And yet ... YOU KNOW that ... YOU ARE ... THE POWER.
ALL THINGS which are not light should disappear.
by Blossom Goodchild
The November 21, 2010
Blossom: Hi. Here I am. I wanted to put myself at your disposal. Do you have something to offer us powerful mortals?
The Federation of Light: We have our love and our wisdom. We will always give you our love. There is not a circumstance that will change that. We are one. You're it. So how could we not? We accept because we understand your reasoning more and more, there are difficulties in understanding your at times. There are times that we've learned to recognize when your souls feel very alone. This is indeed an unknown quantity for us. We who WE are ... This is who you are, everyone of you ... do not know the feeling. We KNOW that we are ONE with each other. In harmony with all things. So how can there be such a feeling in you? Unless you do not understand that YOU are part of the whole. YOU are part of everything!
Blossom: Well, for my part, I am conscious that we are a part of it all. All one. I KNOW that. I AGREE that, and yet, in any honesty, I still feel alone most of the time. I am blessed to have a wonderful family that supports me and friendship around me, but loneliness can be so strong at times. I log in and I find myself in a quiet when I meditate, but in everyday life there is always a desire in my soul. I think BE LOVE. I KNOW that is the answer to how we must go through harrowing times, I wonder if you could give "advice" on how the "BE" ALL THE TIME ... IN THIS UNIT.
The Federation of Light: And yet you do not see? YOU'RE IN IT ... ALL THE TIME. You can not not be there. Because you MAKE IT.
Blossom: So how can we recognize this in a fuller capacity? Other than to meditate all day which is simply not practical.
The Federation of Light: In accepting, the AWARE.
Blossom: I accept and I KNOW, but I'm not in this place full of LOVE and peace all the time. Far from it. How can we move to the next step? How can we get to be in this place?
The Federation of Light: Being truly yourself. Let us ask you something. This is not new for you, for any of you. To what extent have you improved over your way? Available? Your understanding? Your acceptance? Your loyalty to yourself? To what extent have you developed over your thoughts, possibilities that were once far from a reality that you might live? Think about it, our beloved. Watch how ... in such a short duration of your time ... you have merged and blended with the higher energies, and through this your transition undeniable took / will take place unless you go really account.
Blossom: Well, I can not say I did not quite noticed! But yes, when you say it like that, we all made great progress in ourselves.
The Federation of Light: And when your days be "spice", you will continue to do the same, but at a faster pace today. Therefore, your understanding of ALL these things and deepen further the LOVE that is your intention to be, will be allowed to speak through you. It is already you, you, in you. TAKE NOTICE also something to consider, U.S. ... where we are ... Vibration is a totally different from the earthly plane. Therefore, this love of BE ... everything there is a. If you were able to visit us in our environment you WILL him too, without worrying about having to try to be. Simply because of the BE. Frequency energy is one.
Blossom: Do you not invite me to spend the night then? It would be rude not to.
The Federation of Light: We smile at your words. For indeed "stay the night" is much more accurate than you might realize. As many of you know, when you sleep, you leave the density of the vibration Terrestrial and your soul becomes freely what you say you want to become.
Blossom: Pass the bottle of sleeping pills if you want? Just kidding with you. I know we are here to fulfill our destiny. Well, actually the fate of the human race! And when we say like that, it looks pretty big and important. And it is!
The Federation of Light: And you all do so well. The fact is that NOW is where everything will be discovered that you are able to understand WHY you are here. This is the importance of your knowledge is at the forefront of "who you are." That time is now, when you recognize the role for which you came here to play.
in your BE. This stirring in your soul, is just yourself, your truth that you speak of that time. This time you've waited for so long. Is now. You acknowledge that fact, and yet you allow your souls to be filled with confusion. IF you listen to your being, if you learn to understand what your heart tells you loud and clear, then you are able to follow the complete understanding of what you came here to do.
Blossom: The thing is I KNOW what you say, and with many things these days I'm able to know instinctively what resonates with me and what does not resonate. My question, if I may, is ... clearly things that the "low energy" of this planet have in their bag to deceive us, are not resonating with those of us who live in the Light, but we can not say they are a lie because it is obvious that some projects are underway for these lower energies retain control. So, you see what I ask? It is a truth, even if it does not resonate with where my being, although we know that focusing solely on the Light, what are these "pranksters" can not be ignored. And with the technology they have, if they decide to fool us by showing us things in the sky that are not yours, but yours looks like ... will be our hearts, our souls ... able to know that we are wrong?
The Federation of Light: We would say this to all of you who have this concern. The technological tools that exist on your Earth plane at this time, whether for good or evil, can not be compared to the technology that exists 'outside' of your planet Earth. It is like comparing toys with reality. With all due respect, do you think we are not aware of these plans which work on those who have lost their way? Dear lady, we do not underestimate your intelligence by any means, yet, can we insist on our full capacity, there are things going, which are well beyond the comprehension of the majority of those who are "aware" of your plan.
Blossom: Yes, I can accept that. And quite honestly, fortunately I'm not involved. I have enough trouble trying to understand everything that is brought to my attention. Yet I must ask, if your technology is as you say, and I do not doubt you / it, could you, once again, then explain why it was not possible for you to stop action that would have occurred if you had unveiled one of your mother ships October 14, 2008? What could be the lower energies of this planet that you were unable to detect and stop.
The Federation of Light: Life!
Blossom: Which means?
The Federation of Light: The most precious thing of all on your planet is Life itself. The most precious thing is everywhere Life itself. We will not negotiate nor will compromise with it in any way. As we said before, if we were to show as promised and planned, life on a larger scale imaginable, would have been lost on your planet and that we could not risk.
Blossom: But if you have the technology well beyond that of Earth, how could he have been a risk? That's what I do not.
The Federation of Light: Because even if we have the technology beyond your Earth plane, it does not mean we are able to participate in all / any topic. Because there is freedom of choice. It was decided it was best to cancel the mission at that time rather than having far-reaching consequences if we had taken the lead.
Blossom: Okay, but if it is not for you to act this way, how should it be different when "fake events" appear in the sky?
The Federation of Light: Because it's not a loss of many lives that have taken place around the event in October that we asked you to register. Can be put at ease many of your minds and your hearts?
Blossom: Yes, please, for all this, as you know, can become a little too much at times for us Earthlings!
The Federation of Light: Everything is going very well and according to plan. Do you think that when the plan of "Ascension" was implemented, we may not aware of the challenges around him? Do you think we might have overlooked the fact that there would be "less energy" to fight? Do you seriously, our dear, that this particular aspect may have escaped our attention for a moment?
Blossom: When you say it like that ... Of course not!
The Federation of Light: This should then give you more peace of mind, is not it? We are aware of this so-called "power" who thinks he controls your Earth. Yet it is an illusion. If you allow your mind to become a reality there is little we can do.
Do you think we would have missed some very important points because we were not concentrating? Wake up dear souls that you KNOW in your heart to be the Truth.
YOU ARE THE LIGHT. KNOW IT. YOU TAKE YOURSELF AND YOUR PLANET IN A brighter light. A KINGDOM OF LOVE AND ALL THAT WAS ONCE IN YOUR THOUGHTS ... JUST A Fairytale ... BE YOUR DREAM OF EVERY DAY. Because your dreams are your future today beginning. Earth you are creating this NEW WORLD going to be IT.
If the big bosses did not think that you could let us categorically state, you would not be on your Earth plane to create it. KNOW it as a fact. KNOW it as the TRUTH. So with all the Love, can I tell you ... get on the stage of your game by knowing who you are! If you do not fully know, so how can you fully Being?
Before you leave today, we aim to offer our encouragement, our honor, our joy, our respect and above all our love. IN ALL ... FOR ALL ... YOU ARE and YOU.
Blossom: As always, I speak for others as well when I you say "likewise"! Thank you SO much for the role you play. We are very grateful.
With Love and Thanks!
Translated by: Milna
Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild
http://folinjapan.blogspot.com/ - JAPANESE
http://flinfrench.blogspot.com/ -FRANÇAIS
http://flingerman.blogspot.com - DEUTSCH
http://folinchina.blogspot.com/ - CHINESE
http://flinspanish.blogspot.com - SPANISH
http://flindutch.blogspot.com – DUTCH
http://federationlight.blogspot.com - PORTUGUÊS
Original and Translation of the Galactic messages are available
http://peacelovelove. blogspot.com /
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