What we want above all in all this which is to come ... you KNOW YOU ARE THE LOVE.
You are the glory of LOVE. IT'S LOVE that will guide you through triumphantly, for there is nothing that can surpass it.
There is NOTHING that can defeat him. LOVE will bring you to your new place.
When you know within your being, then indeed it is a time to march forward.
a time to be who you came here to be. LOVE! ACKNOWLEDGE IT. Love is the answer to every question you might think to ask. Because love is in everything.
Nothing would or could exist if Love did not exist. For love is all that is and everything will be.
Message from the Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild
November 14, 2010
Blossom: Hello. Lately, I have 'evaluated my position on you, the role that I play, and where I stand in all this and why? Others seem to channel information policy, economic, etc., and you'd probably have recognized that to me would be like downloading Japanese geometric data to a small child. So I understand why we do not treat it ... I was wondering though ... Really, if you come to give us wisdom about ourselves and how to just BE love, what can you say? If we do not understand it now, then can we one day? I think we now know so much and it's just necessary to ensure that we are one ... LOVE, I mean.
The Federation of Light: Will you come to superfluous dear lady?
Blossom: Not at all.
The Federation of Light: So what would you talk?
Blossom: That's it. There must be a billion things that we could know, yet, where should we start? Bearing in mind that we talked about before that you can to advance the knowledge of what YOU think is best for us.
The Federation of Light: And this we did until now. We would not choose to "abandon ship" so close to shore. We traveled well together and our charters are telling us that we accomplished much in our plans for assistance. What Do YOU need Blossom?
Blossom: Oh! That's the point! I really do not know! I do not particularly want to stop our communication, not at all, but I think we might be able to change direction or another. Where are we going with this?
The Federation of Light: At Home.
Blossom: Well, we seem so far away .... Well, maybe so close and yet so far .... I can only speak for myself of course.
The Federation of Light: And that's why we ask you what YOU want?
Blossom: Okay. Something tangible. Something that will lift our spirits. Something tells us that "it's ok ... the ground crew we have not abandoned you. "We know you have not. We KNOW so many things now. Yet many of us are frustrated. We do our best to stay in our Truth. We play our role here, but we would somehow BOTTOM OF "HELLO PEOPLE you. I do not believe with all your technology you do not find to something that surprises, which does happen to a weather balloon. I know you can do something spectacular without raising an alarm, while allowing the world to see what you do reserve, and when you do this, not only that we will raise our souls, but it will raise the vibrations of the planet with a huge point on the Richter scale is not it?! It should not necessarily be your ships in the sky, but surely a spectacular demonstration of something out of this world could be ... something that will say "ooh" and "aahh"?
The Federation of Light: Dear Blossom, you do not understand.
Blossom: It's clear! In your wisdom ... I throw it ... right between my eyes!
The Federation of Light: First, we are preparing you on planet Earth for what is to come. If you're not ready for the next few days, so much planning can go wrong. It is imperative that everything is exactly in the position to be exactly the right "turn." And it is this "turning point" that you miss understand. We ask you, you who have chosen to be where you are ... to stand firm in your truth.
Blossom: We are, it's just that what may seem like a minute for you, is probably a month, even a year for us and therefore we have moments of feeling as if we are not getting anywhere fast.
The Federation of Light: And yet, your progress is immense. Many of you have continued the road when you feel you did not have the strength. You are right in the target. Everything is going as planned. Do you hear these words? Admit you? Because if you do not if you consider them words without meaning, there would be little sense that we continue.
Blossom: Yes I hear them. I SENSE. I KNOW to be truth in the Divine Plan. Yet we have heard for so long and even if you can say "Good. Everything is in order '... it still seems to many to a struggle that never ends.
Let me change my attitude agree !!!!??? ... OK ...
Hello my friends, ♫ "♫ Oh what a beautiful morning Oh what a beautiful day! ♫. well. We are so here, it's wonderful to see how we play our role so well and making progress so quickly. We are all grateful for the ongoing changes and even if it is a bit uncomfortable at times, we recognize them for what they are, and we do our best to keep in mind all that. How are you? What words of wisdom you want to convey?
The Federation of Light: We're still very good. We have no doubt about the positioning of what is happening and therefore there is nothing blocking our passage. We have chosen to 'chat' with you to sprinkle Blossom of Hope among your people. Here is rising because it is our choice to do so. We do not want to talk to you about things that "turn" to the politics / economics as it is not our desire. Indeed, as mentioned, this is the position of others and we each have our part in the comprehensive plan to fulfill.
Blossom: So what is on the menu today to discuss?
The Federation of Light: The discernment.
Blossom: Okay. But have not we talked about this?
The Federation of Light: Yes. Yet, we recognize that everyone has not noticed. It is imperative to listen to your heart, speaking to you FEEL ... Is what you said "TRUTH" or "lie"? Do this over ALL things. For those days when the dark hand, it is very likely that what is apparently viewed as the Truth to the masses ... is more than likely a lie. Much of what will happen in your days to come and talk about an imminent, will be given to those in power to "elucidate how" certain topics. Yet if you listen NOT WITH YOUR HEART, you will certainly be misled. It is for those who understand what is happening behind the scenes to stay in their strength and take positions of power. Truth is Truth. It can not be disguised. And yet, we tell you that when you recognize the collection of stories that are about to happen, you know instantly that the time we talked arrived.
Blossom: And yet, there does not disguise the truth that many.
The Federation of Light: And yet it works? Truth is Truth is Truth is Truth. Whatever effort is put into trying to make something seem to be what it is not ... she can not hide the fact that it is. These words have more meaning for you, when we are talking about is underway.
Blossom: And yet, with all due respect, why should we talk about what is never like this.? Why are you unable to say just what it is ... whatever? Suffice it to say "In the days to come this or that should happen."
Federation Light: Our response would be "we have very good reasons not to do it." The best plans do not stranded in the past the spanking in this way?
Blossom: Mmm! You have a point. I have not missed one!
The Federation of Light: Stay tuned, ladies. Many changes take place very soon (in your concept of time). And once the advertisements of a kind which will take you by surprise, are issued, there will be shared. There will be turmoil and confusion on a large scale. For what must be said must be caught and thrown to the wolves.
Blossom: Sorry, what do you mean by that exactly?
The Federation of Light: There will be versions of the truth announced. That's why we talk like we do. Ne 'absorb' not like the truth that you are led to believe the truth ... because it is not. They will be versions of it. In your world, you have a genuine article and then you have many "copies" of this article, disguised as the real thing and yet there will be something / somewhere in / on this article that reveals what it really is. .. a false ... and yet it can appear so real at first. Be careful! For everything you have prepared, all those moments when you feel useless and were heading slowly soon prove they were indeed very precious. Because it will happen soon when you NEED to practice your discernment the most of your abilities. You see now why once again we want to talk about this matter of "discernment"?
Blossom: Yes, I understand, and agree what you said, because while you give me these words I felt quite a sense of urgency about them. And interesting, because I felt we were perhaps talking about a more "political" because at first we said we will not do.
The Federation of Light: And yet, it seems necessary to state our case in this particular case is to come. It will not be one that will go unnoticed, for sure. It will not be the case if you have not had / seen the news that day that you will miss it because it will be released in the world and it will be the topic of conversation everywhere.
Blossom: I guess (and I know that you should never do) that you speak of "disclosure"?
The Federation of Light: Yet many "assume" that it will be a certain way and we say it is perhaps surprising in a way which will be delivered. And that's why we tell you to "listen to your truth." For Truth, for starters, will not be presented in a way that will benefit all.
Blossom: Oh my! And is it will eventually be corrected?
The Federation of Light: It depends on how many choose to be in their truth. Without doubt, it is more favorable that this could be easily corrected. Not that it can not be. BUT THE TRUTH IS .... THE TRUTH. And that's where many of you return to your own understanding. At this moment you know your goal in a way that you want. There will be a mixture of events both surveindront ...
Blossom: A melting pot of very strong!
The Federation of Light: And within it, each must discover for themselves the truth in their hearts. There will be many, many who jump on board to serve as a way they never imagined they could. You will be asked to assist other leaders towards the Light. The field work is finished ... training is over ... You allowed yourself to come so far for a reason. The best is yet to come.
What we want above all in all this is Upcoming ... you KNOW THAT YOU ARE IN LOVE. You are the glory of LOVE. IT'S LOVE that will guide you through triumphantly, for there is nothing that can surpass it. There is NOTHING that can defeat him. LOVE will bring you to your new place. When you know within your being, then indeed it is a time to march forward. A time to be who you came here to be. LOVE! ACKNOWLEDGE IT. Love is the answer to every question you might think to ask. Because love is in everything. Nothing would or could exist if love did not exist. For love is all that is and everything will be.
Blossom: Mmm! Well it was worth staying for, at some point I would abort the mission today. A change in attitude and recognition can do! See you soon if I can? In love and with gratitude.
Translated by: Milna
Blossom: Hello. Lately, I have 'evaluated my position on you, the role that I play, and where I stand in all this and why? Others seem to channel information policy, economic, etc., and you'd probably have recognized that to me would be like downloading Japanese geometric data to a small child. So I understand why we do not treat it ... I was wondering though ... Really, if you come to give us wisdom about ourselves and how to just BE love, what can you say? If we do not understand it now, then can we one day? I think we now know so much and it's just necessary to ensure that we are one ... LOVE, I mean.
The Federation of Light: Will you come to superfluous dear lady?
Blossom: Not at all.
The Federation of Light: So what would you talk?
Blossom: That's it. There must be a billion things that we could know, yet, where should we start? Bearing in mind that we talked about before that you can to advance the knowledge of what YOU think is best for us.
The Federation of Light: And this we did until now. We would not choose to "abandon ship" so close to shore. We traveled well together and our charters are telling us that we accomplished much in our plans for assistance. What Do YOU need Blossom?
Blossom: Oh! That's the point! I really do not know! I do not particularly want to stop our communication, not at all, but I think we might be able to change direction or another. Where are we going with this?
The Federation of Light: At Home.
Blossom: Well, we seem so far away .... Well, maybe so close and yet so far .... I can only speak for myself of course.
The Federation of Light: And that's why we ask you what YOU want?
Blossom: Okay. Something tangible. Something that will lift our spirits. Something tells us that "it's ok ... the ground crew we have not abandoned you. "We know you have not. We KNOW so many things now. Yet many of us are frustrated. We do our best to stay in our Truth. We play our role here, but we would somehow BOTTOM OF "HELLO PEOPLE you. I do not believe with all your technology you do not find to something that surprises, which does happen to a weather balloon. I know you can do something spectacular without raising an alarm, while allowing the world to see what you do reserve, and when you do this, not only that we will raise our souls, but it will raise the vibrations of the planet with a huge point on the Richter scale is not it?! It should not necessarily be your ships in the sky, but surely a spectacular demonstration of something out of this world could be ... something that will say "ooh" and "aahh"?
The Federation of Light: Dear Blossom, you do not understand.
Blossom: It's clear! In your wisdom ... I throw it ... right between my eyes!
The Federation of Light: First, we are preparing you on planet Earth for what is to come. If you're not ready for the next few days, so much planning can go wrong. It is imperative that everything is exactly in the position to be exactly the right "turn." And it is this "turning point" that you miss understand. We ask you, you who have chosen to be where you are ... to stand firm in your truth.
Blossom: We are, it's just that what may seem like a minute for you, is probably a month, even a year for us and therefore we have moments of feeling as if we are not getting anywhere fast.
The Federation of Light: And yet, your progress is immense. Many of you have continued the road when you feel you did not have the strength. You are right in the target. Everything is going as planned. Do you hear these words? Admit you? Because if you do not if you consider them words without meaning, there would be little sense that we continue.
Blossom: Yes I hear them. I SENSE. I KNOW to be truth in the Divine Plan. Yet we have heard for so long and even if you can say "Good. Everything is in order '... it still seems to many to a struggle that never ends.
Let me change my attitude agree !!!!??? ... OK ...
Hello my friends, ♫ "♫ Oh what a beautiful morning Oh what a beautiful day! ♫. well. We are so here, it's wonderful to see how we play our role so well and making progress so quickly. We are all grateful for the ongoing changes and even if it is a bit uncomfortable at times, we recognize them for what they are, and we do our best to keep in mind all that. How are you? What words of wisdom you want to convey?
The Federation of Light: We're still very good. We have no doubt about the positioning of what is happening and therefore there is nothing blocking our passage. We have chosen to 'chat' with you to sprinkle Blossom of Hope among your people. Here is rising because it is our choice to do so. We do not want to talk to you about things that "turn" to the politics / economics as it is not our desire. Indeed, as mentioned, this is the position of others and we each have our part in the comprehensive plan to fulfill.
Blossom: So what is on the menu today to discuss?
The Federation of Light: The discernment.
Blossom: Okay. But have not we talked about this?
The Federation of Light: Yes. Yet, we recognize that everyone has not noticed. It is imperative to listen to your heart, speaking to you FEEL ... Is what you said "TRUTH" or "lie"? Do this over ALL things. For those days when the dark hand, it is very likely that what is apparently viewed as the Truth to the masses ... is more than likely a lie. Much of what will happen in your days to come and talk about an imminent, will be given to those in power to "elucidate how" certain topics. Yet if you listen NOT WITH YOUR HEART, you will certainly be misled. It is for those who understand what is happening behind the scenes to stay in their strength and take positions of power. Truth is Truth. It can not be disguised. And yet, we tell you that when you recognize the collection of stories that are about to happen, you know instantly that the time we talked arrived.
Blossom: And yet, there does not disguise the truth that many.
The Federation of Light: And yet it works? Truth is Truth is Truth is Truth. Whatever effort is put into trying to make something seem to be what it is not ... she can not hide the fact that it is. These words have more meaning for you, when we are talking about is underway.
Blossom: And yet, with all due respect, why should we talk about what is never like this.? Why are you unable to say just what it is ... whatever? Suffice it to say "In the days to come this or that should happen."
Federation Light: Our response would be "we have very good reasons not to do it." The best plans do not stranded in the past the spanking in this way?
Blossom: Mmm! You have a point. I have not missed one!
The Federation of Light: Stay tuned, ladies. Many changes take place very soon (in your concept of time). And once the advertisements of a kind which will take you by surprise, are issued, there will be shared. There will be turmoil and confusion on a large scale. For what must be said must be caught and thrown to the wolves.
Blossom: Sorry, what do you mean by that exactly?
The Federation of Light: There will be versions of the truth announced. That's why we talk like we do. Ne 'absorb' not like the truth that you are led to believe the truth ... because it is not. They will be versions of it. In your world, you have a genuine article and then you have many "copies" of this article, disguised as the real thing and yet there will be something / somewhere in / on this article that reveals what it really is. .. a false ... and yet it can appear so real at first. Be careful! For everything you have prepared, all those moments when you feel useless and were heading slowly soon prove they were indeed very precious. Because it will happen soon when you NEED to practice your discernment the most of your abilities. You see now why once again we want to talk about this matter of "discernment"?
Blossom: Yes, I understand, and agree what you said, because while you give me these words I felt quite a sense of urgency about them. And interesting, because I felt we were perhaps talking about a more "political" because at first we said we will not do.
The Federation of Light: And yet, it seems necessary to state our case in this particular case is to come. It will not be one that will go unnoticed, for sure. It will not be the case if you have not had / seen the news that day that you will miss it because it will be released in the world and it will be the topic of conversation everywhere.
Blossom: I guess (and I know that you should never do) that you speak of "disclosure"?
The Federation of Light: Yet many "assume" that it will be a certain way and we say it is perhaps surprising in a way which will be delivered. And that's why we tell you to "listen to your truth." For Truth, for starters, will not be presented in a way that will benefit all.
Blossom: Oh my! And is it will eventually be corrected?
The Federation of Light: It depends on how many choose to be in their truth. Without doubt, it is more favorable that this could be easily corrected. Not that it can not be. BUT THE TRUTH IS .... THE TRUTH. And that's where many of you return to your own understanding. At this moment you know your goal in a way that you want. There will be a mixture of events both surveindront ...
Blossom: A melting pot of very strong!
The Federation of Light: And within it, each must discover for themselves the truth in their hearts. There will be many, many who jump on board to serve as a way they never imagined they could. You will be asked to assist other leaders towards the Light. The field work is finished ... training is over ... You allowed yourself to come so far for a reason. The best is yet to come.
What we want above all in all this is Upcoming ... you KNOW THAT YOU ARE IN LOVE. You are the glory of LOVE. IT'S LOVE that will guide you through triumphantly, for there is nothing that can surpass it. There is NOTHING that can defeat him. LOVE will bring you to your new place. When you know within your being, then indeed it is a time to march forward. A time to be who you came here to be. LOVE! ACKNOWLEDGE IT. Love is the answer to every question you might think to ask. Because love is in everything. Nothing would or could exist if love did not exist. For love is all that is and everything will be.
Blossom: Mmm! Well it was worth staying for, at some point I would abort the mission today. A change in attitude and recognition can do! See you soon if I can? In love and with gratitude.
Translated by: Milna
Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild
http://folinjapan.blogspot.com/ - JAPANESE
http://flinfrench.blogspot.com/ -FRANÇAIS
http://flingerman.blogspot.com - DEUTSCH
http://folinchina.blogspot.com/ - CHINESE
http://flinspanish.blogspot.com - SPANISH
http://flindutch.blogspot.com – DUTCH
http://federationlight.blogspot.com - PORTUGUÊS
Original and Translation of the Galactic messages are available
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