blossom: Well, I must say, that make me feel rather "off the planet."
The Federation of Light: That's because much of "you" fits with what is "off the planet."
Blossom: I find it difficult to stay on land (land). Suggestions?
The Federation of Light: Let yourself breathe.
Blossom: Always a good thing I think!
The Federation of Light: We mean a deeper meaning. Inspire deeply and exhale deeply again. As you do, you will be aware of the difference in this breath taking. There is a greater depth.
Blossom: Depth Superior? I love, because I understand that.
The Federation of Light: Everything we talked about is happening now. It's happening now. You feel you're tired of waiting. Yet there was none. Because every time changes occur within and around you. This higher energy we're talking about now merged with Your Being. You breathe. YOU become one with it. YOU become part of it. These changes are not insignificant. They are vast. There is nothing that can be done that might pass unnoticed changes. Some recognize it for what it is, others will consider it as just another disease. So, has such a speed that change takes place. Fleeting thoughts of mind many memories are released. The way forward can not be expressed when the attachments require attention. With every thought that comes this way, let it go. Relax all the things that affect you in some way. NOW is that you will find if you do, that thoughts will be deleted. Thoughts that no longer serve your spirit and begins to feel cleansed and renewed. There will be confusion when that particular change occurs. LET THE BE. Just LEAVE BE. Can we advise you, simply by accepting the process, so it will make it easier. It is programmed to work himself, if you allow him to do so. Do not question, let it.
Blossom: But we are human, we still have questions ... is not it??
The Federation of Light: Yet, we ask you to trust the process. This of course means that you need to TRUST. This is the key first. Trust yourself in the process. If you let go of fear ... If you KNOW it's the outpouring of the former, then it will be less tiring. By not asking questions, you find that there are fewer questions to ask. It is beneficial to all to go with the flow. Stop fighting within you. Accept. Accept Accept. What happens to you is necessary. If these changes do not instead, it would be very difficult for you to exist in the NEW WORLD. When you see things that way, does not help you there not to see how close you are? At which point everything has radically transformed?
Blossom: When you say radically ... How drastically?
The Federation of Light: Enough to shake your world.
Blossom: Mmm! That's what I thought ... and tell you a physical shock here?
The Federation of Light: Yes. And yet, we hope you recognize that this is part of the process. This is necessary for things to take their new position. NEW WORLD could not come into play if this does not occur.
Blossom: So I guess at this point, I would say that many may feel a little disturbed by this news. A physical shock. Of course, this could mean many things. Polar shift, earthquakes ... not exactly a joy ride to look forward.
The Federation of Light: And yet, we would say differently. You look at him with naivete. We are Knowledge of another angle. These are the very reasons that we offer this information we talked about earlier, so that in these times, there will be understanding. How you imagine''"things to happen may be completely different from how your mind chooses to collect at that time. Yet, when the transformations" stronger "will take place, YOU KNOW the Earth within you there is nothing to fear. May we express our difficulty to explain this? That is exactly what we were talking when we said that you would not be able to understand this''PRESENT''. Yet we say in all truth ... you understand. And yet we say ... should not be fearful.
Blossom: I'll take your word.
Another topic if I can? ... I do not know if you're aware of it or not, but many people write to me asking me to ask you to help them communicate with you. Many feel that you know they are individually. Some feel they can not yet they feel so strongly attracted to you and they feel so connected to you and you try to communicate with them, but they do not know how to control it. What advice would you give to these souls?
The Federation of Light: First, we would say that we are a family at all. There is no one, no one on earth who is not part of this HUGE FAMILY LOVE. It involves a lot of things when connecting through the sails. Yet the most important factor is the vibration of pure love. It is by allowing the heart to speak and not the head. The head can complicate things on an energetic level. Interference can easily be detected and may influence patterns of thought so that what was still a weak link is dispersed.
Blossom: Some people wonder why I am able to do it and not them. I tell them I have no idea! I mean how I can contact you easily? I know I have had health problems for years and circumstances have occurred etc. that were necessary for my body to adapt to power do what I do. I understand all that, but do you know exactly why me? Why else who can? How is that some can and some can not? Is this something that is predisposed before coming here? Has to do with our skills development once down here? What exactly?
The Federation of Light: All of these things. As with many questions ... there are many answers. In your case, yes, it has been previously advised.
Blossom: I thought you were going to say''prearranged''.
The Federation of Light: We have used the word "recommended" because of its interpretation. It was / is advisable for you to be our messenger, and yet, if you change your mind about this "arrangement" after "under pressure" Land of the density then this would of course be fully accepted as well.
Blossom: And obviously there would be others who had been "previously advised" too, if this scenario were to occur.
The Federation of Light: It is. Yet it seems at this stage that this will not be necessary.
Blossom: Well ... Is that now is a good time to talk salary ???!!! It's interesting and I'm sure many messengers feel the same, how they end up doing what they do. It was not exactly something that the agent career school has mentioned! Yet in the end ... I would not change it for the world. Even when the world changes!
The Federation of Light: And this will be a communication quite different. There will be a time coming when the vibration of the''earthly man "
Blossom: versus?
The Federation of Light: human non-terrestrial ... will have no difficulty in conversing with us. telepathic skills, skills teleport (?), skills that understanding rights, even at this final stage is impossible to understand, know the standard every day. That's why we ask you not to be disappointed if you fail to make us "hear". There is not one of you who can not we "feel" in your hearts. This is in itself a sign of how you exercise your involvement in this divine plan.
Blossom: It would be so nice if you could send us a DVD of what the future holds. We will surely surprised in our potential.
The Federation of Light: Yet it is not the potential. It would be transparent. That would be how it should be. The potential is what is awaiting what is to come out. It is your NOW. The DVD will show you at your best. In your capacity. When all remember who you are. Much of your science fiction as you well know, is not fiction at all. We said it before and we reiterate to you ... within each of you is the truth of who you are. Where could she be placed? The time is the Truth out of his sleep and stand for itself.
Blossom: Mmm! Will present itself to itself ... what does that really mean?
The Federation of Light: This means it must appear as it really is his soul which is in itself and can only be herself ... Truth.
Blossom: Should I ask? " That's all for now, is not it? Just at the right time,''I always feel''that last sentence when you give it. Well, since I do not think you were here tonight, we do not hurt done. We have not cracked the meaning of life itself or something like that, but we pondered as they say. Until next time ... Thank you very much my friends. With Laughter, Light Rays and Golden ... Me! xx
Translated by: Milna
Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild
http://folinjapan.blogspot.com/ - JAPANESE
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http://federationlight.blogspot.com - PORTUGUÊS
Original and Translation of the Galactic messages are available
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